Date: 2/14/2000
From: Brand_S
I just figured I'd make this post special because this new guy, FogBoy,
reminds me so much of me when I first joined!
So, FogBoy, I hope you enjoy your stay here. There are a lot of flame
wars here, as you've probably seen, but you build a stomach for it.
Soon enough, you'll be flamin' and cursin' and provokin' right up there
with the rest of us! Anyhow, here are some things you'll need to know
to get around around here:
- This is the #2 target for trolls (people who go to different boards
starting trouble). Make it a point not to trust anyone unless you've
seen them write a non-inflammatory post or reply.
- You will get virtually no attention for your first few months here.
The trick is, take initiative. Write unique, off-the-wall posts, find
things about Sliders discussed that none of us would've thought of.
- Learn to differentiate between good times to write your thoughts in
a new article or a reply. Articles will get more replies, but those
replies won't be positive if all you're doing is dragging on a pre-existing
- Tracy Tormé VERY good. John Rhys-Davies VERY good. Robert K
Weiss good. Keith Damron bad. Bill Dial bad. David Peckinpah VERY bad.
- Don't get involved in any flame wars here. No matter how much your
blood boils, either respond with an intelligent putting of someone in
their place, or ignore it. Don't post angry! Always wait until you're
thinking with a calmer head!
- The more you compliment people, the less likely they are to go ape...
erm... excrement and spam the board.
- Watch your language. I used to swear a lot on this board in the past,
but you'll eventually offend somebody, and these folks don't take offendin'
very well!
- Always assume the people you address your posts to are on the brink
of going ape-excrement on this board. 90% of the time, they are.
- That same percentage covers the people here who are very, very stupid.
If something sounds complicated, explain it fully, so they'll understand.
Writing a complicated post on this board with the intent to get it through
someone's skull is like slingshotting a pebble on the door of a vault
in Fort Knox from 50 feet away. Good luck!
Anyway, I think that about covers it. As long as you're here, good
luck, have fun, and may God have mercy on your soul!

for S
Date: 2/14/2000
From: JorgeCis
"Tracy Tormé VERY good. John Rhys-Davies VERY good. Robert
K Weiss good. Keith Damron bad. Bill Dial bad. David Peckinpah VERY
RKW is just good? He's helping with the movie. :-)
By the way, I was wondering how you felt about Chris Black. I notice
that many people choose not to mention him. Just curious. :-)

Date: 2/14/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
Don't Ever....EEEEEEver, PO the Triple Threat ;)
Also whatever you do, don't insult TF...that's one way to get everyone
but Exec against you

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Brand_S
Actually, JorgeCis, I'm neutral on Chris Black. I don't know too much
about what he did. I should probably have made Jacob Epstein bad. The
idiot ran out of ideas for the show eight episodes in!
And hey, SOMEBODY had to be just good!
There are a few other things, FogBoy.
- If you tell us your birthday, my friend Yeontoo or I would be happy
to make a birthday post for you when your big day comes!
- There are a few people whose bad side you want to avoid. I won't really
name names. Just avoid everybody's bad side and don't capitalize on
fights, fusses, or feuds.
- If SpaceTime attacks you, and he probably will at some point or another,
just drop it. Don't make a big deal out of it. You don't want to pick
a fight with that guy.

Date: 2/14/2000
From: JorgeCis
Just checking. :-)

to BrandS & to V6 staff! One Q...
Date: 2/14/2000
From: FogBoy
Well, so far things seem to have gone smoothly. I'll do my best not
to irritate anyone here, and follow the rest of your rules as well.
Thanks a lot for the official welcome! This place is just seeming all
the cozier because of it. Hope no one here minds me taking up some extra
I also have to say thanks to the V6 staff for giving me a nice mention
on their page. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Either that or I
sat in something.
A little off-topic for a sec: I've tried to stay away from posting
my feelings on their stuff since I was afraid it wouldn't be taken too
seriously, given that I run my own Season 6. But, since they've made
a comment on my stuff, I guess I feel a bit more comfortable, so I'll
say some things now: Not surprisingly, I think that V6 is extremely
well done. Obviously, it's not the route I've chosen to take, so it's
clear that I can't fairly say I'd do things the same way. But for what
they're choosing to do, they're doing a fantastic job at it. The individual
episodes have easily held my attention and the overall thread is certainly
keeping me intrigued. And the return of the professor is certainly any
fan's dream come true.
A quick question on this forum, though, to Brand_S -- you mention that
JRD gets a "VERY good." What are the opinions on the other
Sliders cast members that have come and gone, though? I think I can
guess the feelings on Charlie on my own, but on the others I'm curious
about the consensus, particularly the last additions, Floyd and Locke.
"The Unofficial Sixth Season of SLIDERS" -

