More crazy Executive fun! [NSR]

Date: 07/22/1999
From: Blinker

A month or two ago I posted an extremely popular parody of everyone's favourite resident hothead, the Executive. Here, check it out:

The best defence Exec-rable could come up with was, 'So you're basing all this on a single letter that any number of people might spell the same way?'

Okay, try this on for size:

In the second incriminating e-mail which Executive denies writing (archived at
, the word "publicly" is misspelled as "publically."

Now check Exec's post at:

Sure enough, middle of the last paragraph:

"Some time ago he publically announced on the NetForum that he has given up watching SLIDERS..." Gee, what are the odds?

Ready to fess up yet, Ex?

Blinker 7:-)


Date: 07/22/1999
From: slidefan

Don't you think it's a little petty, Blinker?
I hope it's just a joke...



Date: 07/22/1999
From: SL4ever

... obviously you don't know what those e-mails he is referring to were about.

This is neither petty nor a joke because of the content of those said e-mails.

Good eye, Blink!!

That cinches it!

Date: 07/22/1999
From: QBall79

I was convinced when I read those e-mails the first time, but Blinker, you are the man! What chaps my rear more than his abuse of bboard priveleges is the fact that he won't even own up to it...even when he knows he's been nailed. I can't respect dishonesty like that, and if that's a crime, then I'm guilty as charged.


Predicted Executive Reaction:

Date: 07/23/1999
From: Blinker

"Will you please stop correcting my occasional typos? It's getting annoying! ;-)"

No, I don't know what the wink is for either.

Blinker 7:-)

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker


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