<Blinker drools in anticipation at the thought of actually being
the first to post exclusive Season Five infor->
Other board members: GET ON WITH IT!!!
<Suitably chastened...>
Apologies if this was reported during my absence last week, but I haven't
seen any sign that it was... it's from Sci-Fi Entertainment Magazine
(the official mag of the Sci-Fi Channel.)
1. Mallory will not, as widely assumed, be an amalgam of Quinn and
Colin, but of Quinn with his double on Diana's homeworld. This Quinn
is the 'lab rat' for Dr. Geiger (Peter Jurasik), the new recurring villain,
who is conducting experiments involving both sliding vortexes and gene
replication (?!). Diana (Geiger's assistant) joins the Sliders with
the goal of separating them.
Robert Floyd comments that the two Quinns battle for control of their
single body, and "fortunately or unfortunately, I win." He
seems to share some character elements with the 'street-smart kid' proposed
earlier - he's the one "always trying to earn a buck or two."
If you're wondering where Colin is in all this, the Sliders apparently
'lose' him before landing on Diana's world.
2. Tembi Locke describes Diana as finding science "sexy - she
really gets off on it", but having trouble getting dates. She thus
looks up to Maggie as 'someone in touch with what it means to be a woman
in the sexual sense' (which is about as far as you can politely go without
calling her a slut).
3. Floyd says one episode features a "Roaring Twenties-type world
with lots of singing and goofing off." The one after that is about
a world of motorcycles. (!) Another finds Mallory head-over-heels in
love ("He'll do anything to hold on to that love.")
4. The look of the vortex (and of Maggie's hair 7;-)) stays the same
as in Season Four. At least one ep will actually show the Sliders inside
the wormhole (something not depicted since Season One.)
Blinker 7:-)
"Just the facts, ma'am. Just the facts."
P.S. Today is the fourth anniversary of Sliders' premiere ... as well
as William Shatner's birthday.
P.P.S. Last week's Lexx was a rip-off of "The Dream Masters",
depicting a world able to enter and control dreams. Soon the main character
finds himself attacked by a villain hurling fireballs (though unlike
Quinn, he just cowardly runs away.)
P.P.P.S. No - must resist ... more ... postscripts!! <face contorts
in Kirkian grimace>