Addedum:Beret Wars (or Merc War) |
From: Yeontoo
Matty the Teddy Bear
Zack the Kitten's
Most Excellent Adventure
~~The LoB
"...It had been a long day." The end.
The Group Share Circle was still in session as Yeontoo finished
reading the book's first draft. "Interesting name for your
fiction" Yeontoo said, trying not to laugh. Turning, she
set it on the table behind her.
Matty and Zack were shyly standing in the middle of the circle,
shuffling their feet side to side, blushing, and constantly
checking their pocket protectors in their misbuttoned shirts.
Zack's black horn rimmed black glasses slipped down his nose
every so often, while Matty kept wiping his nose on his shirt.
JorgeCis, Mychand, Eustislider, and Qball79 were giggling behind
their hands nervously, such language.
Vance454 and Brand-S were punching each other in the arm, laughing
over the thought of any of them ever touching that yucky devil's
SliderSarah and Lolita were blushing a bright purple (all those
non marital relations were a bit graphic for their tastes).
BritSlider and Sabre-Edge were clapping uncertainly, hoping
they wouldn't be called on to help with the editing.
" Ms Yeontoo?" Matty asked in a nasally voice, kicking
the back of his left shoe with the toe of his right, "What
opinion have you coined for our manuscript? Isn't it totally,
like, well constructed?"
Zack couldn't stand the criticism he expected, and lost continence
as soon as Yeontoo cleared her throat.
"Aw Zacky. Couldn't you hold it?" Matty whined, his
fingers running thru his Alfalfa styled hair.
"I tried Matty. I really really really really really really
tried" Zacky began crying. He looked down at his high waters
at the fresh spot on the front.
DieselMickeyDolenz furiously wrote some stuff on a napkin, and
waved it in the air. Brand_S read it aloud, and handed it to
Y, who put it in the back of the book.
Tigs muttered, "Ew, guys, be quiet. This manuscript needs
some work, but I think you can make it quite readable if you
Chaser9 shook his head. "Its not believable. There aint
no way we'd be a-war-ing! Over berets no less. Why would anyone,
in their right minds, ever want to wear ugly berets? I'm telling
you, you may as well throw that garbage away!"
"Chaser! For shame!" Mychand chided. "You just
didn't like being named a Benedict Arnold. No reason to make
them cry more!" Mychand adjusted her favorite beret on
her head.
"It wasn't that at all! Qball79, BritSlider, back me up
here. Isn't it just plain foolishness about the beret part of
Matty and Zack's story" Chaser turned tight-lipped. The
guys asked nodded their affirmative. "SEE!" Chaser
stuck out his tongue.
"I kinda liked being on the A-Team thing" Jorge said,
trying to be helpful without hurting Matty's feelings. They
were so sensitive to those things.
"Yeah, me too. Airwolf is SO Cool!" SE exclaimed loudy.
As Matty preened over the compliment, SE went on, "Only,
why... nah, I don't want to know" SE shuddered.
"Guys, It was ...interesting. Why did you feel compelled
to use the names of people you know?" Yeontoo calmly asked
the hysterical nerds, taking the script back into her hands
and flipping thru the pages.
Mychand, Sleepingtiger, and SliderSarah jumped up in their seats,
and started extolling the virtues of beret wear.
BritSlider, Qball79, and Chaser9 jumped up in their seats, and
started extolling the virtues of non-beret wear.
Eustislider knocked the napping Nobuyuki out of his chair, pointing,"Man,
look! They are standing in their chairs, arguing over hats"
"Hats? HATS?!?!" Matty and Zack yelled in unison,
spit coming from their mouths accidentally. "Not just hats!
Sabre-Edge walked over and took the manuscript from Yeontoo's
hands. "May I?"
Yeontoo nodded, absently.
SE he-manned impressioned like he was about to tear the script
in half, then he laughed at the expression on everyone's face.
Then laid it back on the table behind Yeontoo.
Dellyone and Matty both tried to grab it from the table at the
same time. Somehow Matty knocked over the Red Koolaid jug, spilling
the contents all over the manuscript, soaking it thru and thru.
Matty sat down and cried, while Zack ran to the bathroom vainly.
Dellyone tapped Yeontoo on the arm, "Hey Y! Looks like
they are fixing to fight over whether or not to wear a hat."
Mychand, Britslider, Sleeper, Qball79, SliderSarah, and Chaser9
all turned to dellyone at the same time, "BERETS!"

