Hey, this is S the Great! You like my new moniker? I decided that,
in a tradition previously established by VirtualDimension and HunterD_Raven,
I'd pick up a new name in celebration of 9:00 pm, 9/9/99. Which one
do you like better, this or s_the_great?
Anyway, this post is actually Sliders related. I posted this a while
back, but my opinions have changed since. I'm going to post a complete
ranking of every Sliders episode I've seen so far. I'd like to see yours,
if you have enough time on your hands to do it, that is. I'm grouping
the two-parter's together, because they're really one story, in a way.
Luck of the Draw
The Guardian
Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Gillian of the Spirits
As Time Goes By
The King is Back
Double Cross
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
The Young and the Relentless
Into the Mystic
The Weaker Sex
Prince of Wails
Last Days
Summer of Love
The Return of Maggie Beckett
Dead Man Sliding
In Dino Veritas
Love Gods
Applied Physics
New Gods for Old
A Current Affair
The Prince of Slides
Please Press One
The Unstuck Man
Strangers and Comrades
Season's Greedings
Rules of the Game
The Fire Within
El Sid
Time Again and World
Slide Like an Egyptian
World Killer
Mother and Child
Murder Most Foul
Just Say Yes
Slide By Wire
The Great Work
Net Worth
Easy Slider
The Dream Masters
Desert Storm
State of the ART
The Last of Eden
Electric Twister Acid Test
Paradise Lost
Sole Survivors
The Other Slide of Darkness
This Slide of Paradise
The Breeder
I like, semi-like, or feel neutral towards all the episodes from The
Dream Masters on up. Revelations is the first ep I actually dislike.
And I REALLY REALLY HATE Slither. But, despite the listing, as a whole,
I hate Season 4 the most. Man, do I hate Season 4!
S (You can still call me S. In fact, I'd like it more if you would!)