Dec10 Boyz (BWII)
Bidding Last Call |
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo prepares another press release to the papers for her
employers; built on the first one, and it's response.
.. Bid Wars Wind Down! Summary Given, Bids Still Accepted ..
>>>Dec10 Boyz: "Money is not the only thing of
value, power and territory in a victory can be very valuable."
quotes Sabre_Edge.
The Beret War is shaping up nicely as the different factions
gathers its members and makes its plans. The Dec10.Boyz have
accepted several bids for their highly skilled services. The
summary is as follows.
~Cash: A whole lotta money (undisclosed as yet)
~Real Estate: USA Territory and Vigeant Insanity Territory.
Contingent on winning only
~Extras: Pictures of Blinker dancing in drag for blackmail
~Cash: Claims healthy bank accounts will hold up through war,
and leave enough to pay mercenaries. (no up front cash stated)
~Quartering: Full use of headquarters (manor house) or other
bases, and all of it's amenities (special towel rooms).
~Real Estate: An undisclosed area to rule under the BFA, abiding
a *light* constitution. Contingent upon winning only.
~Extras: ABL'ers and BFA'ers are available, but BFA'ers are
not slaves.
~Cash: Very substantial stipend (amount not given) for the remainder
of the war, in cash. Upfront cash not stated.
~Quartering: In ABL HQ, including full access to all our intelligence
assets, both HUMINT and ELINT
~Real Estate: The domain formerly occupied by the BFA to rule
as a subdivision of ABL territory (no rules). Contingent upon
winning only.
~Extras: Two BFA lackeys each to serve as your personal slaves,
after the ABL hierarchy has picked.
8x10 photographs of Vigeant, in drag,making out with Kari while
reading an autographed Peckinpah script!
Bids are still being accepted; they should include a dollar
amount to be paid and payment arrangements. (Cash, gold, precious
metals or jewels). Bidding to end Friday, April 7, 2000, 5:00EST.
Yeontoo sat back in her chair. "Surs? What other amenities
are you looking for?"
JC and SE looked at each other a moment before answering.
"I need access to their technology, and, at the very least,
functional prototypes to play with" JorgeCis nodded with
an animated look on his face.
As Yeontoo began writing that requirement, JorgeCis stopped
her. "This is a public bidding. They will be unwilling
to name their prototypes until they have secured our services."
"I want at least half the money up front, we need to buy
ammuntion and R and D on a few projects" Sabre-Edge said
thoughtfully, making sure she wrote that down too.
"Add this," JorgeCis pointed out, "We would like
in on the plans as consultants but we realize the necessity
of them keeping a few secrets."
Yeontoo didn't bat an eye as her employers rattled off their
"We don't want to have to wear berrets, and we don't want
to wear doorags either" Sabre-Edge said definitely. "And
pictures of men in drag are too gross."
"I agree" JorgeCis said as their secretary continued
"I've got to admit, the idea of personal slaves doesn't
appeal to me" Yeontoo got a sour look on her face, halting
her dictation.
"Well, not to you, and it's not...," JorgeCis cracked
his knuckles, standing.
"I don't deal in human flesh" Sabre-Edge said condescendingly
to Y and JC.
"Hey! ...I was talking about a maid, cook, or butler!"
counting on his fingers, JorgeCis turn pink. "I'm a merc,
not a barbarian!"

just need a few more hours |
From: Slider_Sarah
4 at minimum. I'm not even meant to be here now.
Let us have 4 hours.
Berets For All!
Sarah (she of the pale powder blue beret with lilac anti-nuclear
Secretary of the BFA
P.S. I'm getting such strange lloks from the people around me!
You are too!

