rdwebster = hypocrite. [All can read]

Date: 1/28/2000
From: Blinker

This was something rdwebster said to buffyboy, at http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/15145/6:

Maybe you should cite your sources, you useless little weasel.

You know - for someone as young as you claim to be - you sure act like a fully mature ass. I notice that you use my handle in a very oblique and obnoxious way, but you don't seem to state when and in what post I made the statements that you attribute to me. Is that something your mom does that aggravates you? And that's why you want to do it to someone else - right?

If you want to use quotes then you have to be able to state where the quotes come from! (verbatim) If, on the other hand, you are being your usual 'gas exchange' self then you should have the guts to say so, buffybutt.

Tell you what - why don't you climb back between your stiff little sheets and gaze lovingly at the Buffy poster above your bed (you know the one - without any other male image so you can imagine without having to delete anyone else) and - as usual - have a ball?

The "quotes" in question? BB's parody of webster's hypocritical behaviour. Well... I've got quote.

First, here's the RD persona we all know and love... the one only seen around these parts AFTER the cancellation announcement. You know... Mr. 'Let's turn the board into who wrote whom'?

Now, in looking back at the last few 'pages' of comments, I find even more people taking potshots at the program and it's supporters on this board. And I find nobody willing to turn them into positive forces for the show.

Tell me, MISTER Potshot, does *this* passage look at all familiar?

You have to be forgiving - as there are only five or maybe ten defenders of Season 5 (S5) on this site that haven't yet figured out the handwriting on the wall.

Or... this one, perhaps?

Exec#1: "Well - that's the problem - we are going to wind up letting the show die anyway, but since we've already sold ad time we have to give them some sort of show."

Exec#2: "Not a problem. I've got two people with less personality than a can of plain tomato sauce and we can get them for about $1.23 each per episode. We'll just hide the changes until the season starts and then depend on twenty or thirty shills on the bboard at SciFi.com to keep things rolling until the advertisers are satisfied. By the time they realize that there's no product to sell we'll be gone!"

Or how about...

Probably not the true scenario - but - Who Knows? Negotiations obviously went wrong. And you have a perfect opportunity to see a dying bird, right in front of your eyes - if you can stand to look.

Yes, folks, that was Webster Mark I: http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/8718/6

Choke on it, Shill Boy... you've been caught with your pants down. There's nowhere left to run.

- Blinker 7:-/

"It's up to you - if you want another season you can come together and unite all of us. Or you can continue to snipe and gripe and let it all go without ever knowing if you could have been the difference." [http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/12416]

(That came from someone whose method of recruitment is to bash anyone and everyone, left and right. Aah, I love this stuff...)

I don't know which is worse...

Date: 1/28/2000
From: jlbanker

Relrelrelrelrelrelaboo who spams the board and thinks we will read his posts good or not... usually not or Mr. Webster who gets on this board and for some reason can't take the fact that we post topics on other things. Richard, go away, the show is over and nothing for you to fight for GO AWAY... you said that we would start leaving after the show was over so set an example... goodbye. Nice knowing you but time go... happy trails to you...



Date: 1/29/2000
From: TemporalFlux

Richard Shill...it does have a nice ring to it. LOL!!!


Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/16908
Nominated by Blinker



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