in berets (secret meeting)
Date: 2/20/99
From: 1013shan
Hello all girley girls :)
I'm thrilled to see that you have all been so fervishly waging "out
and out war" against the silly naked-headed menfolk (what they
don't realize is that once they go bald they'll be BEGGING for a beret
to wear and maybe then we won't give them one!! We'll see..)
Anywhoo anyhow..I've decided upon our next strategic move...We shall
on the count of three -- all twirl around like Mary Tyler Moore and
throw our berets up in the air while I yell, "WE'RE GONNA MAKE
IT AFTER ALL DA DA DA DA..DA!!!". This little display will confuse
and befuddle the ABL (it also has the benefit of making us all feel
a little dizzy and buzzed - what can be the harm of that?) Then we will
catch our berets, replace them on our heads and scatter away..leaving
the men very, very confused and off guard...once they think we are not
formidable enemies...we will make our real move. Soon they'll all be
wearing towels...Also, each man's towel should match your particular
beret color -- so off to the mall ladies!! :)
Since BS is our of the picture (even temporarily) I thinks its time
for a real power play.....what say you ladies???
PS Boofie!!! good to see you back!!!

Date: 2/20/99
From: 1013shan
spaz119 - you count to three when were all ready...Mychand, put a spin
on this so that the men think its really a great thing to do (we are
slowly conditioning them to do the same with their towels) Slider_Sarah
you're on recon...FIND JOC!!! a general idea of his whereabouts will
do and of course, HTZ pick out a man we can brainwash to come to our
side. Everyone else..stand by for the countdown!!!!

have YOU been?
Date: 2/21/99
From: spaz119
This leaving me in charge of the BFA crap didn't work!! I found out
with some soul searching I was in it only for the "men in towels"
(sorry, but I AM weak when it comes to this). I've been playing nice
with SL4ever and Jaguar71. My beret is on the nightstand
and I had the O'Connells over for a few days (you MISSED my evil trashy
This is all your fault. I JUST wanted to man the "towel torture
room" and convert these hatless men to my towel whims, but no,
you left. I had to fight off the evil Hurrikain who brought along SL4ever
and it wasn't pretty. Personally, I don't know why I came in here to
post. My shame is too great. I think I can lure SL4ever with a friendship
towel though we
got caught by Grim_Reaper snapping towels at each other's posteriors.
GR had SOMETHING to say about that (I won't repeat it because I'm too
much of a lady).
Please forgive me....spaz has needs....spaz is going
for some more towels....

Date: 2/21/99
From: 1013shan
I've been in hiding of course... besides your doing a great job..oh
and by the way..I caught EVERYTHING that's been going on and i must
say..good job!! I play nicey nice with Britslider all the time (it's
my way of getting him to do what I want! :) We women have to use everyhting
that we can..but for goodness sake...put the damn beret back on!!!!!
Later tater

Date: 2/21/99
From: SL4ever
I see how it is! Start some :-# and then head for the hills! Couldn't
stand the heat, huh? (And boy has it been hot! Whew! I had to drag an
oxygen tank up next to the computer!)
I never would have believed that 1013shan would run from a big sweaty
brawl between a dozen men and women all piled together with towels and
berets flying everywhere- ....
Oh, wait a minute, that was my dream last night, not what was happening
here. Never mind.
Welcome back, war-slacker!
Oh, and spaz, next time would you mind not pre-wetting the towel before
you snap it?

Date: 2/21/99
From: spaz119
So 1013 shan, you're like "Big Sister" or something.You read
All my naughty posts and saw how I caved? It really started with the
Hurrikain = JOC / SL4ver = COC deal
(though Sl4ever wouldn't run while I was looking) and
it became to distracting to see if it was true. I hate to admit it but,
I feel somewhat more free without my beret on. I still like them on
the men in leiu of a towel, but I think I'm (as I stated) "Throwing
in the towel" (more shame)
SL4ever...sorry..I hope it didn't leave a mark, but the wet towel does
make a more satisfying snap- on-
flesh sound. Was that a pin I just felt?

Date: 2/21/99
From: 1013shan
so, you're throwing in the beret? no problemo.. besides I see that you've
got some of the men rounded up anyway good job.. <whispering>
I had a plan to put an end to this once and for all - since you've eliminated
SL4ever and Jag71 - you've made a good start> Good luck in your fast
paced, towel snapping, highly psychotic adventures:)
I hope the new eps get here soon ....

Date: 2/22/99
From: Boof
First of all SL4ever, when the towels are wet, well, lets just says,
you can see better. That is if they are the correct kind of towel. Shan,
I think it's a great plan. Let us know when the countdown is. We'll
get those men!

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