about fanfic here. Be INTERESTED!
Date: 11/25/2000
From: Brand_S
Okay, so I was spending some time plotting my next episode of Season
6, and I was getting stumped. I mean, I had a lot of options. I could've
done a Roads Taken-esque episode featuring Waggie and Diana; maybe feature
their private life in lurid detail to win over the high school boy crowd.
I could've lampooned the utter ridiculousness of the American/British
media again by making Brigid the star of BrigidTV. I could've had Arturo
shocked by a goad several times and catalogued the new and wacky obscenities
he uttered. There was also Rembrandt as the Cryin' Mon and Nicolas Cage
doing... I don't remember now. Anyhow, I eventually remembered something...
in the entire season, I've only had one person who started reading who
hasn't been reading since the beginning.
And I think this is one of the problems of fanfic. I mean, I'm gonna
be honest with you, I really don't give a shit about a lot of fanfics,
either because I'm not impressed with the writer's style or, because
I haven't been following from the beginning, I don't see the point in
playing catch-up. (The latter is the main reason I didn't bother watching
Once and Again, The Fugitive, CSI, or G vs E, even though they all did
look like interesting shows.)
If you're a writer...
Here's a chance for all of you fanfic-writers out there to get new
readers so that your readership ranks "slightly above dismal"
in the future. Reply to this and plug your fanfic. I'd recommend a brief
explanation to hook the reader in. If you can't think of anything to
say, here are some suggested questions...
· Who are the regulars and what are they like?
· What's the premise/status quo?
· Is there a major story arc the reader should know about?
· If someone starts reading starting in your NEXT episode, what
should they know?
· Which past episode(s) are you proudest of?
· Are you giving Diana the attention she sorely deserves?
· Is your series facetious or serious?
· Where can we catch the newest episode(s).
· Where can we catch older episodes?
This does not apply to simply the Dom. If you're a lurker from another
board, reply here and explain yourself.
One other thing, writers... Learn when to use "your" and when
to use "you're." I've lost interest in many a fanfic because
this little mistake was so fucking distracting.
Most importantly, don't be a politician. Nobody wants to see you slam
the opposition; just talk about yourself.
If you're a (potential) reader...
Read the replies, analyze, cast your own merciless judgment. Pay attention
to the writer's spelling and grammar, since that's likely the way they
write stories as well as posts. Maybe you can reply too and tell everyone
what you think of their ideas. Then, when you're done with all this,
go to the fanfic you like, read it, and REPLY! Doesn't matter where,
just say to the author you like it. It doesn't even matter how. For
all anyone cares, you can write, "Dear so-and-so, You're a fucking
moron!!! Love, Me. PS: Loved your fanfic! Can't wait to see more!"
If you're reading this at all...
Read my Season 6! I'll explain it myself in one of the replies when
I have time. Remember, I know the general proximity for where most of
you live, I either know or can find out your real names, I'm 6'4",
I'm desentitized to violence, and I DO work out. Think about it!
PS: Loved your fanfic! Can't wait to see more!

Date: 11/25/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Earth 214
*Regulars-Quinn Mallory-He's a double from PTSS world, who has assisted
the Professor for the last few years(ever since he returned home). He
never had a close relationship with his sliders(because of the lack
of the father-figure). He built the timer, and he's very proud of it.
Wade Welles-PTSS Wade-She's the same old Wade, but she is sliding in
hopes that she can hook up with Quinn this time around
Professor Arturo-Earth Prime's Professor, who was left on PTSS world.
He's wiser and he knows the tech better now. He co-created the timer,
along with Quinn, and the two have bonded.
Rembrandt Brown-Same Ole' Remmy....
*Right now, the premise involves the Sliders trying to find Mallory
and split them. However, Diana is building a timer, and they could leave
before Remmy and co. arrive... It will change as the season progresses
*Arc-Finding the sliders on the Seer's Earth. Also, Quinn's timer,
slowly showing its imperfection...
*Quinn has separated Mallory, but Mallory's half died in the process.
Diana left to go home, and Maggie is sticking around. Now, they have
to go back to PTSS world and get the coordinates to EP...
*Proud-I am proud of Mirage(the Season premiere) and Deja Vu, but I
am the most proud of Negotiations(because it was the first fanfic I
*Diana-Not currently. She has been in a few episodes this season, but
I can guarantee she will show up big next season.
*Serious?-Yes, its serious.
*Newest episode and past episodes-All episode can be found at:
Earth 12243-
*Regulars-Maggie-Your(HA!) typical whore, walking around in her Sliding
Uniform(the one from the Breeder).
Rickwoman-Jeri Ryan-She's Borg, even though she shouldn't be...
*Premise-Is this necessary? Mine is just about hot women chasing each
*Arc-No, Noah's not in my story...
*What should they know-Peckinbraga's a brainless dumbass
-Maggie is a crack whore
-Rickwoman is the same
*Most proud of?-The credits, because the godforsaken thing is over
*Diana-That gives me a great idea that involves a threesome and a big
ole' platter of baby back ribs!!!!
*Series serious-Define both those words, and I'll get back at you!
*New episodes-Are you kidding?
*Old episodes-Same answer as above...

