The Legion of Booze
KILLS someone. |
From: SpaceTime
"Damn it."
Dark finished unbinding Space from the chair. He'd already kicked
the monitor showing MrBrown.net over.
"No monitor that's shown such tripe can ever be cleansed,"
said Space.
"Are you okay?"
"I've got the Lame List ingrained in my memory, but I think
I'll manage." Space dusted himself off and stood. "There's
still the matter of Jorge."
Dark gritted his teeth. "He took off. He's completely full
of tequila. He's one spicy Mexican, now. It's the last time
we let someone get the best of us, right?"
"Oh, yeah."
Downstairs, the Dominion Bar was being restocked by Kipper2222
and Slider8_. Alcohol of all kinds adorned the mirrored wall
behind the bar and a keg of every good kind of beer was strapped
to a tap, ready to pour forth its frosty goodness. Space and
Dark came in and immediately took shots of Barenjager, chased
by an ice-cold Heineken.
"Good job, recruits," Space said. "Where the
hell did you get all this booze?"
"We stole it, sir!" they chimed in unison. "From
a raffle trying to raise money for war widows!"
"Excellent," Dark said. "Space, these two signed
on last night. I put them through the Wringer™. They've been
sassified and are now so damn drunk their eyes have gone from
blue to brown."
"Fine job, boys. Let's get down to the game plan,"
Space said.
"What about me?" asked a voice. The four spun around
to find Brand_S leaning in the door jam, cleaning his fingernails
with a knife and kicking a small cat on his foot like a Hackey-Sack.
"I mean, I'm always down for kicking some ASS!"
"Pull up a chair and we'll spell out the game plan, S.
But before you even think about sitting down, you'd best get
some serious booze in your belly. Get a boilermaker," said
"No sweat," said Brand. As he poured himself a shot
of 150-proof rum, set it on fire and dunked it in a pitcher
of seriously good beer, Lolita and Tembi Locke strolled in and
put their fine-ass bodies in the laps of those they desired
- namely Space and Dark, respectively. Brand pounded his pitcher
like a champ and sat down.
"You wanna do the honors, Dark?" Space asked.
"Thanks, Poppa," Dark said as he picked up Tembi and
stuck her in his chair. He walked over to the wall and pressed
a button, revealing a huge display screen that would make Trinitron
jealous. "Okay, here's the situation. First, it's good
to note that our forces are strong, just like our liquor. There's
seven of us here, which I believe outnumbers just about any
other group.
"Second, we have sources in both the BFA and the ABL. We
all know about Space's sass-attack on Sarah, so she's clearly
able to leak us information when it's necessary. There's also
a highly placed source in the ABL that I know would prefer to
remain anonymous.
"Last, we need to get the goods on Yeontoo. Yes, yes, we
have those sick, twisted emails of hers to use as a bargaining
chip, but this leaves me completely baffled." Dark flicked
a button on a remote he picked up from the table and the screen
came on. It showed the closings of the Glory Boys auction. "Now,
somehow, despite the fact that Sabre got the stuffing knocked
out of him by yours truly and Jorge's blood was supplanted by
Cuervo Gold after being on the business end of Mr. Belvedere's
*ManHandler*, the two can be seen here, back in the auction
room, as though nothing has happened. It's as if there's been
a discontinuity in the space-time continuum, or Yeontoo has
some seriously twisted tech at her disposal that could get these
abominations of the Y chromosome back on their feet."
"I know what it is," Brand said, not slurring his
words like most weaklings do after pounding a heckuva lot of
alcohol. "She's gotta have a cloning machine. She probably
rebuilt the one Le_Monde built during the Dominion War. If that's
the case, then Glory Boys are sitting it out like two rejects
from a Rainbow Brite convention in a secret lair, playing My
Little Pony and eating the legs off of their Cobra Commander
GI Joe dolls. And that means we should strike their clones."
"Agreed," said Space. "The time for traipsing
around and putting towels on is over. The Age of Kicking Serious
Ass has just begun. A war is a war because hard-core mercs like
us want to KICK SOME LILY-LIVERED ASS, not go on mystic quests
A cheer went up from the table. Much liquor was imbibed.
Zack walked over to the bar and pressed another button. The
bar depressed into the wall and revealed a huge, totally sweet
armory with every conceivable weapon in the multiverse. "Lock
and load."
All five guys immediately grabbed some serious weaponry and
dropped ammo. Meanwhile, Tembi and Lolita looked so sassy that
Dark and Space had to go take care of business. No one else
seemed to mind.
All assembled, the seven members of the Legion of Booze hopped
in the Sassmobile and cruised at a respectable 85 miles per
hour to the Glory Boys televised WussVision. Sabre and Jorge
didn't know what hit them as the doors blew open... with a vengeance.
"Come get some," Space said.
"Whoa, easy there!" Sabre managed to eek out before
thousands of rounds of ammunition tore through his body. The
roar of the guns, the odor of gunpowder and the clink of ammo
dropping to the floor overwhelmed even Space. For good measure,
Space took an atomizer (last seen in "Strangers and Comrades")
and hurled it at Sabre's limp and mangled corpse. It went off,
turning his battered flesh into component molecules and sending
them in a thousand different directions.
"How's it like being unstuck?" Dark quipped.
Jorge tried to hide, but was no match for seven highly trained
warriors. Lolita stealthily made her sassy, 17-year-old self
behind Jorge's panicked, urine-soaked body and separated his
head from his body with one perfect slice from her katana blade.
Jorge's body, still working on impulse, flailed around while
the other six (including Tembi) relieved pent up agression on
it with a hailstorm of bullets.
"They're clones, all right," Lolita said. "There's
a clone identifying tag on the back of Jorge's head."
"I knew it," Brand said as he dropped plastique all
around the room, wiring it to a central detonator. "But
where is Yeontoo? Shouldn't she be here to help arouse suspicion?"
As if on cue, Yeontoo, in a bulletproof escape pod, blasted
from the floor and out of the building. She had escaped... for
the moment.
"Let's get out of here," Dark said. Rank and file,
the seven left. Walking out of the building, Brand detonated
the explosives without even looking back. The explosion rocked
the surrounding BBoard countryside, blowing out windows, frightening
small animals and setting off car alarms.
"Now the war has begun," said Space.
Later that night Kipper and Slider8_ went out and stole more
booze, since their supply was empty.
-=Legion of Booze=-
Don't mess with us.

Judgement Call |
From: RandomJudgement
My judgement -
That was actually funny. I thoroughly enjoyed watching Sabre
die, even if Dark didn't. Forward me Yeontoo's sex filled sick
twisted emails, I want to see her twisted side.