Fogboy, and...
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Yeontoo
Dear Fogboy,
As one of the ten percent that doesn't excrete ape stuff, I welcome
you to the board.
A few more words, tho, just for you. :)
SpaceTime is a teddybear.
The Triple Threats are a bunch of kittens.
AND ALL of them are marriageable? (so, have you a sister?)
Um, don't repeat that, they may bite!
Oh, and do send me your birthday!
ps. love the "and may God have mercy on your soul"

FogBoy <end>
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Slider409

to the board! <<end>>
Date: 2/14/2000
From: fantess

the actors...
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Brand_S
This board is predominantly made up of people who like Season 5, but
vehemently dislike Seasons 3 and 4. These same people hate Jerry O'Connell
(because, for a number of reasons, they think his departure says a lot
about what he's like as a person; also, the man just wasn't trying in
his last two seasons, whereas he was good in his first two seasons),
like/love Sabrina Lloyd, like Cleavant Derricks (and his music), and
semi-like Kari Wuhrer (they don't think highly of when she was in Season
3, but she got better in Season 5).
Robert Floyd and Tembi Locke earn a lot of debate time around here.
Most people who don't like Season 5 will blame it on their bad acting
(when in fact they're just mad because these two replaced Jerry). People
who like Season 5 will praise them for their excellent acting. Personally,
I like Robert Floyd and Tembi Locke, and I think they've done an excellent
job, considering that they replaced Jerry O'Connell, in effect aggravating
about 50% of Sliders' fan base. But hey, you could've picked ANYONE
to replace Jerry and they'd still get slammed.
Generally, the people here like Robert Floyd and Tembi Locke. Some of
them even think he was an improvement over Jerry O'Connell.
This leads me to my next point. Jerry's departure seriously bisected
Sliders fans. However, despite that it's been well over a year since
he left the show, people still come here to complain about it. These
people are called "bungee posters," since they're here for
about five days to complain, then they leave. They're basically trolls.
Bottom line: It doesn't matter if you try to conform to popular opinion
or if you have opinions of your own. Just substantiate what you say.
Give reasons as to why you feel a certain way or have a certain opinion.
If all you say is, "Sliders sucks because there's no Jerry,"
you won't be taken seriously. The reason we all hate these "bungee
posters" is because all they do is come here to complain and whine
and preach. They give no support for their own arguments. I, personally,
hate whining and preaching.
The worst thing you can do is bash somebody just because they have
a certain opinion. I used to be a defender of Robert Floyd, Tembi Locke,
and Season 5 as a whole. The ONLY time I'll flame somebody nowadays
is if they say, "any1 who disagrees with me sux," or something
to that effect. Making a broad-based bash against everyone with a different
opinion is closed-minded in the extreme, since you'll find that you'll
make a good many friends here who disagree with you.
Case in point: On another board, there's a guy by the name of Groupie.
This guy is in love with Jerry's and Charlie's bodies, and only likes
Sliders episodes that give them a lot of screen time (and freely admits
it). This guy also hates Season 5 because Jerry and Charlie no longer
provide the eye candy, or as I call it, the "Jerry-fix." When
said person found out that there were people who liked Season 5, he
started a flame war with them on the board, and made a number of completely
baseless, false accusations against their favor. This flame war lasted
for weeks, until the other side realized that it'd be stupid to drag
it on any longer and stopped. Groupie, however, just kept on going.
Nowadays, when you go to that board, if you state your opinion on Season
5 in your first post, he'll do one of two things:
1) If you like Season 5, a warm welcome.
2) If you don't like Season 5, no acknowledgment whatsoever.
I think you see my point. And needless to say, I was one of the "other
Finally, you can tell a lot about a person here by spelling habits.
That I can't really explain, though... You'll find that one out on your
own, eventually.
I hope all that helps! I know it's a lot to take in. Just be yourself,
and don't worry about starting fights because of your opinion. It's
not your opinion that starts fights; it's the presentation. Few people
would've cared that Hitler didn't like Jews, but they started to care
when he started killing them.
And hey, I'm glad you feel welcome here now!

