about the "Beret War" (please read)
Date: 2/19/99
From: ThomasMalthus
This is for the leaders of the "BFA" and "ABL"
(who I think are Slider_Sarah and QBall79, respectively). Please respond.
1. Is this a joke? Or a real board war? Or something in between?
2. Why did this start? Why does it continue?
3. How can it end?
End the Beret War!

not the leader!!
Date: 2/19/99
From: Slider_Sarah
The BFA leader is 1013shan. I'm just a follower although I did adapt
the words for the BFA song. QBall79 is now leader since BritSlider has
to go.
1) Something in between.
2) Don't ask. Because it's a laugh and a matter of principle.
3) No idea. That's like asking how to stop the troubles in NI.
Berets for all!
"We're here. Then again, maybe we're not."
Slider_Sarah (she of the powder blue beret with anti-nuclear symbol)

Date: 2/19/99
From: Mychand
No, it's not a real board war. It's kind of a battle of the sexes sort
of thing done in fun. It's all pretty much a joke. It's just a very
looooooog running joke for now. I remember how it started but I sure
don't know how it got this far. I don't see it ending any time soon.
Why end it when we are having fun? Don't worry, I'm sure things will
get back to normal when we get the new eps and the season 1-3 eps.
1013shan is our leader since she kept this beret thing going long past
the first mention of it by Exec. Poor QBall79 got roped in when he asked
what was up with the berets.
Mychand "Amethyst Beret"

The Berets!!!
Date: 2/19/99
From: QBall79
How much longer will the BFA radicals force people to live under an
oppressive communistic system, where men are beaten mercilessly with
towels and forced to wear berets over more than one part of their body?
They ARE forced, you know. It may appear as if they have a choice, but
according to one of our sources, those taken captive are brainwashed
into believing they can not live without berets, and that berets are
the only item of clothing they need. They have to be stopped...and I
have to stop them.

Date: 2/19/99
From: spaz119
I'm really in it for the "men-in-towels" thing (I'm a little
frustrated Tom).....
I hope we're still friends

with you spaz119! [end]
Date: 2/19/99
From: Boof

new episodes end the beret war ?
Date: 2/19/99
From: Slider142
The suspense builds as news rolls in about the March episodes of Sliders
in the US and reruns of Seasons 1-3...Is a treatise on the drawing board
? :-)
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