It has been shown to some degree that homosexuality isn't as unnatural
as was originally thought.
In 1991, psychologists Michael Bailey and Richard Pillard studied the
incidence of homosexuality in same-sex siblings. They did a study involving
men. They studied identical twins, fraternal twins (who are just as
related to each other as non-twin siblings), and adoptive brothers for
cases in which one brother is gay. They found that, with identical twins,
52 percent were both gay if one was. With fraternal twins, 22 percent.
With adoptive brothers, 11 percent.
The same study was repeated by Bailey using females. They found that
it was 48 percent with identical twins, 16 percent with fraternal twins,
and 6 percent with adoptive sisters.
There has also been research done on the brain structure of homosexual
men. In 1991, Simon LeVay, a neurobiologist, discovered one small difference
in homosexual and heterosexual men. There is a small cluster of neurons
in the hypothalamus, a peanut-sized area of the brain dealing with survival
behaviors, including eating, drinking, and yes, sexual activity. With
male homosexuals and female heterosexuals, this cluster is only half
as large as that of heterosexual men.
Now, neither of these cases flat-out says that homosexuality is biological,
but the correlation is there nonetheless.
Finally, it has also been shown that homosexuality is not always due
to childhood experiences. In 1981 Alan Bell and some of his colleagues
studied 1000 homosexual men and women, and a control group of 500 heterosexual
men and women. They found that homosexuality is not due to an "unpleasant
early heterosexual experience," like sexual abuse from a member
of the opposite sex. They also found that homosexuality is not the result
of an "abonormal relationship between the parents and the child."
Bell also found that sexual orientation showed up long before adolescence
or even puberty.
Also, it HAS been found using empirical reserach that it IS entirely
possible for homosexuality to be determined by chromosomes and genes.
This has been proven (albeit not conclusively) time and again.
It has also been found that this so-called "therapy" for
gay people to force them to act heterosexual is actually very harmful
to the patient's psyche. If homosexuality IS the result of genetics,
then this "therapy" forces homosexuals to suppress (or repress)
their homosexuality. Freud and a vast number of psychologists succeeding
him agree that suppression only leads to trouble.
And yes, if you DO look all this up, it does check out. If you don't
believe me, go ahead and find the research yourself. There really is
a Michael Bailey, a Richard Pillard, a Simon LeVay, an Alan Bell, and
there really was a Sigmund Freud. Now, I'd never pass misinformation
purposely like this a la Exec and the other First Wave posters, so if
anybody here thinks that I'm wrong about any of this, then please, speak