about Beret Wars? Date: 3/2/99
From: Sliderblake
What happened to the Beret Wars? Please respond. Can anybody tell me?
Date: 3/2/99
From: rooboy
Asking could just start them up again.
rooboy Date: 3/2/99
From: Mychand
Nah, we threw in the towel (sorry Spaz). Actually our fearless leaders
abandoned us for vacations. Don't worry, I think the beret war is over
for good. It was pretty fun while it lasted but I guess we were ready
to get back to Sliders since we are slowly getting more to discuss.
But, BritSlider may need to update his history lesson to tell us how
it all ended. LOL
Mychand :o)
is quiet on the Beret Front Date: 3/5/99
From: HotelTwilightZone
For right now, that is. All the players are still around, you never
know what may be around the next corner. That big What If scenario still
looms in the air.