LOL, so it ends!
Nice wrap up Y |
From: Sabre_Edge
And in this one I don't end up with Mr. Belvedeare,
or wrap myself in Charmin quilted, or get my intestines handed
to me :) Good job Y. I'm sure Teddy-bear and Kitten will love
So when do we meet again to read another manuscript? I'll leave
the pitcher of Kool-Aid home next time ;)
...and this ends the BWII story :)

Here's the deal. |
From: dellyone
Mychand, Britslider, Sleeper, Qball79, SliderSarah,
and Chaser9 all turned to dellyone at the same time, "BERETS!"
dellyone smiled wickedly at them. "I'll tell you what.
I'll wear the beret if anyone can tell me what happened in the
ending for my story. If you can convince me of what you think
happened then I'll wear it. If not, then no way."
All agreed. Sabre_Edge and Yeontoo were extremely anxious to
see how dellyone wrote Group X back to life. They had a feeling
that she would do it in a lame way like bringing in doubles.
"Where's your story?" asked Yeontoo.
"Let me go back home and I'll bring it back," she
said as she got up. "By the way make sure the beret is
sky blue with an R on it or else I won't wear even if you can
convince me your interpretation is the correct one."
"Okay," all said in unison.
After she left the room, everyone was making bets as to whether
or not she would wear the beret. Now they had to wait.

From: darkslider
Yeontoo.....I like you, I do.....but once again:
You DIED. Your faction is as done as Kari Whurer's singing career.
And let's face it, you swear more than a sailor and..... SWEET

This is a beautiful
piece of work!! |
From: Tigs
Love Matty and Zacky. Love the manuscript idea...there's
always a good idea somewhere (if you dig enough).
Thanks so much for the laugh out loud factor on this one.

