Top Ten Possible Explanations for Reruns

Date: 01/08/1999
From: Blinker


10. Trying to boost "Welcome to Paradox"'s ratings by forcing us to watch that instead.
9. Someone in SFC's programming department has a huge crush on Marta in "Genesis".
8. Prelude to a fundraising campaign ... "Send us $50 and our hardworking staff will be able to complete production on Sliders Season Four."
7. No reason, just mindless sadism.
6. To maximize public exposure to subliminal messages contained in that inane "Beauty ... Versus Beast" commercial for "Common Ground".
5. The head of SFC is the evil boss from "Dilbert".
4. The more they play "Virtual Slide", the more they think we'll be ready for "Roads Taken".
3. They're having a contest with FOX to see who can tick off the most Sliders fans.
2. The more they play "Prophets and Loss", the less boring *any* episode seems by comparison!
1. Trying to stall the airing of "Revelations" while they reshoot it to bring back SL and JRD, end the Kromagg plotline for good, and send Maggie to the world of the talking flames... Well, a man can dream can't he?

Blinker 7:-)

<claps> Jolly good show! (end)

Date: 01/08/1999
From: SL4ever


I wish..

Date: 01/08/1999
From: StarSekr1

..that explanation #1 were really true! That would be the best reason for the reruns we have been subjected to. A woman can dream, too!
SS1 :-)

There shouldnt be a top ten, its a fact.

Date: 01/08/1999
From: SliderNum5

The Dominion stated that they do this to keep the show going for a year long span...Thats the sad truth


how about

Date: 01/09/1999
From: emzee

11) job security

Little did I know...

Date: 07/29/1999
From: Blinker

The very first reason I gave was actually 100% bang on.

Blinker 7:-(

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Nominated by Slider_Quinn21


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