Holy 7:-#! Sliders.net UPDATED!
Date: 08/28/2002
Four whole years later... the "would you like to be notified of future updates" box gets its revenge...
http://www.sliders.net/ (or .us or .biz, now)
Okay, so there doesn't seem to be any new content, and in fact several sections (such as the image gallery) have for the moment been stripped out altogether, but STILL... Robb Potter LIVES! WOO HOO!!!
- Blinker 7:-/

"Slip Sliding" my way down there...
Date: 08/28/2002
BT doesn't like the Paul Simon motif.
This is a site I don't remember seeing before. I have a feeling it'll be worth my while to spend some time exploring it. Thanks for the keen observation, Blink! With that eye you could have been a rider on the Pony Express. Except you weren't born yet.
Now if only Paul Simon were the only Paul we had to contend with on the board. ~:P

Cause Celebre
Date: 08/29/2002
Yes, let us all celebrate.
There's nothing more exciting than when a long-dormant site "updates" itself by removing 90% of the information that drew people there in the first place.
Ultra-detailed synopses (with optional reader surveys) replaced by loglines that make SCIFI's page seem robust. All those pesky scans of Sliders advertisements and links to other Sliders sites removed.
Oh, and let's not forget moving towards a site look and navigation system that is not only hideous, but a huge step backward from the previous version.
So while you applaud the fact that Rob is still *ahem* alive *ahem*, I'll mourn the loss of all the stuff he had up there before he decided to take it down.
Whoo. Hoo.
- SpaceTime O;-P

Danse Macabre
Date: 08/29/2002
Le Mort de BT is especially good!
Thank you for allowing us to watch how you urinate, Monsignor ST. The lesson in human anatomy alone made it worth this Mekkan diplomat's time.

Douche D'or
Date: 08/29/2002
Hey, no problem, Twink.
Glad you managed to discover the page after its fundamental usefulness had been removed. I'm also glad you kissed Blinker's ass for another of his germane announcements.
An announcement showing once again that Blinker is incapable of doing anything of his own.
You'll forgive me if I don't share his level of excitement over the tearing down of one of the original online Sliders fixtures. After all, I don't cherish a staple site being dismantled for no tangible reason.
But feel free to make weird scatalogical references. Dark and I started them, Blinker continued them; it's only fitting that it be passed to one of his Acolytes.
Good day. And pick a handle. Thanks.

Twinkle, twinkle, acolyte...
Date: 08/29/2002
I'll mention BT for spite...
<Glad you managed to discover the page after its fundamental usefulness had been removed. I'm also glad you kissed Blinker's ass for another of his germane announcements.>
Sorry I couldn't get around to exploring it sooner, ST. I was too busy reading all the "non-germane" posts you've been doing lately.
When you're done handing out handle lectures and criticizing Blinker for not living up to your impossibly high standards (essentially that he should be your slave and do exactly what you think he should do and nothing else), do you have anything constructive to add? Or do you just want to lob another sexual orientation-themed insult my way?
Whatever you decide, be sure to let me know. You know everyone on the board hangs on your every word.

Date: 08/29/2002
Constructive? I assumed my requiem for the dead titular site was entirely within the scope of the topic at hand. As for your nebulous Salinger-esque comments about urination and fan fiction characters, well, that's what you brought to the table. Sexual jibes? Hunh?
I asked you to pick a handle because, in case you haven't noticed, there's a jackass out there who adopts a thousand variations of whatever your name of the moment is. So pick one, stick with it and help reduce idiocy. SL4ever would be proud.
As for Blinker, if he spent his time making more of his original shit (like finish Earth 69, for starters), I'd be more forgiving of his now endless lack of creativity. The only standard I'd ask of him is that he use his brain to do something original instead of scouring the BBoard Archives for nonsense quotes. He's certainly capable.
I hope you'll forgive me for wondering how you were unaware of the existence of www.sliders.net. It's been around long enough to have gone without an update for *four years.* The domain name and the name of the show are identical. It would be the second thing I'd type in about the show (after sliders.com).
Finally, I don't expect anyone to listen to a word I say. But if me registering my contempt for the "new" sliders.net isn't topical in a post about the very site, then what the hell is?
Done criticizing and lecturing? Thanks.

