Author Topic:   The Way it Wuz...
posted March 15, 2000 07:30 PM            
(Note: I didn't finish this YET so please bear with me! I am going to go further with the test thingie)

In the all too far away past..
some where in page 11..
There was this guy named Vigeant
who had alot of free time
he started to bother a Dominioner
a guy who is much busier
he wanted him to do a rhyme for him
but he shoved him into a rocket and shot him into space..

Blink:"I will send him weird postings
the most confusing I can find! LALALA!
he'll have to sit and read them all while they boggle his mind! LALALA!"
Now keep in mind Vig can't control when the postings begin or end.. Because that's the moderator's job so lets get to Vig's Bboard friends...
Echos:"He he he"
Hunter:"I hate the 'OC's"
If you're wondering how Vig eats and sleeps because of all his posts,just repeat to yourself he has no life so I should really just relax!
FOR THE WAY IT WUZ on this Bboard...

<Picture of the Satellite of Love>
<Shot of inside>
<Vigeant sits feverously typing into a keyboard>
"Oh hi! And welcome to the Satellite of Love, a very busy and sometimes great place. <Crow T. Echos and Joeyjojo walk in>
Crow: And you forget to introduce US?!?!?!
Crow:I am Crow T. Echos..
JJJ:I am Joeyjojo Billybob...umm forget it.
Crow:We also live on the Satellite with Vig and you had better not forget it!!
Vig:Okay, let's get started then...
Crow:Ummmm... well, TRE isn't around anymore, not that many brainless posts around here..
Vig:Well, you two seem kinda upset how about.... We start our own party! Echos style!
<a few hours later>
<Vig is in a large red hat, Crow is in a ape man costume and Joeyjojo is dressed as an ASCII character>
Vig:I don't feel anymore festive..
JJJ:Let's look at the board..

<note I edited these cuz I am doing the posts from memory and I am cutting through em...>
<Vig, Crow, and JJJ walk into a theatre>
This is just a test.
<V:And that's supposed to keep me from being scared?!?!>
Yeontoo: You want a test?
<Crow:NO! NO! NO!>
Here are some of the easiest I could find.
<JJJ:Out of the Mensa book for people>
<Walk out of theatre>
<Vig is standing in front of camera>
Hi everyone, and now a test...
Vig:What is the square root of my weight divided by Yeontoo's age multiplied by five?
<The two guys run out and jump out of the window>
Vig:I never noticed that window... oh well..

Tommorow, Vig and his friends VS the party...

NOTE: I did ask Blink about this he is okay with it...

New Member
posted March 15, 2000 08:50 PM            
Yeah baby! |n/t|

Oh wait, there's no such thing as an n/t post here. My bad! 7:-P

Woooooooooo Hoooo!!! Keep it up!!!

- Blinker 7:-P |

"They start out loving you, sure, but then you start having editions without a single reply after hours of thought, and you shoot yourself in the kneecap, and can never walk again, and have to survive on your own vomit because you can't walk to the fridge, and then rats invade your house and you have to share your vomit, and you die of starvation and are eaten by your own parents. That's what it does to you...more or less." -- TheCambot on TWIW authoring, @

posted March 15, 2000 09:56 PM            
Vigeant, you must be one of the most, if not THE most interesting person I have met. You crack me up!


He he he

posted March 16, 2000 07:30 AM            
says it all!!

posted March 16, 2000 07:23 PM            
Dear Vigeant,

Love it! Please finish it, and today is a new day too... where is todays?