fifth season vs. 4th season
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Executive
The majority of people who regularly use this forum that prefer the
final year, hated the previous season overall.
But if you look around elsewhere on Dominion boards for other shows
and elsewhere on the Internet (on TV forums of all kinds - not just
for SLIDERS), or even ask people you personally know who are or were
SLIDERS fans, you'll discover the reaction to be very much the opposite!
I'm in the second group, although I had no problem with the O' Connell
brothers leaving the show -- just the producers' choice of replacements,
sloppy writing in more than half of the last 18 stories, a horrible
new format, and even the way the Mallory characters were written out.
The fact that the ratings were much lower than even the season before
reflects those changes. That's why the series was cancelled.

Date: 2/14/2000
From: TemporalFlux
And the longer you stay here, you'll get a firm grasp of who to trust
information from. Case in point is right above...Executive. The fact
is that season five was getting the same ratings as the final episodes
of season four that began running in March of 99...that *featured* the
O'Connells (the 1.0 - 1.3 range). The drop in ratings occurred Channel
wide after the long period of reruns in season four (an approximate
4 month period). People tuned out when there wasn't anything new to
see...and most never tuned back in. While most of the old posts have
been erased, the ratings posts for the final three first run episodes
of season four *I* made at this very board can still be found:
The episodes before that were the same pattern. And as you can see,
the ratings were dropping *with* the O'Connells there.
I just wanted to make sure you got the *correct* information. Unfortunately,
Executive and an assorted group of others on this board love to spread
false info...in Exec's case, mostly due to the fact that he believes
he can never be wrong on anything even when hard evidence is shoved
in his face. Of course, on this issue the evidence to shove in his face
(the ratings posts *I* made on this board when they were released) is
gone. This is Exec's favorite area to play in since people who don't
know better will give him the benefit of the doubt. You've just been
tagged as a new person...that's why he gravitated to your post. He's
hoping you don't know better.
This is just a warning before you get misled (as several other people
in the past have). And don't get me wrong...all I'm saying here is that
you need to check things on your own to see if they add up before believing
just everyone (but this especially applies to Executive).

makes a mountain out of a molehill
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Executive
Maybe that mole should burrow back under his hill.
First of all, unlike the "holier than thou" Temporal Flux
I never claimed perfection. But when it comes to ratings my info is
correct. Now let's give TF the benefit of the doubt for once, and say
that the ratings he cited in those 3 posts are correct. They are exceptions
to the ratings, just as there were in the FOX seasons. He neglects to
point out that there were also several fourth season episodes that had
gotten between a 1.5 (a decent rating for the Sci-Fi Channel) and a
1.8. After all, there were 22 episodes produced during 1997-98.
Just because I didn't mention every single point that Flux wants me
to, doesn't mean that I denied anything. I only address what is relevant.
So yes, those ratings were "channel wide" which I have often
said before. There was also never any question that the severe ratings
drop was due to months of reruns with few new episodes airing in between
during 1998 and early 99. That annoyed a lot of us, but that's how Sci-Fi
used to work things. (In a way they still did this year, with SLIDERS
final four shows airing after 3 months of reruns. Plus only 5 new episodes
of FIRST WAVE aired in January and early February 2000 with nothing
but reruns now scheduled until April 2).
As for the 4th season of SLIDERS there were even some episodes that
got a 2 or higher. NONE of the fifth season shows did that well! Temporal
Flux has a history of making stuff up, so for the most part he is best
left ignored. The reason he lashed out in unprovoked hostility here
is because
it's all he understands. Disagree with him -- and he may just attack
you too!

