What the BFA and ABL fail to realize
is |
Date: 4/3/2000
From: Chaser9
that there is a third faction involved in this war
that hates berets, but does believe in a certain form of headgear
. . . that's right, DOO RAGS!
So cast off your shackles my brethren, toss of your berets and
join us in the DRC (Doo Rag Consortium). We promise you victory
. . . we promise you good times!
Watch your backs BFA, ABL . . .your both going down!

LE resistance
will crush you too |
From: Sliding_Cpt_Bridger
We shall not be threatened by the likes of you. Doo
Rags and berets are both tools of evil, and will both be crushed
by the wrath of The Campaigners and the ABL.
Viva LE resistance!!!!
Sliding Captain Bridger

The HFL will destroy
you! |
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:We may not be able to see you, but we don't need
no silly head gear or head for that matter!!!!!!!!
