The Legion recuperates |
From: SpaceTime
ST and DS shook the grogginess from their face. They
looked over; Sabre_Edge was laying on the ground, his lessons
with the Good Boy stick apparently inneffective. JorgeCis was
whimpering like a little girl, as most people are want to do
when they've had their ass kicked by Mr. Belvedere.
ST helped DS to his feet and looked at the two in the shadows.
ST couldn't quite make out who they were. It didn't matter,
since two seconds later the lights came on. Apparently even
the Quilting Bee has a curfew.
Those previously cloaked in darkness recoiled when there identities
were revealed. There stood Slider_Sarah of the BFA and Yeontoo
of the Glory... er, Dec-10 Boyz.
Dark wiped a trickle of blood from his lip. Space straightened
his shirt.
Yeontoo silently, expertly came forward and picked the limp
form of Sabre_Edge and threw him into a wheelbarrow. She motioned
for Jorge but Dark stopped her cold.
"Jorge is property of the Legion now, Yeontoo," Dark
said matter-of-factly. "He risked himself against an irate
and overly kinky Mr. Belvedere for us. We can take it from here."
"He is my boss and I will be taking..."
Yeontoo was cut off by Space. "Anj, don't make me pull
out the e-mails. You know I can use those against you."
Yeontoo was silent, bowed her head and pushed the thoroughly
ass-whupped Sabre_Edge out the door. Attention turned to Slider_Sarah.
"What are you doing here?" asked Dark sternly.
Sarah's eyes widened. "I heard there was an explosion of
violence between two factions and I wanted to make sure that
the battles fell within the guidelines set out by the convention."
"Pffft... the Legion doesn't fit neatly into your game
plan, Sarah," Space said. "We aren't the ABL or the
BFA. We aren't a faction. We're mercs, and we do what we do
for money and most importantly, alcohol."
"Let's not forget the destruction and general chaos,"
Dark added.
"Right," said Space as he ran his fingers through
his hair.
"Wait... do that again," Sarah said.
"Put your fingers through your hair."
Space could see the look in the girl's eyes. The way she bit
her lower lip and adjusted her dress.
This girl was in need of some lovin'.
With the swiftness of a jackal Space descended on Sarah, putting
his eyes inches from hers. He ran his fingers through his hair.
"You mean like this?"
Sarah couldn't help it. This was, after all, the sexiest Sliders
fan she'd ever laid eyes on. The blue eyes. The devilish grin.
She jumped on top of Space and began to make out with him like
no other.
Zach not only picked up Jorge from the ground, but his own jaw.
"Damn, that boy is my GOD," he said as he slung the
unconscious form of Jorge over his shoulder. "C'mon dude,
let's get out of here and head back to the Dominion."
Space picked Sarah up and carried her out in his arms. "Time
to see if you're blonde all over," he joked.
Back at the Dominion...
Jorge had a tequila drip in his arm. "We're gonna get something
spicy and Mexican into you Jorge, even if it can't be Salma
Hayek," Dark said. Soon Jorge's entire body was coursing
with 100 proof liquor. He awoke with a start.
"Whu, whe, where am I?" Jorge asked.
"You're at the Dominion now, among comrades," Dark
said. "You got a little worked by the business end of one
of the dumbest sitcom stars in television history. So we've
got you nice and drunk now, which makes you a perfect recruit
for the team."
Kipper2222 and Slider8_ walked up and presented themselves.
"Requesting permission to join the Legion of Booze, Darkslider
"Request DENIED! You are pups! Go through the bad-ass training
center through the door on your left and chalk up some ass-whupping
points. Then come back and see me. We'll talk."
Meanwhile, upstairs...
"I never thought it could be that good!" Sarah gasped.
"Yeah, I do give pretty good back rubs, don't I?"
Space asked. He cracked his knuckles.
"Yeah, but I was talking about your sweet lovin'!"
"Just comes with the territory of being a bad-ass, sexy
lady." He rubbed her shoulders. "So, what does the
BFA think about the LoB?"
"What am I? Just a spy you happened to seduce?" Sarah
"Sure, baby, whatever floats your boat."
Sarah tried to act indignant but couldn't. After all, Space
had just rocked her world and she could barely stand, let alone
slap him for being himself.
"Oh, Space..." Sarah purred, "I don't want to
leave but I *have* to... Mychand will want a report to make
sure you guys haven't violated any protocol, because if you
do we won't be able to hire the Legion for covert ops."
"All we want is 6 kegs of the finest European ale you can
swing. Booze is a mitigating factor. In fact, it's the only
factor." Space threw on his robe. "You might want
to go. If they see you here..." He approached Sarah again.
"...I don't know what could happen."
He kissed her nose. Sarah's knees began to buckle.
"Farewell, Space. You've got my number." And with
that Slider_Sarah was gone.
"Sassy," said Space.
Suddenly, the door swung open and Lolita, Space's sassy secret
agent/lover walked in.
Space's demeanor changed to all business. "I'm glad you're
here," he said. "I need you to infiltrate the BFA.
Find out what you can, pronto."
"Sure, but first, what's 'infiltrate' mean?"
"To become a part of."
"Ah-ha," Lolita said. "And 'you'?"
"A word I use to decribe the person I am talking to, which
in this case is Lolita."
"Oh, so 'you' means 'me'!"
"Sure, whatever. Get on it, but before you go..."
Lolita looked at him expectantly.
"...Gimme some sugar, baby."
And the lights went out.

of Darkness!!! |
From: FogBoy
Any AOD or Bruce Campbell reference means that said
referencer(s) (bleep)ing rocks. :)

denied? |
From: kipper2222
No! Please, oh please. I need a good reason to drink.
Or a bad one...of course chasing my two year old is reason enough.