Address to an Epsilon
Date: 08/29/2002
From: darkslider
Impossibly high standards....something you know quite a bit of, eh TM?
Of course, considering every human on this PLANET has standards too high for you to meet, I'd say your little attack here on SpaceTime was accurate. But is it, shall we say...correct or even coherent? Is ANYTHING you say coherent, honest, or even remotely...original?
Not in the slightest.
Especially considering you have made it a point to announce that you, in fact, are voluntarily someone's bitch.
Now, while I am sure the perks of being a "bitch" to someone has it's...well 'benefits'...I hardly think it allows for you to throw any stones at glass houses.
Considering the fact that you are, by your own admission, a monkey waiting for the organ grinder that is Blinker to give you permission to pee, let alone speak, I'd say that you're out of line here.
So, for the love of all that wish to read coherent speeches, PLEASE silence that gash under your nose.
You are only making a larger fool of yourself than I thought humanly possible. Especially with that disaster of a post under your pseudo-handle.
But, that's what you do best, isn't it Monkeyboy? Babble to the point of driving others mad.
That, and being Blinkers she-man in a leather mini and Jem earrings.

A look at standards...
Date: 08/30/2002
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but here are the standards that ST has set for three people in this thread alone:
*Blinker. Blinker is to only create works that you deem original. If he should deign to create something that you consider unoriginal, it is not worth your time and therefore not worth doing, since Lord knows Blinker only posts for your benefit.
*Robb Potter. You have proclaimed his site now “useless”. Also, you have completely condemned him for his decision to alter the content of his website, although as far as I know you don’t have any more information about why he did it than anybody else does.
*ThomasMalthus. I apparently have a duty to look at every single Sliders website out there, even though I have never stated that as a goal for myself. Also, it turns out I’m responsible for the trolls who are obsessed with me, because I have multiple handles. If I stuck with one (like I did when I was solely ThomasMalthus) they’d leave me alone.
Is any of this incorrect? Please don’t hesitate to explain how these are not the standards you have set for these three individuals in this thread.
darkslider: Apparently there is a set of criteria that must be met before anyone can be so brazen as to address SpaceTime, and in your mind I have not lived up to those standards. I’m curious to know what they are. Next time perhaps I’ll request an engraved invitation for an audience with him through e-mail or something.
ThomasMalthus (designated 'not a faux handle' by darkslider, circa 2002)

Un sot a triple etage
Date: 08/30/2002
From: darkslider
I must first inquire, and I KNOW it's a rhetorical question, but:
Obviously not, as...whatever the hell that is above has to be the most hideous massacre of the English language and human thought process imaginable.
Scurvy ridden, drunken, Portuguese sailors make more sense than you do.
Ergo, I must speak monosyllabically in order for you to understand this...and not misconstrue the meaning, so that my words need not be regurgitated by you in some malformed attempt at being...coy.
You, ThomasMalthus, have called yourself a BITCH. Blinker's bitch, to be most accurate.
What does that entail?
Last time I checked, it meant that you were in legion with and therefore answer to Blinker. Which means YOU DO AS HE SAYS AND DO NOT STRAY FROM THAT, AS BEING SOMEONE'S BITCH CONNOTATES THAT YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF MAKING YOUR OWN DECISIONS.
Am I taking liberty with anything? Not at all...you have said this, in a post addressed to me.
This evident as well by your actions here as of late. Starting with your completely bandwagon attack on me (since you had SL4Ever as a support) and the brazen attempts at picking fights with SpaceTime on the simple fact that you somehow now think you say anything remotely clever and intelligent. Well, those are not so much an indicator as the fact that you somehow seem to find it refreshing to eat light bulbs while wearing Adult Diapers.
Therefore, my statements against you are completely correct, and unlike most of the words that escape your lips...are sound in logic and coherency.
Does this mean you cannot speak? By all means, Coco, speak. Speak and scream to the highest rafters of this place about your...ahem... badaud thoughts on SpaceTime, Blinker, or myself.
However, you must know of what will be accomplished by this futile effort, though?
It shall only prove that, while Apes can be taught a limited vocabulary, the meaning behind the words they retain will be completely lost. Cram all the words possible into their brains and it will have the same result shown in you after years of public education. The words spoken will not mimic Shakespeare, but Carrot Top.
Is an invitation for an audience with SpaceTime necessary? Does one need to go through the proper channels of paperwork to speak to the Exalted Leader of Evil?
I will answer that idiotic question with one of my own, directed at you.
Both contain the same answer.
Does your cup size exceed a triple Z?
(attached to insecure posters everywhere as means of currency in showing their worth, circa 1998)

