Tribute to Season Four Quinn
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Blinker
This ought to lighten your day... unless you're a JOC fanatic. 7:-O
Blinker 7:-)

Job, Blinker!
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Slider_Quinn21
A true tribute to the Season 4 Quinn we all "know and love".
Thanks to the execs at sci-fi though, thats that last we'll see of old
Q-Ball. if not for seasons 1,2 reruns, he would have been forgotton.

Date: 08/12/1999
From: SliderNum5
Hey Blinker, if you'd like, I have acouple of screen captures showing
Jerry's season four spazed eyes (Most noticably from the last scene
in "Roads Taken").
Great Job! It really made my day.

love that...
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Blinker
I was thinking of those eye twitches as one of the few things my collection
was missing. 7:-)
Please send them to:
Blinker 7:-)

Date: 08/12/1999
From: QBall79
I've bookmarked that page so I can easily refer to it when addressing
those idiotic bungee posters we affectionately call "newbies"'s
funny how a word completely changes its meaning over time, isn't it?

not all!
Date: 08/12/1999
From: VirtualDimension
There should be like 10 pictures from each episode of the season! That's
hilarious! He really made the show, didn't he. With all of those facial
expressions ...
Now if the show was cancelled after season 2 I might believe that he
was vital to its success, but after season 4.
Sorry. I like season 4 anyway. It was the first season of Sliders that
I watched all of, and actually got in to.

blinker go.
Date: 08/12/1999
From: Jericho_Y2J
that was great.
I gotta use that url on the JOCites who bash S5..uhh the s5 bashers
who are JOCites..uhh, shit i know being a JOCite does not make you a
s5 basher OK..since my post everyone seems to think thats what i think.

this mean......?
Date: 08/13/1999
From: weeeezr
You no likey JOC???
dont pay me no attention im just followin Qball for
I R Joc fanatic and i thought it was funny.

blame Jerry
Date: 08/13/1999
From: CaptainGalaxy
During season 4, he also did some writing and directing. More importantly,
he wants to get ready to be an executive producer.
He did write the story to make his brother a permanent role. Although
it ....

ok Weez!
Date: 08/13/1999
From: sflite
I thought it was pretty damn hysterical too=)

Date: 08/13/1999
From: misswells
Very nice, Blinker . . . I liked that alot . . .

do have to say it, however shallow
Date: 08/13/1999
From: emzee
I'd rather look at JOC spacing out than Robert Floyd electrified, anyday!
Not that I don't agree with you regarding the differences in their acting
abiilities. RF is a better actor. I have been very critical of JOC's
absent acting behavior in the past, but after looking at all those pictures.
Oh! He is so nice to look at!
Ooooh baby!

Good Things,,, Get Tired
Date: 08/13/1999
From: trniles
A fine piece of webwork.
However, I would allow that the scripts have a lot to do with how an
actor performs.
As an actor, Jerry is one of the undeniable talents in the industry.
It is only necessary to watch him in the Sliders premiere. He was absolutely
brilliant! What amazes me also is how Rob Reiner managed to cast four
extraordinarily talented kids in "Stand By Me." I don't reach
that opinion from passive viewing (like too many - and far too many
critics) but from a part of my life where I experimented with acting
and standup comedy in LA. For me it was a great game to play, but the
lessons I learned about communication made my life a lot more interesting.
Jerry is a delight to watch when he has a script of even mediocre merit.
You must consider that he could have quit for that very reason: the
scripts just weren't enough and he didn't feel supported by the production
staff. Why would someone of his talent want to be undermined when he
could go elsewhere?
This is what Rhys-Davies had to say about Jerry:
"As for Jerry himself, were I to have another son I wish it were
Jerry...I think he is so gifted. He is ideally, temperamentally suited
to succeed and it was my joy and privilege to work with him."
Srill, I have come around to the opinion that it is far better to save
Sliders than to let it slip away. The recent scripts have been surprisingly
solid and the cast is really getting into their parts. They want to
save the show, too.
Whatever I have the time to do, I will try.
But damning Jerry is counter-productive.

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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