Date: 2/14/2000
From: TemporalFlux
I get sick of this. I gave the explanation...and I don't claim perfection.
But you don't see me going around denying I could ever be wrong. Exec
was just proven flat wrong...what did he do? He flailed and moaned around
it ignoring the explanation. The higher ratings of season four were
gained *before* the 4 month period of reruns...the whole *CHANNEL* went
into a slump after that bout of rerun hell to never truly recover. It
has nothing to do with the quality of season five as opposed to season
four...the last half of season four after the rerun bout DIDN'T do ANY
better than season five!
And what's the crap about "assuming I'm accurate"? The ratings
posts I made have responses...I made them the day the reports came up.
If it was wrong, wouldn't somebody have said something *THEN*?
You don't mention everything relevant, Exec...you mention what makes
you look right. You warp and distort the truth until you can find some
small crack to claim there's no possible way you were wrong. Just look
at the above example. This is why I get pissed...because you have done
this for *THREE* years...continually duping new posters and plaguing
this board with unecessary crap. And it's been too long to say you just
don't know better...you *do*. That's perfectly clear.

coming from a guy...
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Executive
...who lies about his age! How old is Temporal Flux? Last year before
he claimed to be 23, but a few people I know have proof that his real
age is 51. Have you ever seen his Dominion profile photo taken when
he was in his 20s? The suit is clearly from the late 1970s!! I won't
even comment on Danny's appearance. His IQ may be 23 but that's about
Anyway BOTH points are pertinent here. Lower ratings in the 4th season
after months of reruns didn't help AND lower ratings in the 5th season
were a result of drastic cast and format changes. Temporal Flux just
can't accept that and he will saying anything to cover his pathetic,
lying ass.

you need somebody to attack, Flux
Date: 2/14/2000
From: Executive
Then go after CopyCat instead. Other than you, she is the only other
person passing along faulty information on this forum!

Date: 2/14/2000
From: TemporalFlux
Notice the duck and dodge on the issues brought up?
As for his comments...a suit from the 70's?!? BWAAAA-HAHAHAHA!!! *This*
is the vaunted piece of evidence? I was *at* DragonCon 98 in Atlanta,
GA as part of the Sliders track...several people from this community
saw me there (there are even pictures floating around from it somewhere).
Man...this is rich. I'm not even having to say much to show what you
are...but just in case you another example of Exec's glory, look at
this recent thread:

Date: 2/14/2000
From: Slidemania
When the highlight episode of a certain season is "Slide By Wire",
you know there's gotta be a problem...
Oh that "Data World"...what a *class* (rolls eyes)

from Exec
Date: 2/14/2000
From: qwert6000
the man (sort of) of a thousand handles, or at least one notable one:
Daniel_2, which he used to attack TF, pretending he was another user
(known on this board as the Cynic now). Then when he got caught, he
claimed another poster (Danbagel) was the one posing as Cynic and attacking
TF. The guy is illogical
and ignorant.
Try: http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/8083
if you are really interested in what Exec is like.
or perhaps see how much people love him at: http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/14307
TF is a respected member of this online community and has repeatedly
demonstrated his reliability
in all things SLIDERS related. Exec just fights, promotes other shows
(like garbage, such as 1ST WAVE) and
is generally a pest. Well, since he claimed he wasn't posting for a
stretch because there were no new episodes
being aired, can we expect he will finally stop posting now that the
series is done? Let's hope so.

interesting thing about qwert6000
Date: 2/15/2000
From: Executive
The only time he posts here is when an opportunity arises to insult
me. Danbagel gave himself away as the one who pretending to be The_Cynic
to trash Temporal Flux. Since it was widely known that Flux and I have
been feuding longer than this board was in existence, TF's friends easily
accepted that I must have been the one. Well, I wasn't this "daniel_2"
character and that has never been proven! In fact, even DANbagel's online
handle is a giveaway in that it sounds like DANiel_2. Not hard to see
that he was the one. In fact, even Danbagel trashed Flux in a variety
of ways before he announced he was "leaving" the board. What
a coincidence! He probably conspired with Cynic himself (who posted
his obsessive "The Ultimate Anti-Executive Post" to cook the
whole incident up. A few people here were naive enough to buy into the
false accusations against me, but fortunately most of us know better.
Now if you really want to continue with this silliness posting links
to a variety of threads that you felt you had to bookmark (which don't
even prove your case), you'll be wasting your time and everyone else's
because we are tired of your games. Have a nice day...