Here's my manuscript |
From: dellyone
dellyone returned with her manuscript and slammed
it on the table, waking everyone up. The sky blue beret with
an R she had requested was in the center of the table.
"About time," all of them grumbled.
"Well it took longer than I expected since I had to revamp
it completely," a smiling dellyone replied.
"So you brought back Group X life? Impossible we made sure
of that," said Matt as he lifted his head off the table.
"Better not be with doubles," a yawning Sabre_Edge
A drowsy Yeontoo added, "Or clones. Got to be clones."
DieselMickeyDolenz said, "I bet you just ignored the last
Beret War posts. That's the only way you can bring them back
from the dead."
Zack added, "dellyone is dead. PoliteSliderFan is dead.
Group X is dead. They're all dead and there's no way you can
bring them back."
Mychand, Britslider, Sleeper, Qball79, Slider_Sarah, and Chaser9
yelled "BERETS!" once again while pointing to the
center of the table.
"Did I die in your story?" asked EustiSlider, Brand
S, JorgeCis, Vance454, and Lolita in unison.
dellyone looked at all of them. "Well either you read it
or I'm taking it with me and you'll never know. Will you?"
"Okay. We'll read it," they all said.
dellyone smiled and fingered through the manuscript. She ripped
out the last page swiftly, folded it and put it in her pocket
for safekeeping.
"What was that?" queried all as they watched her.
dellyone smiled evilly at them. "That was my notes explaining
my story."
"I hate it when she does that," exclaimed Brand S,
Yeontoo and Sabre_Edge.
"You're evil, twisted dellyone aren't you?" inquired
sleepingtiger. "You did it again?"
"Um... what?" asked an innocent-smiling dellyone.
"I don't know what you are talking about." dellyone
pointed Sabre_Edge. “He’s evil and twisted.”
“Me?” he gasped as he leaned forward.
“Yeah. Write a past or be prepared for the one I will write.
It’s not going to be pretty. No more amnesia,” threatened dellyone.
She then cracked up.
“I like a little mystery and that’s mine,” a grinning Sabre_Edge
Yeontoo laughed. “Jeepers we got to wait another four months?”
Brand S queried, “Any profanity like that first post? You know
I thought you didn’t post swearing like that.” All eyes were
riveted on dellyone.
“Nope not like that post. Besides I did put a warning on that
first post.” dellyone reached down and pulled up a box.
“That you did,” replied Yeontoo.
“It rocked!” said Mychand. Nods of agreement went around the
“Thanks for all the positive comments.” dellyone was smiling
and began to clap, “Bravo! Matt and Zack for pulling the proverbial
rug from under me. I love a creative challenge and you two gave
me one for sure. Your posts rock!” She stopped clapping. “You
don’t know how much pacing I had to do for this hostage release
post. Thanks to Matt for listening to my insane pleading to
resurrect Group X from the dead. Yeah I was okay. It’s just
that once I get my ideas rolling I can’t shut up. No I didn’t
use that last strange idea I told you. That was way out in left
field. You could have cut the chat earlier than that and I wouldn’t
have minded a bit. Heck the both of you made my work easier
in this post even though I had to revamp. So I’m going to dedicate
this skit to the both of you.” She poured the contents of the
box onto the table.
Matt and Zack were surprised that dellyone took their little
twist in great stride. Matt was worried when he was talking
to her earlier, but now his mind was at ease that she was okay
with everything.
dellyone grabbed the two extra large cinnamon rolls attached
together by thick yarn. She bobbypinned them over her head with
the rolls covering her ears. She arranged the other items around
her. Her audience was already cracking up before she even began.
In front of her was an Etch a Sketch with a wire connecting
it to a Lite Bright. A Furby was on her left side. She took
out the last item and taped it to the wall behind her.
“Okay. Since you called her Deli-Buns I envisioned her looking
like Princess Leia.” Her audience giggled. “So without further
ado I’m going to start.” She sat down and rearranged the items
in front of her.
She started working the buttons on the Etch a Sketch. “Here
are my orders. Tell the ABL that blah blah blah.” She looked
at the Lite Brite to see if her message was being scrambled.
The colored pegs wrote out FYOU. “That’s not right. It’s not
working again.” She picks up the Etch a Sketch and slams it
on the desk, destroying whatever she wrote. “Damn, why does
it keep erasing my messages?” She turns it over and shakes it
while screaming, “How dare you screw with me! This is what happens
to anything that screws with me.” She drops it on the table
and draws a toy gun from the holster and targets the Etch a
Sketch. “Bang. That’s Bang for Bang screwing Bang around Bang.”
She turns her attention to her computer. “Did you get what I
said you incompetent computer?” The Furby replies in its language.
“What are you deaf or something? Say it right or else.” Again
the Furby screeched out. “That’s it you insubordinate computer.
I gave you so many chances and that was the last one.” She targets
the Furby and yells BANG a dozen times.
A smiling Deli-Buns gets up and stands in front of the wall
where she taped up a poster. She puts on safety goggles over
her glasses and hearing protection, smashing the rolls. She
targets the ‘insanely happy yellow rat’ poster. She starts ranting
while firing her toy gun. “You are Bang evil. Bang. You must
Bang be eliminated. Bang. I’m only thinking Bang of the children.
Bang. Bang. Bang. All Bang of your Bang warehouses will be Bang
eliminated.” She walks to the poster. “Hey that the last target!
Two weeks ahhhhhhhh! I can’t rant for two weeks! My team will
like that since they have been all complaining of my screaming.
Well I guess I’m going to have to send someone out to get those
yellow rat dolls then. Oops I think we hit the last warehouse.
Grr… now I got to use the regular targets.” She stopped and
bowed. Her audience howled with laughter.
“I know some of you thought PoliteSliderFan killed dellyone
at the end of the second post, but she didn’t. That’s what happened
in the room. It was a target range. All of them were making
dellyone angry so she would take it out on the targets. She
rants while on the range and her team couldn’t take it anymore.
They were hoping that was the last target and it was,” explained
“Ah… that wasn’t a random post then. Groovy,” said sleepingtiger.
dellyone nodded as she took off the hearing protection, goggles
and cinnamon buns and put everything back into the box.
“Okay, here’s the manuscript. Wake me up when you get to the
end and I’ll give you my notes.” She walked over to the large
couch at the right side of the room and promptly fell asleep,
since she had been working on this for the last three days.
“She always sleeps,” said sleepingtiger, Brand S, Yeontoo, Slider_Sarah
and Sabre_Edge in unison.
All grabbed for the manuscript wanting to be the first one to
read it.
Beret War: Hostage Release
