To all Beret War
Factions Re: recruiting |
From: PoliteSliderFan
There are many posters here that want to join one
of the factions, but need more information to make up their
mind. Please answer the following questions so that the undecided
posters can be new recruits for your faction.
1. What is your mission objective? Give some background on your
group. How and why was your group formed? You can post urls
instead of posting again.
2. Who is/are the leader(s) of your group?
3. What are the perks for joining your group?
4. What is the group's plan if your group wins the Beret War?
5. What must one do to join your group?
6. What is the url for the sign up sheet for your group?
7. What if someone decides to leave your group? Will this be
allowed or not?
On behalf of all the undecided posters, thank you for answering
these questions.

info |
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
#)You get to be on the WINNING SIDE!
&)Can leave, but must be recapitated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

behalf of the BFA |
From: Slider_Sarah
since the others are otherwise distracted right now...
1) You want URLs now? Well, for the fanfic version go to:
Our objective is to promote the wearing of berets (and towels)
to the end of the Earth if need be! And to defeat the ABL who
would burn our headgear!
2) Mychand (amathyst beret) is the leader, with sleepingtiger
(burgandy with a silver star beret) as her 2IC.
3) Well, there is free access to all facilities at BFA headquarters...
they are many and varied. There is free accomodation for all
members. Berets are provided and are specially tailor made to
individual preference. There are more, but I have to confer
with the leaders.
4) Well, to make the world a better place of course and give
everyone berets!!!!
5) Ask. and give a beret colour. There will be some tests to
prove loyalty, but there's no pain involved.
6) No specific one. Just anywhere. Make sure we know though.
7) Only after memories have been purged of all secret information.
And that's none to pleasant.
Sarah (she of the pale powder blue beret with lilac anti-nuclear

GOCUB speaks |
From: Vigeant
1. Our group was made to show that our bboard is
better ;).
2.I am!
3.The perks are that is the USABB faction, silly! :)
4.We have no plans at this point!
5. You have to be a member of the USABB
7.Well, seeing as so far I am the only person in the group...
we will let people leave
The GOCUB shall prove that you silly dominioners don't know
what you are talking about.. :)

of Booze - a mission statement |
From: SpaceTime
The LoB is about two things: drinking and death.
We plan to do a lot of both. This appeals to many people. If
you're interested, email us. Now, back to the alcohol.

glory that is The ABL |
From: BritSlider
1) Our mission objective is simple; the elimination
of stupid headgear! There are far too many people who think
that berets look cool, we aim to prove how wrong they are, and
to ensure the destruction of ALL berets. The ABL was formed
by me to combat the heinous crimes of the evil BFA; namely forcing
men to wear towels and act as slaves to the insidious whims
of BFA members. We stand for the freedom to wear any non-beret
related headgear.
2) I am the leader of my group, with QBall79 my leiutenant,
and Sgt Blinker in charge of the troops.
3) The perks of joining the ABL are the freedom to wear non-stupid
headgear. The freedom not to be forced into a towel-slave existance.
And the joy of crushing all those who would force these strictures
on a democratic society!
4) Simple; the total destruction of all berets. We want to live
in harmony with the BFa members; they are the ones who have
started all this conflict.
5) Simply pledge your loyalty to the destruction of the BFA
and their evil berets.
6) No url, just indicate your desire to join by posting on the
7) Of course people are allowed to join the group! We hold dear
the freedoms offered by a democratic society; unlike the BFA
who would force you to conform to their will! You would undergo
a simple hypnotherapy session to erase all knowledge of ABL
secrets; although the most important ones are only known the
the Command Group.

LTB... Join now!!! |
From: JLBanker
Leader: JLBanker
Mission objective: Leaving the bboard and let the Beret War
ppl take over this board.
Meaning of LTB=Leaving this Board!!!!!!