you lying sack of crap...
Date: 2/15/2000
From: The_Cynic
I recall an agreement on the "FIRST WAVE" board in which
you stated you
would not attack me unprovoked (which you may have noticed, I haven't
mentioned you in a long time, nor have I incited fighting) and if the
UA-EP came up that you would just post a link
to one of your inane posts to counter it (which of course didn't counter
a thing as YOU never refuted any
of the evidence - NOTE: If you claim you refuted it, you'd better show
some evidence). Clearly you did not do this here
and on top of that, you attack me by saying I probably conspired with
Danbagel to cook up trouble!!!
1. Where is your proof of this lie?
2. When did Danbagel "give himself away" as you put it, and
say he was Daniel_2? Where is the proof? (You never refuted the e-mails
showing you did it, either)
3. The e-mails sent to TF pretty much show that YOU were Daniel_2. The
funny thing is, Daniel_2 seemed every bit as obsessed with posting a
farewell post of TF's as YOU were with harping on and on about it. Hmmm.
4. As for your logic (Danbagel is like Daniel), you ignore your e-mail
where you stated you picked Daniel_2 because Daniel was TF's name.
5. The ULTIMATE post consists of statements of what you are (a jerk,
a troublemaker, a loser, etc, etc, etc) followed by threads showing
you doing these things. In other words, it backs up what is said.
The only argument you provided is "It doesn't prove a thing"
and that's all you do. Just saying it isn't true does not make it so,
except perhaps in your twisted little world.
In short Ex-Lax, you've started this all over again AND proven that
you will not keep your word. After agreeing to not attack
you go and make unfounded claims against me, unless you have some proof
lying around that I likely conspired with Danbagel to get you. *guffaw*
Still, I suppose I should be amazed that you kept your word this long.
But I will say this, all bets are off now pal, as I doubt you're willing
to apologize.

The_Cynic shows up right away!!
Date: 2/15/2000
From: Executive
What an amazing coincidence! And to top it off, he re-posts the exact
same list of questions to me that he had written months ago. Those are
questions that I've already answered many times in detail that he and
his small group of "friends" have ignored out their blind
hatred for me. But this bulletin board is ** supposed ** to be about
discussing SLIDERS and the occasional off-topic posts that are non-argumentative
and flame-oriented. It is not about us, but I will entertain this for
only one more paragraph:
No, "Cynic" or "Quert6000" or whomever you really
are... I told your Cynic alias that I wouldn't bring up your name UNLESS
SOMEBODY ELSE DID FIRST. I also stated that I would not initiate any
NEW topics about The_Cynic. I have not done so -- I was replying to
somebody else who mentioned you. It was relevant. So as for our non-aggression
pact, I have kept my word to you otherwise. Please don't bother replying,
because I really don't wish to continue this argument. It's bad enough
the show had to end the way it did, and during your anti-Executive crusade
you created enough more than enough havoc on this forum as it is.

