How do you know who
wins the Beret War? |
From: Afl
I'd like to know a few things because I'm lost. I
get this is a battle of the sexes and has something to do with
men wearing towels (or berets) or not...but some questions have
been popping into my head.
1. How do you know which side wins?
2. What exactly do you have to do to participate in the war?
3. What are the rules...if there are any? Or does anything go?
4. These initials that are standing for the names of each side
are getting me confused, so why don't we just have the MEN against
the WOMEN in true "battle of the sexes" style?
5. Whose winning? I haven't seen anyone really keeping score.
6. Why are there more than two teams if this is MEN against
And the list goes on...
AfL :)

Well, |
From: Slider_Sarah
1) We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. But it will of
course be the BFA who win.
2) Join a team and play along
3) Don't ask me that!!! No killing I guess... or flaming. It's
meant to be fun.
4) Because there are more than 2 teams, and it's not gender
exclusive, that's just the majority.
5) Of course the BFA ;-)
6) Because the teams aren't completely gender exclusive (at
least the BFA isn't) and that's just the way it is.
Sarah (she of the pale powder blue beret with lilac anti-nuclear

Slider_Sarah!!! :) |
From: Afl
This helps a little. I guess we just teason one another.
The BFA sounds like a good team. Pro-towels or berets.

inaccuracies (as usual) |
From: BritSlider
Hmmm, it would seem that Slider_Sarah really needs
to put more thought into the BFA press releases; but here is
the real scoop for you.
1) "When the hurlyburly's done,
When the battle's lost and won."
Basically, you will know who wins when either all women have
berets and the men are all towel-slaves (a BFA win), or when
the word "beret" is used as the most horrible swear
word imaginable! (an ABL win)
2) Just pick a side and join in the fun! Or choose to be neutral;
no-one is forcing you to take sides.
3) Basic rules; don't make it personal, no nasty flaming, and
most important HAVE FUN!! :-)
4) The factions all contain members of both sexes. The sides
are not gender-exclusive, it is simply a case of those who like
stupid headgear against those who don't!
5) No-one is winning as yet, although the battle is only just
beginning. The last war ended after a truce was called.
6) It's not men against women :-)
If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask away.
Long live the ABL!
C in C Anti-Beret League

inaccuracies (not too uncommon) |
From: Slider_Sarah
(#5 was a joke, duh!!!)
1) Not all the guys have to be towel-slaves. That is appreciated,
but purely optional. If no towel, then berets muct be worn though.
5) There was no truce after the last war. It actually ended
when you (Brit) as leader of the ABL and 1013shan as leader
of the BFA both went away on holiday within the same week and
it kinda... disintegrated.
Berets For All!!!
Sarah. (she of the pale powder blue beret with lilac anti-nuclear
P.S. Hey Brit, fancy writing my essay on Germany 1890-1914?
It's not hard, but I'm bored (yeah, like THAT's a surprise :-)
