Bulletin board "improvements"...
Date: 08/03/1999
From: Blinker
As you may have noticed, the Dominion has been testing out a new look
for its bulletin boards. The current yellow background is being intermittently
replaced, for a few minutes at a time, with a harsher white one.
It's probably just a coincidence, but this happens to match the change
from yellow back to white for Sliders' episode credits. So...
1) Which look do you prefer for the board?
2) Which colour do you prefer for the Sliders credits?
3) Which font do you prefer for the links on the board-- the original
Times/standard, or the new Arial/Geneva?
Just curious.
Blinker 7:-)

Is that why the font changed?
Date: 08/03/1999
From: Robin14334
I thought it was my computer being screwy again.... Anywho, the poll.
I like yellow for the board, white for the Sliders credits, and the
new font. (I thought it was pretty cool, just didn't know how it got
that way....)

Date: 08/03/1999
From: SouthernSlider
I'm with Robin. I like the yellow background. White is too harsh. And
I like the new font. Glad to be informed about what's going on. I was
really wondering about the change.

Date: 08/03/1999
From: QBall79
1)board- haven't seen the white bg yet, can't vote on that.
2)Sliders credits- White, definitely
3)BBoard font- I like the new Arial style.

here I thought....
Date: 08/03/1999
From: wrldjmpr
the font was different because I was sitting closer to the computer
screen! I really only noticed that it was larger. I like it, better
for my old eyes.
haven't seen the white background, but it sounds like it would be kinda
harsh. stick with yellow!
as for the sliders credits, i don't have an opinion either way.

Date: 08/03/1999
From: Parajo
I haven't seen the white background, but I think that a change from
the puke yellow wouldn't be bad. When were the credits yellow? Interesting
coincidence though. White probably for the credits. I prefer the old
Times font. I get it now! The font is changed. Okay. (I kind of figured
that was why, I just never put much thought into it, it's summer after
Parajo- the not thinking hard

head in self-reproach...>
Date: 08/03/1999
From: Blinker
Seems I forgot to weigh in here myself... Must be because of that time
I materialized inside solid rock, but miraculously escaped with only
a bump to the head. (See thread immediately prior for that particular
sterling example of Executive logic)
1) Yellow.
2) White, though partly because the yellow version was sloppily handled.
The actual title "SLIDERS" at the end of the opening sequence
had a nice shiny 'gold' texture to it, but the rest of the credits looked
like they were written in a particularly tacky brand of mustard.
3) I like the original font better; the new one clashes with it when
they appear together.
Blinker 7:-)

Date: 08/03/1999
From: Slidersfreak
1.I really liked the look of the white background.
2.I like them the way they are now.
3.I like the original font.

missed this post earlier!
Date: 08/03/1999
From: emzee
I like the yellow just fine, any warm color is fine, just NOT white!
I like to see white text on a black background (reverse-out text) for
titles or brief headlines, but reverse-out is hard to read if you are
viewing a paragraph.
I like the new font best. I have had problems with the old font for
some reason (clipping of the g's, etc.). I think the new font is cleaner!
Thanks for the poll,

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/10053
Nominated by Blinker
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