Random Simian Thoughts...
Date: 08/30/2002
Fetch, BT! Fetch! Good boy!
How do you know so much about scurvy ridden, drunken Portuguese sailors and mental patients?
You don’t do monosyllabic very well. I counted more than one syllable in many of the words you used to address me. These included “understand”, “misconstrue”, “meaning” and “regurgitated”.
Obviously you and I have different ideas about what being Blinker’s bitch entails. He’s very permissive and doesn’t make unreasonable demands of anyone...unlike some people I could name.
Dial 1-800-CALL-ATT!
I am a D cup, thank you very much.
SpaceTime’s the Exalted Leader of Evil? Wow, evil’s really taken a dip lately, huh?
This is a "fight" with SpaceTime that I "picked"? I thought we were having a friendly chat.
By the way, how come you decided to jump into the ring, dark? Just can’t miss an opportunity to attempt to curtail the rights of others in the middle of an ineptly executed campaign of harassment?
ThomasMalthus (organ grinder monkey)

Let's recap
Date: 08/30/2002
- Blinker reports (and celebrates) Robb Potter's web update.
- I fail to see the good in a web site excising a good portion of what made it unique and state as much.
- You, writing as an "I am Lesion" handle, liken my distaste for Robb's "update" with oral urination.
- I wonder aloud how someone who by any standards is a fan of the show has *never* heard of sliders.net prior to this topic. I also laud Blinker for once again creating a fundamentally useless post.
From this you've concluded that Blinker must create to participate and that you must engender yourself to study every Sliders web site out there.
99% of what Blinker does isn't worth my time and I ignore it, and I don't care if he posts for himself or the gaggle of handle trolls. I'm sure his motivations towards me are similar. But he is capable of creative endeavors ("Quinntum Leap," "Positronic Slide Syndrome"), so he should focus a stray neuron on that shit once in a while instead of memorizing the plagiarizing antics of Slider_Paul. As I said, he's a creative guy - why blow his load on stupid-ass posts that are the equivalent of Tormé's "Chinese Food Television?"
As for the "new" sliders.net site, I absolutely condemn the changes. His detailed episode synposes are *gone,* replaced by two paragraphs of logline and a horribly oversized title font. The ads are gone. The "Joe's Apartment" photos are gone. Most of Robb's scans and photos have disappeared for no reason. What's there now is a pale imitation of what used to be, particularly in terms of design. The last iteration was functional and aesthetically appealing; this new one is not. You don't even know what you're missing because you never saw it before.