Unofficial Season Six...
Date: 11/25/2000
From: FogBoy
Well, I guess my readership doesn't need to be above dismal anymore,
since I feel TUS6 did pretty well during its run. And of course, its
run is now over, so sure, the readership is dismal currently, but hey,
the series has ended... What're you gonna do?
Main Site: The Unofficial Season Six of Sliders. http://skiles.tripod.com/season6.html
Don't close that popup or it'll keep coming back on each new section
of the page. I used to be able to stop it from appearing in the code
at all on the site, but now Tripod has found a way around me. Suggestions
Regulars: Rembrandt, Maggie, Mallory and Diana, of course. Plus, in
the final few episodes, two former cast members return as well.
Premise: TUS6 plays the ball where it lies. It accepts all of the facts
put to us by the series, and moves on from there. It closes up the numerous
dangling plot holes ranging from the ending of The Seer to the Kromagg
invasion to Logan St. Clair to unstuck (maybe destroyed?) Colin and
even to the return home. It's an 10-episode adventure in SCRIPT format
rather than traditional story format - a unique approach that appeals
to at least some fanfic readers.
Arc: Just closing up all of the loose ends, and giving Sliders a respectable,
genuine finish. But you can see "ads" for each episode, which
explain the premise of each entry while avoiding major spoilers, on
the image-filled episode list at http://skiles.tripod.com/ep1.html .
Just click on the "More" at the bottom to see more episodes.
Next Episode: There isn't one. Unless I decide to continue the series
in the future, with a "TV-movie" or such, the series is over.
I would recommend you read from the beginning. :) But of course, you
don't have to.
Past Episode Pride: I really think that 'Slider Gaiden' is a blast,
a really fun action-filled romp. 'Crosses of Saints' is entertaining
too, with many facets to it that I am fond of, not the least of which
is the handling of Logan St. Clair. And I think the finale, 'The Way
Home' is the perfect ending. A quiet and respectful finale with a great
sense of the series' history.
Diana Factor: Yes, I think that all of the Sliders get much-deserved
attention in certain plots and subplots. It's a good spread.
Facetious or Serious: It's a serious continuation.
Where To Find Episodes: Those with faster connections can go to the
image-laden episode list. The first half is at http://skiles.tripod.com/ep1.html
and the second half, linked at the bottom can be found at http://skiles.tripod.com/ep2.html
... or, if you want a text-only episode list, go to http://skiles.tripod.com/episodes.html
Hope you all enjoy, and I can't wait to read everyone else's!
Great idea, Brand.

idea S!
Date: 11/25/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
I don't usually get into fanfic same as you because I miss the first
couple installments. Hard to get up to speed without going back to look.
Another reason is that they are hard to tell apart because the overall
subject is usual the same, continuing on with season 6. I like this
summary idea, I hope alot of writers reply. Probably there is a fanfic
out there being written that I can really get into but I've missed it.

