The BIG Annoucement (all read)

Date: 02/04/2000
From: Chaser9

You've been waiting, here it is.

Remember a few months ago, when SpaceTime said Tf, Qball,
Blink and others were in on a huge conspiracy?

Well, THIS time, we are!

Blinker, TF, QBall, Mychnad, Slider_Sarah, sleepingtiger and myself have been planning for weeks . . .

Sliders isn't dead my friends . . . not by a long shot.

I was approached by Phoenix Virtual Televison and asked to put together a staff to continue the adventures of our favorite Sliders that will be a part of that site (

For all intents and purposes folks, this IS season 6. Believe me we have the season completely mapped and you will be surprised.

But you're asking yourself, "There are so many Virtual Season 6 that will be coming out, why should we read yours?"

Answer: One, look at the writng staff I've assembled. The brightest of the boards. Some of the best writers I've ever met and quite possibly the biggest Sliders fans of all time.

Secondly, our premiere is tomorrow! That's right, no need to go into withdrawls! Tomorrow, Saturday Febuary 5, 2000 sees the season six premiere of sliders . . . "Resolutions pt.1" And these eps are weekly boys and girls!

I promise if you are a true fan you will not be disappointed with what we're doing.

So, prepare yourselves a new era of Sliders greatness.
Starting tomorrow.

Head Writer Sliders V6
Check it out at

BTW, we are preparing a banner for our site, if you might be interested in displaying it on your site please let us know. Thanks!


Date: 02/04/2000
From: humaggs

Actually after the seer is shown I was going to post and say that we could get a few people together and make our own season 6. I heard other people doing it with a different show on ZDTV's Internet Tonight. Thanks for telling us!

I am interested in your banner >>

Date: 02/04/2000
From: Sheridan220

I'll place it up on my site. Also will there be any loglines for any of these episodes ?

Send info to:


Sliders: AWB -

2 cool

Date: 02/04/2000
From: HunterD_Raven

I don't write near as much as i used too so it will be nice to see your & the gans S6. (Specially since you where about the only person who read my stuff :)

cool 3 <end>

Date: 02/04/2000
From: slider409


sorry, but I don't do Virtual stuff...

Date: 02/05/2000
From: ElectricPeterTork

If it ain't on the screen, it ain't sliders. Just fan fiction.
And I hate Fan Fiction.

Good Luck, and so on.

You're an ass, EPT

Date: 02/05/2000
From: Real_Slider


Why did you reply to this thread other than to discourage a person and hurt their feelings? Why is it that your kind always has to stir up trouble on the board for no apparent reason? Please, somebody fill me in, because I haven't a clue.


I said "Good Luck"!!!

Date: 02/05/2000
From: ElectricPeterTork

Real Slider, bite me.

I stated my feelings about Fan Fiction. The end. I wished them good luck, because even though i may not be resding it, I hope they do well.

Does that sound like I was trying to discourage anyone or hurt their feelings? No, I was just stating a preference. I didn't make a single remark about the people involved, or their writing. For the record, TF, Chaser, QBall, and the gang are pretty damn good. I know because of what I've seen from Various story games, and TF's website.

So Real_Slider, it's not "my kind" that make trouble, it's your kind...the kind who come along and misinterpret people's statements, who twist their words around and call people "an ass" for stating a preference and wishing the people involved luck on their venture.

So, Real_Slider, you illiterate fuck, learn to keep your mouth shut when you don't know what you are talking about. You know what they say..."Tis better to keep one's mouth shut and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt".
It would do you well to remember that.


Read this>>>

Date: 02/05/2000
From: Real_Slider

"If it ain't on the screen, it ain't sliders. Just fan fiction.
And I hate Fan Fiction."

What exactly WAS your purpose in saying that? I think any literate person could read that. That was an attack on his work. You basically said that you hated Chaser9's work. And then you said "Good luck and so on...". That sounded really sincere after you completely trashed Chaser's work without even READING it!

Sorry Tork, but you aren't going to justify this. Your reply was uncalled for.


Just in case you didn't understand...

Date: 02/05/2000
From: Real_Slider

Here is an explanation of my previous reply. I'll keep it simple for your benefit, Tork.

A simple syllogism....
Chaser9's work is fan fiction.
ElectricPeterTork hates fan fiction.
Electric Peter Tork hates Chaser9's work.

You made a blatant attack. I'm not twisting anything. Just going by what you said:

"If it ain't on the screen, it ain't sliders. Just fan fiction. And I hate Fan Fiction."

I guess you'd say the same thing about a lost script that would happen to surface. You would have to say the same about "Heat of the Moment" by Tracy Torme. It ain't on the screen, so it must not be Sliders. Just fan fiction written by the *creator* of the show. But since it's fan fiction, you couldn't possibly like it. In fact, you already hate it. Isn't that right?


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Nominated by EustiSlider


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