Beret War II: The New Breed |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: Mychand
****NEWS FLASH******
Peace between the men and woman on the bboards has prevailed
since the “merging” of the leaders of the ABL (Anti-Beret League)
and the BFA (Berets For All), BritSlider and spaz119. Spaz119
traded in her towel boys and gave into the enemy and 1013shan
is MIA.
Now a new resurgence has begun. Mychand and Sleepingtiger are
pulling together to reform the BFA. They have received information
that the ABL now has a new leader. The identity of the new leader
has yet to be found. They suspect one of the following:
Hunter D
If you have any information and would like to support the BFA,
please contact any of the ladies!
The BFA will always win out!
Mychand “amethyst beret” :o)
*********************TM's famous post:
Date: 2/16/99
From: ThomasMalthus
As anyone who's read a good deal of posts on this board knows,
a recent fashion development, some might even call it a fashion
crisis, has broken out. Fullscale war. And it seems to be taking
a sexual overtone.
What can we, the average, nonpartisan poster do about it, you
ask? Well, I'm glad you asked that question, because conveniently
I have the answer. I speak for a silent majority, one who sits
in horror and shock as these events take place, but feel helpless
to do anything about it. Ladies and gentleman, the Beret War,
which has been become a virtual battle between the sexes, needs
a neutral faction. A neuter-al faction, if you will. I propose
that we found that faction and nip this thing in the proverbial
bud. We few, we happy few, we band of posters yearning to breathe
free, must join together. For we are the world, we are the children.
Make love, not hats.

Yeehawwww! |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: SouthernSlider
I'm dusting off the old gray beret, and am ready for action.
Lead on, oh, wise one.
You know, it won't really matter who their leader is.

<ransacking house and
closets> |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: sleepingtiger
I never got a beret! Oh MY. What will I do? You can't
have a beretless leader? Someone help. Find me a beret!
Oh, and the rumor mill says with his recent personality change
(despite actually owning one) the ABL leader is...
BFA baby!!!!!

Chaser??? |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: Mychand
Chaser has a reason to be upset with women and berets?

Date: 4/2/2000
From: SlidersCentral
I now announce by defection to the ABL. May the ABL
forever be in power!

I declare my alligience to the ABL. |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: Nobuyuki
Berets? Feh. I prefer my fedora.

boy am I lost... |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: JLBanker
I speak the English language but I don't understand
anything that is going on with this thing :). The fact that
I don't get it would explain why I am not yet a part of this.

I'm in!! |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: goldenangel
I want to join the BFA! Any color of beret will do.

PrankBoy here's a summary. |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: sleepingtiger
A summary for those who are confused:
Approximatly January of 1999 Executive posted a commentary on
"Net Worth." During the aforementioned commentary
he mentioned the humor of two of the four sliders wearing berets.
This unfortunate comment came at about the same time "The
60s" was being hyped for NBC. Several of the women who
enjoyed a few seconds of JOC in nothing but a towel latched
onto the berets as a seemingly inside joke (related to JOC in
towel). This annoyed many of the male posters who vowed to rid
the board of any mention of berets. A war broke out complete
with newscasts by the ever popular Hurrikain.
In the end the leaders of the Berets For All movement and the
Anti-Beret Legue (sp) found a -- er -- peaceful solution. ;-D
Recently one of the fomer BFA officers (Mychand) and a former
newbie (me) decided that we had the right to flaunt our berets
and a duty to share berets with all our sisters (and towels
with our brothers ;-o). Thus the Beret War II was born.
I think that covers it all.
BFA baby!!!!

Vigeant, the lurker from
the USAbboard.. |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: Vigeant
walks in.. He is dressed in a uniform with a cap.
He takes out a little pointing stick and pulls out a graph.
"Ahem. I Vig, of the USAbboard have spent years working
on this new ABL missle.... I call it.... the Anti Beret Missle..
ABL will rise and squash your evil BFA! BWAHAHAHAHA!

:-) Oooo! Count my lurking
self, IN! |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: MTwain
I may have thrown in the towel ... LOL .... but never
will I give up my pink beret :-)
MT - <ajusts her pink beret and goes over to sit with some
of her fellow BFA members> Thank you oh wise and humorous
leaders ... this was a great idea M & S.
I will try to make it back to the boards as often as possible
to keep up, I swear ...
Um .... other half of the DDuo ... you gonna send me some ideas
on ending that skit? :-)

Could someone please explain
to me |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: Slidemania
What is the Beret War? Give me details?

ooops (disregard my above
post) |

Date: 4/2/2000
From: Slidemania
I just read sleepingtiger's post. Never mind.

OH Yeah! Its ON! |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: sflite
Girlfriend...I have my Green Beret and cheezy Irish
accent ready to roll! C'mon boys...lets wrastle=)

OK Count me in!!! |
Date: 4/2/2000
From: JessieMallory
I don't know exactly what went on before, or what
is going on now, but count me in ladies. I'll be gone for about
a week, but as soon as I get back count on my participation.
I don't know about a color yet, but I might have my symbol already.
I have to go look at the other ladies berets first. Have a great
week ladies!!!!!
PS Does this mean I get a towel boy too???????

I'm in! |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Colins_Girl
As a beret wearin babe, I will solemly swear to fufill
my duties to the BFA.

I forgot to give my color
and symbol |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Colins_Girl
my beret color is Hunter green!!!!!!!! For I am the
My symbol is a panther a black panther for I am sly.

BFL! You have me on your
side ;o) |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Queen_of_Tula
How do we get our berets? I'd like mine in crushed gold velvet
with a white feather ;o) What? I'm a Queen after all lol
"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world."
-- Albert Einstein

Join the HFL instead |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:HFL = Headless Federation League

My Raspberry Beret... |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Hawk50
is tilted rakishly on my head, and my bootleg tape
of old Prince music (I'm sorry - to me, he will ALWAYS be Prince)is
ready to play! Let's rock!

WOO HOO!!!!! |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Robin14334
<scrambles through closet and unearths sky-blue
pink (that's lilac, for those that don't like to mix their own
colors) beret>