Date: 11/26/2000
From: Brand_S
All righty, the fanfic in question is S' S6.
The regulars are...
· Rembrandt, still the leader. Recently, he bought a Rastafarian
outfit in a department store and has yet to snap out of Jamaican Mode,
although he'll just tell you he found de rhythm, mon!
· Waggie, an inseparable amalgam of Wade and Maggie. She mixes
Wade's pluckiness with Maggie's... well... pluckiness, making for some
serious pluckage!
· Arturo, the Arturo from Earth Prime, who spent a good 3 years
on PTSS world. Years of sliding solo have eroded away At the Arturo
we once knew and loved, making him foul-mouthed, bitter, careless about
clothes, and unlucky.
· Diana, a former scientist with a new sense of purpose with
her new daughter, Brigid, and lover, Waggie.
· Brigid, a prepubescent blonde girl who was once a Kromagg slave.
She is "programmed" with an extensive library of sliding information
in her brain, accessible whenever she needs it.
· Nicolas Cage, a Hollywood star who's grown tired and bored
of the Hollywood life. Nic slides with the sliders more out of something
to do than anything else.
This season, the sliders have an archenemy group with a recurring guest
role, the Sliding Pirates...
· Logan, the extremely hot-tempered, manipulative leader who
has been driven to insanity by wily adversaries, incompetent henchmen,
and being merged with her repulsive boyfriend. She also gets hurt near-fatally
A LOT, and you know she sees it coming when she mutters, "Whoopsidoodle."
Fortunately for her, she's still as hot as she always was, but now she's
even more evil.
· Alt-Rembrandt, a disco-dancing, rhinestone-and-white-polyesther-wearing,
brown afro-having mustachioed buffoon whose name happens to be Rembrandt
Brown. Despite that the two couldn't look less alike, somehow people
get them confused.
· Bob the Kromagg, a Kromagg who walks and talks like someone
out of those 70s blaxploitation movies. He had plastic surgery to make
him look more human, primarily because the Kromagg pimp look was just
not working out.
After the end of Season 5, Remmy got back to his homeworld, the REAL
Earth Prime, not that fake Earth Prime from the end of Season 3. In
a blatant spoof (which may or may not have had malicious intent) of
V6, he reunited with the REAL Arturo who got lost in PTSS world. Remmy
thought he could just leave the others behind and get back to life on
Earth Prime... but the Sliding Pirates had other plans.
When all was said and done there, the Sliding Pirates were on a mission
to pillage every world they went to for fun. Using Arturo's timer, the
sliders pledged to put a stop to that. They set the timer to chase her
down, following her every footstep.
Along the way, there have been casualties for both sides. The sliders
have lost Quinn, Colin, and Mallory, but at least that takes out all
mention of that convoluted Mallory story arc. The Sliding Pirates have
lost a Quinn double, a Wade double, Colonel Rickman (technically), Barbra
Streisand, and Bonnie Hammer. The sliders were fortunate enough to gain
two new sliders for their trouble, though (read above).
Only recently has the story stabilized and a status quo been set. The
sliders chase the Sliding Pirates across different dimensions, along
the way having their own wacky adventures. The sliders are now free
to return home anytime, but they are determined to stop Logan.
As for story arcs, most of them have already been explained. Rembrandt
has had a drastic change of character because he was starting to get
dull. Waggie and Diana are in a very physical homosexual relationship
that often involves public innuendos. (My views on homosexuality should
have been obvious the last time I referred to Waggie and Diana's relationship
as "lesbian goodness.") Arturo moonlights as a superhero,
The Flash... only he doesn't really have any superpowers, if ya know
what I mean.
I feel I've already sufficiently prepped any reader for the next episode,
although I still have no idea how I'll go about writing it.
My favorite of my episodes has got to be Lawsuit! by far. I LOVE that
ep! I also liked the Revolutions 2-parter and Triple Cross.
Diana gets quite a bit of attention, especially her skin. By the way,
in case you just HAD to know... she's the butch.
Whether or not my writings are to be taken seriously is irrelevant.
Even when I DO write serious stuff people laugh at it.
All episodes can be found (and REPLIED TO) on the Earth 62 Board:
I may also keep posting them on the Dom. Probably not.

a rare fanfic reader...
Date: 11/26/2000
From: capaqu
Okay, you probably don't really want to hear from me, but here goes...
First, I don't read much of the fanfic here. Why? Mostly because I
missed the beginning of the work, and don't have the time or desire
to seek the previous posts.
Second, I don't visit any other Sliders site. So, no, I won't be reading
the fanfic elsewhere.
Grammar and spelling: yes, frequent errors are distracting and sometimes
downright annoying. Yes, annoying enough to stop reading. Cluttered,
"busy," or flowery writing is also unappealing to me.
For me a major negative aspect is length. Too long a post makes me
get bleary-eyed. I *will* stop reading, unless I am especially interested.
Too long a wait between installments is also anathema to me. It is
difficult to remember what happened previously, when you have to wait
weeks or months for the next part. I don't really have the time to go
back and re-read the earlier part(s).
I *do* read fanfic (non-Sliders) elsewhere. Those writers usually complete
their story before they begin posting it. The entire work is therefore
available within a short period of time, from as little as a few hours
to a few days. Sometimes the installments there come so fast that it's
hard to keep up! But, for me that presentation is preferable.
Just a few pennies for thought.

