I'm not likin' it, and here's why.
1) Opening up a reply doesn't have quite the same impact when you've
already seen a truncated first sentence in addition to the lead-in.
More to the point, a lot of BBoard humour is now harder to pull off:
Title: YOU MOTHER-$%&@ING >:-#!!!!!
Beginning text: Just kidding! :-D Bet I had you g
Title: Well...
Beginning text: Actually, that's all I had. Just "w
Title: Woo Hoo! Great fanfic! [END]
Beginning text: [first few words of an off-colour joke about Kari Wuhrer,
a miniature schnauzer and a fire hydrant]
You *can* still fake out this system and hide text; it just takes some
2) The biggie. Since the BT column DOES print carriage returns, the
list o' replies can get mighty annoying to parse. The fifth reply to
this post is an ideal example:
While this thread here shows you what a mess things can become:
So whaddaya think? High-tech wonder, or dunderheaded blunder? Would
it be any more palatable if only one line of text were displayed? Inquiring
minds long to know!
- Blinker 7:-P
Title: "A Tale of Two Cities"
Beginning text: It was the bes