Dec-10 makes the
decision |
From: Sabre_Edge
"Yeontoo, end the program. We have made our
decision." SE and JC rise from their seats. Yeontoo tallies
the final bids, calculating the outcomes. The two mercenaries
look up at the hopeful faces on the screens and smirk. They
straighten their combat gear as they stand. Decked in all black,
"The Glory Boys" as they are affectionitely called
by their clan of worshippers, the LoB, walk over to Yeontoo's
control station.
She hands them printouts then sits back. They glance over the
pages, then set them down. SE looks to JC. "We have some
work to do, lets go." They both walk quickly out the sliding
door of the main room.
All the faces on the screen begin asking questions quickly.
"Who won?!" "Did I bid enough?!" "Where
are they going?!"
Yeontoo walks to the middle of the room to face the screens.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your time. You will
find out shortly who placed the winning bid", she says
The wall screens flash out as the shocked faces can only hope
their side was chosen.

Paperwork Paperwork... |
From: Yeontoo
Yeontoo typed up the contract, making sure to include
all the details of the winning bid. The computer bleeped over
and over as someone tried to request who had the winning bid.
Y readied the paperwork for tommorrows signing, locked the door,
and was almost out when a substation alarm went off. Hurrying
over to the monitor, she flipped it on.
Matt and Zach, and a few others were destroying one of the decoy
stations. *Jeppers, just how DUMB can you be?* she thought.
Wanting them to know she saw them, she hopped into one of the
boss's prototypes and zipped over there. Unable to handle the
speed or the controls, she came up thru the floor of the decoy
station. Thru the floor and thru the roof without pause to wave
*Well, at least they know I saw them* she gritted her teeth,
barely getting enough control to get it back to the base (okay,
so it had a home button and landed itself).
Getting out, she noticed it was dented in on both sides, uh,
the top, and uh, the bottom. ..."Wonder if they'll notice
that?" she said aloud.

Call |
From: RandomJudgement
My Judgement -
The ABL won the bid. The secrecy is unwarranted (unless you
really are Mr.B's Boy Toy). Announce it now.
La Belle - Ready for your towel boy?