and BvE
Date: 11/26/2000
From: SpaceTime
I've written two fan fictions - one is Sliders based, and the other
is BBoard related. All of my fan fiction will be addressed in this post.
Earth 211: http://www.earthprime.com/
--> Earth 211
Q: What is it?
A: Basically, Earth 211 takes a look at what would have happened to
"Sliders" had it retained autonomy from FOX and blossomed
into an X-Files style cult classic.
Q: Who are the regulars and what are they like?
A: It's all the people from Sliders season 1, plus another character
that appears in the sixth season.
Q: Is there a major story arc the reader should know about?
A: Tons. Almost too many. Fortunately, you can read an entire season
in the time it takes to read one normal fanfic (the episodes are merely
capsules, not full fledged narratives), so you can catch up real quick.
Q: If someone starts reading starting in your NEXT episode, what should
they know?
A: E211 is over. Until the movie release, that is, which should be
in March 2001.
Q: Which past episode(s) are you proudest of?
A: Season 6 is my best. Thanks go out to Chaser for helping me with
the direction of the season, which I wrote mostly myself. I think you'll
be pleased.
Q: Is your series facetious or serious?
A: Serious.
P.S.: I also have my SIY fanfic available at EARTHPRIME.COM. It's called
"Opportunity Cost" and is a 5th season vehicle for Rembrandt
where he thinks he's home.
-= BvE =-
Q: What is it?
A: It's the ULTIMATE BBoard fanfic. If you are a regular poster, chances
are you are represented here. Whether or not it's favorable is up to
the interpretation of the authors, myself and Darkslider.
Imagine the after-effects of the Beret War. They began in Dx and stalled.
The Executive War began and dropped off the radar. MdS was initiated
and abandoned. Or was it?
These three epic stories have been finished and polished to create
a story so friggin' long it takes place in three parallel worlds, for
If you read the original material for each of these stories, you'll
find them lovingly reprinted with new material, one chapter at a time
until the story is complete, at which point the work of SpaceTime and
darkslider will be complete and we will disappear for good.
Coming Decemeber 1st.
- ST

Date: 11/26/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I just cleared my completed form! DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN
I'll try again later

Date: 11/26/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Great idea, BTW, S...
Here are my comments/opinions of the fanfics that have been dissected
TUS6-Great job, FogBoy! You did a great job of "keeping it real".
I voted at the end of the season, and I hope one of those scenarios
comes up some time...
S-Haven't read it all(Same reason...couldn't catch up). I'll read it
now...sounds really funny(but serious) :-)
E211-I love this fanfic! Great job to ST here... Can't wait for the
BvE-I think this will be good. I'll catch it when I can...

Season Six...
Date: 11/26/2000
From: Slider8_
Main Site: http://slider8.homestead.com/index.html
Regulars: Well, there a lot of changes. Basically, all of the main
eight characters are in it. I don't really want to give anything away,
but a few of the Sliders have been lost, some others have been gained.
Premise: Slider8's S6 simply carrys on from The Seer. However, don't
expect to be seeing the "wonderful" S5 group much. All of
the plotholes are closed up. There are a couple of episodes with five
Sliders, that was kind of interesting.
The Story So Far: After Rembrandt dives into the vortex on the Seer's
world, he is taken to Earth Prime. It is there that he meets Professor
Arturo, who was left behind on PTSS world. They go back to the Seer's
world and take Mrs. Mallory home. A few slides later, they end up on
Diana and Mallory's homeworld. Here they try and seperate Quinn from
Mallory. It fails, and the Sliders plan to leave. However, because of
problems with the vortex, Diana is left behind. A lightning strike causes
Quinn to be torn out Mallory. Quinn is stuck on the astral plane again.
Luckily, he knows that he can slide. Unforunately, when they slide,
the astral plane vortex disturbs the Sliders vortex, causing Mallory
to become unstuck. They finally land on the new Kromagg home world.
This is where everything is revealed. The Mrs. Mallory that the Sliders
took to Earth Prime (the one in the Seer) was a Kromagg plant. The world
scene in Genesis was fake, Quinn is not from another world, and Colin
is a traitor. However, the Sliders run into a double of Bennish, who
knows how to defeat the Kromaggs. In the end, Colin gives his life to
destroy the Kromaggs race. With the Maggs destroyed, our four Sliders
move on. When the Sliders land on a world that is identical to Maggie's
home world (without the pulsars), Maggie decides to stay. After they
leave, Quinn, Arturo, and Remmy happen to run in to none other than...Wade
Welles! It is revealed that Wade was saved when "Smarter"
Quinn (from the Pilot) saved her. Now, the Sliders our reunited and
ready for action again. But they still have to save Mallory and find
a way home.
Past Episode Pride: "The Rock Slide". It was the first episode
that I took a long time with, and I think it turned out great. Also,
"Resurfacing Thoughts" was a lot of fun.
Diana Factor: For the episodes that she is in, I tried to give her
enough lines.
Facetious or Serious: Serious. In my mind, this how Sliders continued.
Episodes: http://slider8.homestead.com/Untitled1.html
All of the episodes are listed there. There are only two episodes left!
Thanks for reading.
Great idea S!
[:::]o]}= = = =(((o)))