a sec. |
From: PoliteSliderFan
Suddenly, the lights go out surprising Sabre_Edge,
JorgeCis and Yeontoo at the same time the door is kicked in.
A small team of nightvision-wearing commmandos burst into the
room, tackling the Dec. 10 Boyz to the ground. The trio shouted
as the commmandos made short work of the two men amidst their
struggling. The team left as swiftly and as silently as they
came. The lights finally come back on and the trio are shocked
at the sight they see.
"Get this off of me," screamed Sabre_Edge as he tried
to pull off a sky blue beret with the letter R on it.
JorgeCis pulled at the doo rag wrapped around his head. "Damn
this thing won't come off."
Yeontoo giggled at the sight before her and ran to help the
hysterical men. "Guys, there's superglue all over these.
I guess I got to cut your hair to get it off."
"Not the hair!" they both cried.
"Okay, what's the plan then?" asked Yeontoo between

bid |
From: Slider_Sarah
First let me correct a couple of things.
a) I wasn't clear on the money issue. There will be cash up
front if you so wish. Not the full total though. 55% to come
when hiring, the other 45% on victory. We would also provide
fully for any equipment you deem neccessay (or even desirable)
and food and definite neccesities will not only be paid for
the rest of the war but the rest of your life as well.
b) Amenities is not only towel rooms. There are other facilities
as well such as all manner of sports equipment and areas, private
cinemas etc.
Now on to the other offers.
1) ABL territory is kinda small, so we should really give you
more than that. And so we will. We will have a few light rules
i) No genocide
ii) no random killing
iii) no taxing the people to death
iv) not to deny that they should wear berets and/or towels
v) not to campaign against the BFA and you will allow (whether
you participate or not) the promotion of berets and towels.
vi) no slavery
vii) no discriminating against people without just reason.
I think that's all. I don't think you would do them anyway.
2) You will only have to answer to the top ranking BFA officials.
3) You will have complete access to all technical advances,
no matter how small. You will also have unrestricted access
to any tactical information you need and intelligence.
4) You will not be subject to wearing towels and/or berets,
though those under you, unless also mercenaries, will. If you
wish to, that's fine, but if you don't, then that's also fine
5) Travel expenses will be covered by the BFA finace group and
this will still be in effect after the war if we win. You would
be issued with a card allowing unlimited travel to be charged
to the account.
6) And there's that you will be honored as the mercenaries that
allied themselves to the winning side :-)
7) After the war, you are free to do whatever you choose.
8) Since it benefits you and us to be in the know on what is
going on, you will be consulted before major moves, and you're
suggestions will be seriously considered.
I will give a provisional payment for hire at £1 million each
(cash, gold jewels, payement method(s) are up to you), but I
don't know what that is in dollars offhand.
These may be up for additions after we see how the rest goes.
Of course, we expect you to be good mercenaries. We have faith
in you.
On behalf of the BFA, I sign off.

final bid |
From: Vigeant
Well, Blink at least ours aren't made on Photoshop!
The Blinker photos ARE real as he is dancing IN drag for nickles
at the USABB Party. Our newest picture is a short video of Blinker
doing a lap dance for Charlie O Connell. We also have a whole
lotta money from a interdimensional TV conglomerate which I
run (The Vigeant Show). It is watched on 2045 Earths and is
viewership is still going up. Needless to say, we gotta alotta
money. And we also are offering the finest of Cianna's gold
and jewelery from the unmarked chest she had in the corner (many
note that it helped make VigLand).

to the final bid.. |
From: Vigeant
we also offer you brainwashed Enigmas (BRAINWASHED)
for both of you. We have about 10 so you can both have about
five. Only if you join with us, the GOCUB.

From: Yeontoo
JorgeCis shook his addleplated accountant til she
finally awoke. "Jez Yeontoo! You were a screamin' an' a
cryin' an' a laughing hysterically, all at the same time".
"Tell her she ain't suppose to go to sleep on the expensive
equipment!" SE called over to his partner. Muttering to
himself, "Drool and keyboards don't mix"
Yeontoo sat up suddenly looking at JorgeCis' head. *HAIR* She
whipped around to look at Sabre-Edge, *HAIR*. "It was a
nightmare! WOW! Just a nightmare!!!" She slumped back,
pulling the edges of a jacket closer.
"Nightmare?" Jorge asked.
"Yeah, I dreamed that commandos broke in, won the fight,
and superglued hats to your heads." Yeontoo said,blinking
The Dec10 Boyz looked incredulously at the new employee. "Oh
ye of little faith!" SE shook his head.
"Never happen. This base is hidden and secured. Perimeter
alarms are set. It would take a small army to win in hand to
hand combat against us too." JorgeCis said confidently.
"You were laughing too, what was so funny?" SE asked.
"Um, well, Um, I, Um, shaved your heads!" Y laughed.

