Or what little of my sanity is left, I must parody this level of stupidity
" I was never a fan of Sliders. It was more a show my friends all
liked and I saw occasionally."
Appearntly he has smart friends
"To begin with, the pilot failed to impress me. It seemed like
a dead-end concept."
kind of like Dragnet was a dead-end concept. or Star Trek, I mean really
how many diffrent aliens can there be?
"Season Three seems to have had the worst episodes of all."
Well, he has some minute understanding of the show!
"The stand-out exception (which I only saw two weeks back) is
the two-parter that introduced Maggie."
-Because it wasn't a movie ripoff, unless you count all those big 'end
of the world is coming' movies, but who ever saw them anyway?
' This is a real epic.'
-I believe that Epic is latin for 'steaming pile of monkey crap'
"The stories are interesting and "big"."
-And we all know, who needs decent acting/script when you have 'big'
"The regulars are likable and gel together wonderfully."
-Appearntly 'likable' is Canadian slang for 'make you want to choke
the life out of most of them'
"Quinn has evolved into a superb hero."
-OK, I can't even think of a witty line here, my mind goes into traction
due to shock of this statement.
What's the world coming to when a good human-like character is replaced
by a 'hero' and people love it?
"More in tune what what you would expect of a 1990's sci-fi show."
--And this is a GOOD thing?!?
" Before this, it seemed like a lost show from the 70's or something."
--And we all know nothing good was on in the 70's!
"From the beginning I've thought, and still firmly believe, that
the original concept is restricting and unworkable."
Like X-files, i mean how many X-files can there be? Sooner or later
wouldn't one get solved?
" I don't think you can do "every" episode about parallel
versions of earth, and doubles of the characters, and maintain a fresh
and interesting show."
--But doing every episode on the same earth with the same history, that
has unlimited potential!
"As it stands now, Sliders is more and more about the actual act
of sliding than it is about the worlds that are visited. Which is better.
Sliding is an interesting concept."
--So the idea of slideing is great, let's just ger rid of those pesky
explanations of why the world is different!
"And the very fact that each episode is set on a seperate world
opens the format up to a variety of sci-fi concepts that would stretch
credibility if all played out on the same earth."
--But the concept is dead-end and very limited
Does ANYONE understand this guy at this point?!?
"And best of all, we now have the backstory arc, with Quinn and
co. trying to rescue Wade and defeat the Kromaggs.
---Once again my understanding of Canadian slang isn't that great, from
this I think Brilliant must mean 'totally stupid bullshit'
"Strengths:The big strength of Season Four are the scripts. High
concept sci-fi stories. Cleverly told. Then there is the cast: Jerry
O'Connell and Kari Wuhrer are two charismatic, likeable, attractive
leads. O'Connell has matured into a perfect "hero."
--I'll make a witty comment when I am done laughing....probably within
the year, but don't bet on it!
"Impressive Characters:Quinn is the shows central character, principle
hero and most impressive character."
--Yeah I mean the proffesor & Remmy where just so boreing 'Blistering
idiot' this, and 'Tears in my fro' that!
"The Season Four opener gave Quinn a background not-too-different
from that of Superman (parents send their special baby to safety from
doomed planet) and the similarity did a lot to make Quinn very much
a superhero."
--I never realized it before, but he's right!
I can picture it now
Peck: I see Quinn as Superman, GO WITH IT!
"The other impressive character is Maggie Beckett. A gutsy military
lady with a gung-ho attitude to the slides."
Well, if you take off the 'Gung'...
" Jerry O'Connell and Kari Wuhrer are the best two actors in the
--Once again comments will come after I stop laughing.
" Wuhrer is a very strong actress and absolutely gorgeous to boot!!
No bad combo. "
Appearntly Stong, as in her ability to keep from toppeling over due
to her to-heavy figure.
"Just Say Yes, by Richard Manning, shouldn't be a classic. Not
really. Since, on paper is seems like such a lame, cliched idea."
--Hey, he's finally makeing sense!
" However, the script and execution make this another utterly
delightful hour of television."
--Well, it lasted for 2 sentances anyway!
" With Kari Wuhrer and Charlie O'Connell doing some absolutely
top-notch acting."
--Once again, when I'm done laughing.
"Back onto a world where Kromagg's were defeated, but are --
--As opposed to the worlds where they where defeated and then loved
& cared for!
"This sets the scene for some gripping Father-Daughter discussions."
--Where he explains it's "the Birds & the bees, Not the humans
and the Kromaggs MORON!"
" But wait... there's more:"
--You also get a juicer for just $19.95, that's right, just $19.95!
"Kari Wuhrer (again) gives a top notch performance"
--Appearntly the notches are on his bedpost, thus explaining why he
gives her & S4 such positive reviews!
"Data World, by Joel Metzger, is another high concept outing."
--On the level of such other high-concept movies as 'Porkys' 'Revenge
of the nerds' and 'deep throat'
" The sort of thing "Sliders" never did when it aired
on Fox."
--Ok, I give you the opportunity to insert your own witty comment.
" Episodes like this create a great sense of "place"
and are the staple of cult tv, because they demand repeated viewings,
and benefit from them"
--THAT'S IT, Data World brainwashed him! Oh wait, he'd need a brain
to be washed, nevermind!
"The Chasm, by William Bigelow, was -when I started writing this
review- my most recent episode. And, as with so many others in this
season, it really blew me away."
--Just like Kari did to get this review
"But, best of all, the episode plays fair by providing a satisfying
solution to the mystery."
--Ok, it's official, I'm never gonna stop laughing