Birthday TIP!
Date: 04/16/2001
From: capaqu
Don't be mad at me, TIP. But you turn 25 years old today, if I'm not
mistaken, and I'm gonna wish you well!
Happy Birthday!

you Q :)
Why would I be mad?...
Date: 04/16/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:I didnt even realize it was my birthday till I read your post
- I had been watching my favorite hockey team actually win a playoff
game for once (they hadnt won one in 14 tries, since 1993!) and
then I read your post and realized it was past midnight here and was
officially my birthday - so thank you for reminding me and being the
first to wish me a happy birthday :)!!!!
Bonus TIP:I dont know why you would think that I would be mad
at you for wishing me a happy birthday; unless of course, Im being
totally dense (which happens to me a lot) and dont realize that
it was meant sarcastically!!!!
Extra Bonus TIP:Thanks again Q :) :) :)

replies are in order!
Date: 04/16/2001
From: FogBoy
Allow me to imitate TIP-style for this occassion.
TIP: I think she may have thought you would be offended because you
might find such a post somewhat relevant. :)
Bonus TIP: As I always tend to find your postings very amusing, I too
want to wish you a very happy birthday.
Extra Bonus TIP: Your birthday would likely be far more irrelevant
if you celebrated it on a day that was not actually the anniversary
of your birth.

Date: 04/16/2001
From: sliderlynn
May your day be filled with joy and much happiness.
May your birthday wish come true!!! *Happy Biirthday*

like nachos and ice cream.
Date: 04/16/2001
From: QBall79
Not mixed TOGETHER, of course.

password is...
Date: 04/16/2001
From: EustiSlider
TIP: It's TIP's birthday.
Bonus TIP: Have a happy one.

Date: 04/16/2001
From: SweetOne
TIP: Happy Birthday!
Bonus TIP: Don't eat the daisies.

Date: 04/16/2001
From: Recall317
Sorry, he was the most irrelevent L.A. King I could think of. Also in
the running were Bob Janecyk, Keith Crowder, Bryan Erickson and Randy
What better way to celebrate a birthday than by beating the Red Wings!

Date: 04/16/2001
From: Tigs
Happy birthday!
You wanna lead the conga line? <grin>
Hope you have a great day!
TIG <g>

I dunno TIP...
Date: 04/16/2001
From: capaqu
It's just that some people don't like being singled out on their birthday.
I didn't know if you'd mind, especially since you're a quarter of a
century old now! Some folks don't like that age! Heh!
Anyway, I risked it for the one person on this bboard who actually
admits to not hating me! ;-D
Have a happy happy!!!!!

you all :) :) :)
Date: 04/17/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Youre all so nice that I almost want to post something Sliders
related - I said almost ;)!!!!
Bonus TIP:Wait, I just inadvertently did make a Sliders related post
by putting the word Sliders in my post - there I did 2 more times!!!!!!!
WOW TIP:Recall317, the Kings players you named Ive never even
heard of - I should brush up on my L.A. Kings history - and yes the
Kings victory over the Red Wings was a great birthday present!!!!!!
Q TIP:I dont mind turning 25, on the other hand in 5 years when
I turn 30 Ill be celebrating the 2nd year anniversary of my 29th
birthday ;)!!!!!!

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/25539
Nominated by Blinker
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