ain't necessary |
From: SpaceTime
Seeing as SE is now lying in a pool of his own drool
and Jorge, beaten senseless by a diaper-wearing Mr. Belvedere,
desires to join the Legion of Booze, I'd say the Glory Boys
have disbanded under the instense pressure of not being very
Legion of Booze. Live the experience. Experience the love. Drink.
Main. It's American.

bid |
From: BritSlider
This encompasses the final bid of the ABL for the
services of the mercenaries known as the "Dec 10 Boyz":
Money: $1.5million each upfront, followed by a futher $1.5million
each upon successful completion of your duties during the War.
This fee will be payable in cash; or in stocks if you prefer.
The current upturn of the tech stocks on the worldwide markets
was predicted by the ABL Finance Officer (i.e. ME!) and as such
ABL holdings have increased by 30% in the previous two days
alone. This puts us in an even stronger position money-wise
than we were before.
Quartering: The South Wing of ABL HQ will serve as your base
for the duration of the war. This gives you immediante access
to up-to-the-minute intellignace reports on all BFA activity.
Arms and ammunition will be supplied from the vast ABL stocks,
with further 'special' equipment available on a per-mission
basis. ABL HQ contains all the facilities the modern mercenary
could need, including; firing range, weapon cleaning room, bowling
alley, cinema, swimming pool, steam room, and a state of the
art kitchen.
Real Estate: The area formerly occupied by the BFA will be yours
to populate as you see fit. The ABL will assist with re-development
costs to ensure that you have it made into the kind of place
you desire. We are not as restrictive as the BFA in stipulating
what you may do with your territory; which just goes to show
that they want to control you, rather than work with you. The
only thing to bear in mind is that you will be a subdivision
of the ABL Homeworld and as such, if you piss us off then we
won't take kindly to it ;-)
Extras: The offer of two BFA lackeys each at the end of the
war is entirely up to you. Take them if you wish; free them
if you prefer, the choice is yours to treat them how you want.
You will report directly to me, and no-one else. No other ABL
members will question your activities, your missions will mostly
be top-secret in their nature. As such, you will merely be told
your mission parameters; the planning and execution of which
will be up to you. Full ABL resources will be available to aid
you with your planning. You will be kept informed of ABL activities
so that they do not compromise your plans. Your input on ABL
battle tactics would be welcomed at any level.
Unlike the BFA, we at the ABL do not insist on the necessity
of headgear or towels. If you don't want to wear anything on
your head; that's entirely up to you.
ABL Travel Inc. will provide you with all necessary transportation
as you require, from Jeeps + HUMVEEs up to Corporate jets.
Further benefits may be discussed as required.
C in C Anti-Beret League

Revision |
From: Slider_Sarah
We up our bid to £2 mill ($3.2mill) upfront, with
a further £1.6 mill to follow on completion, still payable in
whatever method you prefer.
The rules we stipulate are not really that restictive. BritSlider's
just churning his propaganda machine. We just need to be sure
that those that follow you (for the areas are now in your hands
to do with as you please) do not abuse their privileges.
We do not insist that you wear headgear, you know that.
Since Britslider complained I nicked his ideas from his offer,
I counter that he has done exactly the same, but with less.
Since the BFA is not a dictatorship without advisors, we cannot
give one person. It would only be neccessary for you to report
to Mychand, sleepingtiger and myself. And shoudl our positions
tranafer, authority would also transfer.
No military move would be made without consultation with you,
and you have somplete access militarily to whatever you need
or want.
Anything else you'd like?

Closed |
From: Yeontoo
To Be Announced.
Secretary, Dec 10 Boyz
