HoF update [11-26-02]

Date: 07/12/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

I'm a long way from having all the currently nominated posts on the site, but here's a little something to hold you over. In this update...

•Blinker looks at Sliders like Sliders fans look at Lexx, tells us how S3 promoted family values, releases an Earth 69 video, announces the Sliders virtual soundtrack, and takes a look at beginning text.

•Brand_S shows us what Big Brother would look like if done with bboard members.

•Callie21V reminds us just how closely Executive watched "The Seer" and proves that Exec isn't just an idiot on our board.

•Chaser9 shows us that the Dominion is even worse on other worlds.

•CoolSlider starts a "Who's Who" thread.

•danbagel leaves the board, prompting a now-famous reply from Executive.

•DMD gives his theory on why advancing the timer is a bad thing and reviews the ABCs of Sliders.

•PVT announces its Season 6.

•Recall317 presents Earth 10153, sticks up for "As Time Goes By," searches for the most obscure Sliders episode, names the top 10 items Tf hasn't yet found, skewers "Revelations," answers the question, "What if David Peckinpah had succeeded in getting rid of John Rhys-Davies and Tracy Tormé earlier in Season Three," and introduces T4: Earth 8950.

•Real_Slider brings us an episode of "Politically Inept".

•SL4ever premieres his new website, MST's "The Seer," and announces Sliders: The Roleplaying Game

•SpaceTime points out the similarities between an episode of Enterprise and events from Sliders.

•ThomasMalthus discovers Buffy, and presents his fanfic, "Slidetopia."

•Vigeant presents 'Chasers,' a.k.a., "'Sliders' on CRACK."

•Vortex62 brings captioning to Earth62.

•Post parties from the pilot's 5th Anniversary and the second coming of the 2000th post.

•A ton of Blinker's rerun games.

•Some updated birthdays, with supporting posts.

Thanks to TemporalFlux and Blinker for nominating posts. Special thanks to Blinker for coding the post parties!

I've still got posts nominated by Blinker, ThomasMalthus and BuckeyeSlider to put on the site, so look for those in the next update. To nominate a post, simply e-mail the URL (and preferably a reason why the post should be in the HoF) to dmd@slidersweb.net.



Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4065554


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