Executive is a knothead!
Date: 2/15/2000
From: The_Cynic
Well Ex-Lax, in your own words:
" As long as nobody else brings up that link again, and Cynic
(and on the SLIDERS board), Temporal Flux stop making trouble, I promise
I will not bring either of their names again on either board. So if
somebody asks about the TF & Cynic vs. The Executive I will instead
post a link answering their question."
[Note the use of the word AND, stating that you would not bring up
my name unless the post was mentioned AND I caused you trouble. Sure,
the post was mentioned, but I have not done a thing to you. On top of
that, where was it agreed that if someone mentioned my post that you
could bad mouth me and make unfounded allegations against me?]
>What an amazing coincidence! And to top it off, he re-posts >the
exact same list of questions to me that he had written >months ago.
[What an amazing surprise! Executive is still a moron! I did not repost
the exact same list, but I did ask a number of questions YOU never answered.
If you did respond and refute what I said SOOOOO many times (as you
claim), then it shouldn't be hard to provide a link, should it? Unless
of course, you are lying...]
> Those are questions that I've already answered many times in detail
> that he and his small group of "friends" have ignored
out their
> blind hatred for me.
[These are the questions you've often CLAIMED to have refuted, though
these phantom refutations have yet to materialize. What a coincidence!
Why not
just give us the link to the post if it has been done so many times?
Not only have you not repeatedly refuted these questions, you've also
not refuted these ONCE!
*Flipping through Executive-ese/English dictionary* Oh yes
IGNORED: A word denoting that someone noticed that Executive did not
refute a thing, and called him on it. Also means that someone didn't
believe Exec's claim that "he refuted everything" and did
not receive an answer when asked for proof of these refutations.]
> But this bulletin board is ** supposed ** to
> be about discussing SLIDERS and the occasional off-topic posts
> are non-argumentative and flame-oriented. It is not about us, but
> will entertain this for only one more paragraph:
Sure Exec, that's why you attacked me (unprovoked by me, I may add,
as I had not instigated any fights with you).
> No, "Cynic" or "Quert6000" or whomever you
really >are... I told
> your Cynic alias that I wouldn't bring up your name UNLESS SOMEBODY
[See above. This is not true. In addition, you not only brought up
my name, but you made another attack/insult on me when I had kept my
part of the bargain. Or is saying I conspired with Danbagel in an underhanded
way to attack you a compliment? And oh yes, we're back to the unfounded
allegations that I am other posters. You've accused me of being everyone
short of the second gunman on the grassy knoll (which probably isn't
far off). I've been posting around here for the last couple days. It's
not like I've been gone for months and suddenly produced a post to make
it look like I had a supporter (Tanagra/Daniel_2 ring a bell, Ex-Lax?)
Come to that, you never apologized to anyone for accusing them of being
me (or vice versa) nor to me after you admitted that I was not Danbagel/Daniel_2,
Either way, you attacked me because someone else posted a link to my
post. Not because I attacked you. Of course, you're too brain damaged
and immature to apologize for that.]
> I also stated that I would not initiate any NEW
> topics about The_Cynic. I have not done so
[You didn't have to. You just attacked me in this thread, you ignoramus]
> -- I was replying to
>somebody else who mentioned you. It was relevant. So as for >our
non-aggression pact, I have kept my word to you >otherwise.
[I see. It was relevant to say : "He probably conspired with Cynic
himself (who posted his obsessive "The Ultimate Anti-Executive
Post" to cook the whole incident up," wasn't it? Where did
I agree to let you "cook up" unfounded rumours against me
whenever someone mentions my post?
You also said: "A few people here were naive enough to buy into
the false accusations against me, but fortunately most of us know better."
Most of us, huh? How many personalities are there in that often vacant
head of yours? Or are you referring to your "rotating supporters"?
Nobody besides you ever had a problem with it and given the general
view of you on this board, I'd say just about everybody knows I was
right. Granted, they didn't really need me to point that out to them,
after all, they already knew what you were like.]
> Please don't bother replying, because I really don't >wish
to continue this argument.
[TRANSLATION: Please don't whip my ass again like you did in numerous
prior arguments. That way I can attack you all I want and can easily
pretend I won the argument.]
> It's bad enough the show had to end the way it did, >and during
your anti-Executive crusade you created enough >more than enough
havoc on this forum as it is.
[My "crusade" hardly created havoc, and even if it did, it
would be nowhere near as bad as all the havok you've created by your
stupid postings (Gee, why did everyone get mad at you for voting for
the cancellation of sliders THEN BRAGGING ABOUT IT ON A BOARD OF SLIDERS
FANS?) Also note that I provided numerous reviews of episodes that were
far superior to yours (as mine weren't mere summaries) to make up for
such posts. But I hardly expect you to acknowledge that... Get lost
Executive. The show is currently finished, and you've been finished
for a long time now. Just skitter back to your little lovenest on your
precious FIRST WAVE board and leave the rest of us alone. BTW, ever
figure out where Tunguska was? *snicker*]

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/17628
Nominated by Blinker
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