posted April 04, 2000 10:19 PM

MSR/Q, the immortal MSR, D1 and the original MSR (who hasn't been
seen since she left so long ago) were seated around a table discussing
which faction to join in Beret War II.
MSR/Q: I think we should join the BFA. I would look cool in
a beret with an R on it. <A sky blue beret with an R appeared
on her head.> Towels are nice too. <All have a dreamy
look on their face for a few seconds.>
MSR/Immortal: Nope. I think ABL. I look dorky in a beret. How
do you wear those things anyway? <All laugh as one appears
on her head and she moves it around head trying to get it right.
Finally she takes it off an places it on the table.>
MSR/Original: I want to join the GOCUB since I'm confused as
to what is going on here. What exactly is going on here anyway?
A war for headgear? HA HA HA!!!
D1: I want to play merc. That's going to be fun. I want some
action. I want to...
All together: blow up something.
<All laugh hysterically for a few minutes.>
They go back and forth on the issue for the next hour. Still
no decision is made when they hear voices at the door.
Ryan, Duncan, Alex and Corey: Ladies, are you done yet?
All the ladies: Not yet. Come on in.
MSR/Q : Decide for us. How about this?
<She sports around her sky blue beret.>
MSR/I & O together: What about no headgear?
D1: Who cares? I want to blow up something.
All the guys look at each other giving them 'the ladies are
crazy' and 'no way am I going to decide for her or she's gonna
kill me later' looks. After a few seconds of staring at each
other, they finally reach a decision.
All men: You look fine in whatever you want.
The ladies roll their eyes and give each other the 'don't blame
me for anything, you decide.' They reach a decision in a second
and give their guys that wicked smile they all hate. They start
backing away from them, getting ready to run out of the room.
All ladies: Too late.
A flash of light envelopes the guys. As the light fades all
the ladies start hysterically laughing once again. Alex gets
all the guys out of there before the ladies can do anything
All ladies begin to chant: Towels! Towels! Towels!
Ten minutes later, Yeontoo walks into the room to see if they
had reached a decision. They had finished laughing already
Yeontoo: So did you all decide yet?
All except Y: Yes.
Y: What's your decision?
All except Y: Towels are nice.
Y: Jeppers!! So you're all going to be BFA?! I thought you
were going to be GOCUB.
All except Y: No. We like towels and we're going to find our
guys. See ya. <All disappear except Yeontoo.>
Y: Wonder if any of them will join a group?
And the answer is...
[This message has been edited by MISSING
SLIDER RYAN (edited April 05, 2000).]