About the FSU and MSU

Date: 10/10/99
From: Brand_S

FSU = Farscape-Sliders Union
MSU = MST3K-Sliders Union (I made that one up!)

I think that one of the contributing factors to the FSU's failure is that Scapers and Sliders fans have distinctly different opinions of the Sci-Fi Channel.

• Farscape has its best chance of success on the Sci-Fi Channel. Just imagine how screwed-up the show would be if it had to deal with rules and regulations from one of the Big Four. The Sci-Fi Channel loves this show, so it gets to do anything it wants. The fans, in turn, love the Channel, especially because of the abundance of celebrity chats and Board posts.
• The Sci-Fi Channel canceled our show with a cliffhanger ending. They allowed Peckinpah to lead the show in a downward direction. They stated that the show has "run its course," despite the fact that the show has no real ending. They've made repeated attempts at finding ways to convince us, the fans, that our show is dead, from posting Trent Jensen letters (Man, I hate that guy. I still say he was a plant.) and other miscellaneous anti-Sliders propaganda to putting up a poll with answers that weren't even mutually exclusive. Sliders' part in Science-Fiction conventions has been reduced to bash-sessions. The Sliders section of our site is the least-updated. But what we lack in updates is made up for by Sci-Fi Prime reruns. Boy, what a compensation, huh? No one from the show or the site pays any attention to this board, unlike Farscape. The only people who post to this board are cool people doing so on their own time. (My thanks go out to WestWorld and Michael_Reaves.) The Channel stalls for as long as ratings can afford to bring us pivotal episodes like Requiem and The Seer.
The Sci-Fi Channel betrayed us. When we thought Sliders had a new home, the Sci-Fi Channel double-crossed the fans. And to top it all off, they gave us the mess of radioactive human waste that is Season Four. (If you want, I can dig up the URL in which I completely vilify Season Four.)

But I've become very disillusioned lately. I'm at the point where I wish Jerry would return for one episode to wrap up Quinn... just so people like Loki666, Volkris, Darth Arturo, Lekeran, Abdul, QBall43185, Trent "The Jackass" Jensen, Wade1013 (ESPECIALLY Wade1013), Shannon_Stone, SonGokou2000, Headcase, Groupie, and a googol others (many of whom infect the chat area) would just give it a rest and let this board move in a direction that's remotely positive. Just when I thought we were starting to do that, this idiot SlidersBlow comes along. And what really pisses me off is the complete lack of anti-Farscape folk at the Farscape board.

I feel like I'm the only guy left who likes Robert Floyd as an actor. Sure, I dislike the Mallory character, but I really think Robert Floyd's a great actor.

Anyhow, now that I've completely digressed, back to the subject at hand. I think I'll just start over.

There's a reason the FSU went belly-up. The Farscape folk and Sliders stock have different perceptions of the Sci-Fi Channel.

Of course, that probably wouldn't be that big a deal. Actually, it's really all just horseshit. The reason the FSU flopped was 'cause no one cared.

However, the reason I brought the Sci-Fi Channel to your attention was because I think that the MSU could work. The reason: MST3K and Sliders have something in common, which is mutual hatred for the Sci-Fi Channel.

"And so the MST3K people and the Sliders people joined hands and rejoiced. And it was good. And together, they echoed...

'The Sci-Fi Channel is fucked up.'"


PS: I doubt this is relevant, but I'm both a fan of Sliders AND Farscape.

PPS: I said "The Sci-Fi Channel is fucked up" in an earlier post. That was the second time I posted that. I just wanted to compare reactions. The first time, abdul and LBJM replied to it and a "fuck-fest" ensued. The second time, everyone agreed with me. Man, timing really is everything! ;-)


Date: 10/9/99
From: HunterD_Raven

I think us MSties & Sliders should team up, and bring the highlander fans with us, a mutual hatred of Sci-Fi
to paraphrase the bible (boy isnt that egotistical
"A renewal in which there is no distinction between greek & Jew, Circumcised and uncircumcised, slave and freeman.
But all agree the SFC is fucked up" (the actual verse ends "but god is all & in all)

HunterD (and Lo all those who had their shows unjustly canned united and said "I have a dream of our shows with new eps running agin, I HAVE A DREAM")


Date: 10/9/99
From: gpc

Thing about JOC...while he would be rather needed for a wrap up, I'm not even sure he'd fit. I mean, remember, the original Quinn was somewhat nerdy. JOC these days is some jock dude.
SL looks nothing like she did...probably the only two characters that would be recognizeable are JRD and CD.
I think the only reason that Farscape is any good (and I hate to say, half the episodes I just found boring...other half rocked though) is because of the Hensen Create Shop (sp?).
After seeing Animal Farm, and how they produced it, it seems that the show is really carried only be how much those making it care. The actors of farscape and studio still give a shit.
And, they don't have Peck, do they? *Smirk*

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/13236
Nominated by Brand_S


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