Date: 08/30/2002
From: darkslider
I just can’t miss an opportunity to attempt to curtail the rights of others in the middle of an ineptly executed campaign of harassment?
Surprisingly, that sounds like a fair summation of the verbal diarrhea spewed all over this post by you, TM.
Ineptly executed. Poorly written. Completely idiotic. On par with the bathroom stall poetry you avidly read while searching for the ideal mate.
And also all things that describe not only your recent 'campaign of harassment' here, but you general motif as a handle here.
As for using the "big" words that include, but are not limited to “understand”, “misconstrue”, “meaning” and “regurgitated”, well....for that I truly must apologize. I did not realize that the level of brain dama---er....HURTING you suffer--wait...HAVE was so far gone.
Since it's obvi--er..EASY TO SEE that you are not able to handle words that are not written at anything above a 'Dick and Jane' reading level, I will help you as best I can.
I shall do this by giving you a phrase of the day that will help you in your daily life, you mental Pinto.
The first 'big words' of the day?
Mental Deficient
Something I am sure you have heard before. Hell, I am surprised it's not tattooed on your damn forehead. Right next to 'FINGERS DON'T GO IN EYES OR POOPY STORAGE'.
It's meaning? Well, I could tell you, but let's be honest. You have the mental capacity of a goldfish. In about three minutes, you will soon forget all about what you have read here and will continue staring at the magic bumps on your ceiling in your mother's underwear.
So, before you cognitive malformation...sigh...." 'membering skill" resets itself, I will let you know why I have decided to 'curtail'. (How is it that you can know, let alone comprehend the word 'curtail', when the awesome mystery of the word 'meaning' escapes you?)
I have jumped into the fray because you are an idiot who is not capable of silencing himself, even in the face of being shown you are wrong. And since you saw it fit to show me the same courtesy not too long ago, why should I not return the favor, Prag?
Ahhh...but considering that you can't even control your drooling, I suppose that you being able to control your speech is a far fetched assumption. So, I shall go easy on you, oh my little Drain-O drinker.
As for the whole sailor/mental patient question?
Please. Do I really need to answer this electronic equivalent of a 'assholesayswhat' retort to my response to you?
Portuguese sailors do not speak English, Portafoy. They speak, AMAZINGLY ENOUGH, Portuguese. Since I know that mutli-linguistic skills are beyond your comprehension as the comprehension of your native tongue of ENGLISH IS STILL ESCAPING YOU, it's safe to say that your understanding of Portuguese is on par with all others in this nation. Meaning, very little. Add that to the fact that those who are drunk speak incoherently, and you get my response.
My god, are you stupid.
As for the mental patients? Do some homework, junior. I am a psychology major. Which, lest you overwork that wilted banana in the brain Cheetah, means I STUDY MENTAL DISORDERS OR ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. Most of which YOU qualify for, Corky.

Date: 08/30/2002
BT: I'm not talking to you.
I guess it all comes down to a matter of tone. I have no problem with you suggesting that Blinker do something else creatively (OK, I have some problem with it, it could easily be construed as rude), but I do have a problem with you ordering him to do so. If that wasn't your intent, then I apologize for having implied that it was.
darkslider: You lost me when you made the "mate" joke. Next time if you want to trash my personal life, at least use something with a kernel of truth to it. I don't want to feel like I'm reading form letter flaming.

One handed clapping
Date: 08/31/2002
From: darkslider
A kernal of truth should be used in my attacks against an awesome opponent such as yourself?
Well...since there is zero evidence to the contrary that your bathroom antices are NOT in fact mating rituals...I'd say that the statements made still hold true.
As for seeking to attack more blatant...easily seen avenues of insult?
Well, nature has done a fine job of insulting you for me on so many levels that it is DIZZYING to even ponder the amount of damage done to humanity's ascension and divergence from their simian ancestors...simply by having your genes in the pool. And, since I dare not seek to hit the proverbial 'side of a barn with a rock'...I'll just decline to comment further on your misadventures in human evolution as the evidence is in every panoramic picture that has been able to do the near impossible and capture you.
As for the hilariously formulaic defence against me by entitling my style as 'form flaming'? Well, if there is an expert on that, you would be most qualified "urine-boy"...you seem well versed in other's styles. And have zero qualms about restating the phrases used by others in the oddest format neccessary.
So please, continue with a mundane response. And by all means...let me know when the 'SpaceTime = Lindberg Baby Kidnapper??' post comes around. I found the original very amusing...
Lord knows that it would be far more entertaining and interesting than this little display or any tale penned by you.

Sliders.net was the first Sliders site
Date: 09/01/2002
that BT didn't like.
that I encountered when i first took an interest. While I guess it's good to know that Potter is alive and well, I am disappointed by the changes. This used to be a good site. Not the best mind you but it was good enough that I had printed out pages of it when I wanted to first know about Sliders. This page and Earthprime.com were the only ones that had this kind of effect on me back then. Its a real shame what it has been reduced to now. It would have been better off left as is.

Sliders.net was the first Sliders site
Date: 09/01/2002
that BT didn't like.
that I encountered when i first took an interest. While I guess it's good to know that Potter is alive and well, I am disappointed by the changes. This used to be a good site. Not the best mind you but it was good enough that I had printed out pages of it when I wanted to first know about Sliders. This page and Earthprime.com were the only ones that had this kind of effect on me back then. Its a real shame what it has been reduced to now. It would have been better off left as is.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/1502218
Nominated by Blinker, SpaceTime
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