Date: 11/26/2000
From: Vigeant
Okay then...
This is for They Came From The Vortex, the comedy fanfic by Vigeant.
· Who are the regulars and what are they like?
The regulars are:
Quinn: (We know him S1 vintage)
Arturo: (The same)
Conrad Bennish: (The same)
Corey: A young kid from an alternate universe who is an incredible fan
of the Sliders like show 'They Came From The Vortex' he is irratating,
stupid, and just like a gnat. He usually messes up everything.
· What's the premise/status quo?
The premise is that on an alternate world where Arturo created the timer
they had a contest to see who would be first to cross the interdimensional
gate, Quinn and Conrad won. On their maiden voyage Corey saw them thinking
that they were like the people in his favorite show, They Came From
The Vortex, and he followed them. Quinn made the timer go before it's
time and they all got lost and Corey followed them into the vortex.
· Is there a major story arc the reader should know about?
Well, the entire thing is a joke on Sliders and is to me what fanfic
should be, a short 2-3 page story which is entertaining.
· If someone starts reading starting in your NEXT episode, what
should they know?
Currently Quinn and Arturo are gone and it's the two morons, Bennish
and Corey.
· Which past episode(s) are you proudest of?
Part Three is my all time favorite, I don't think I will be ever able
to top it. My least favorite is part seven which is pretty darn stupid.
· Are you giving Diana the attention she sorely deserves?
Diana who?
· Is your series facetious or serious?
It's silly, if that's what you mean :-P
· Where can we catch the newest episode(s).
· Where can we catch older episodes?
Same Place.
Your pretty made anbout htat your thing hihg?
I am also working on World 2958 at the otherworlds which is another
very odd and silly fanfic, Blink I am working on it :-P.

is a great idea!!
Date: 11/26/2000
From: SL4ever
You're a genius, Brand. And not because you're big and intimidating.
:-P Just that this is a great idea. I'll be back when I have more time
and read the replies and post one of my own.
PS. I loathe it when I do that, Sarah. Ahhhhhhhh!!

Date: 11/26/2000
From: Nobuyuki
Well, even though it's not 100% pureblood fanfic, my BBoard Sliding
Adventures were somewhat popular.
TemporalFlux: Built a rather ragged looking timer in his basment and
is useful for scientific mumbo jumbo related to sliding.
Brand_S: The weisenheimer. He does his best to have fun on every world,
no matter what kind of crap may result from it.
HunterD_Raven: The action hero. He can whoop waves upon waves of bad
guys with his sword.
Premise: TF, S and Hunter slide around the multiverse, encountering
bizarre doubles of other board regulars. Thus far, they have encountered
a psychotic Slider_Sarah, who on her Earth is Queen of England, HurriKain,
whom S managed to piss off to no end, and many others in major and cameo
Major Story Arc: Yes. There are a couple. First, the Slider_Sarah double
makes the occasional appearance, as she can bring the trio back to her
world whenever she damn well pleases. Also, the story has left off with
the multi-part Eye of God story, which is best to be read from the beginning.
Next Episode: Because of time constraints, I decided to hand off the
writing to an eclectic group of Bboard regulars (our Earths, not their
doubles!). HurriKain will be writing the concluding episode to Eye of
God. It's unknown when this will be put on the board, as it's now up
to HK.
Past Episodes: I enjoyed the first episode because I wrote a hilarious
story involving "Valley Girl Stoker". You have to read it
to believe it. I think that the episodes I had the most fun writing
were the ones involving the Slider_Sarah double, such as Chapter 2:
"Absolute Power".
Diana: This story doesn't involve Diana.
This series is an amalgram of silliness and seriousness.
New episodes will be posted on this board as their authors complete
IT!!!! :).
All episodes can be found on this board under the BBoard Sliding Adventures
heading and clearly indicate what chapter they are. You will have to
go back through several months of posts to reach them, however.

faves of yours and what I'm planning
Date: 11/26/2000
From: Recall317
I recently just got the Sci-Fi channel so I started watching Sliders
again. I've become completely re-hooked. In the past few weeks, I've
started getting into the fan fiction and here's my take:
My favorites:
Earth 211, Earth 69, some independent stories by Chaser9 and TemporalFlux.
I'm also fond of the Craparattus at Gate Haven.
Why? Earth211 is innovative and comprehensive. The show remains a show
and it's easy to swallow in its capsule format. Same goes for Earth69,
which is hysterical. Both are helped immensely by strong writing.
Chaser9 and TemporalFlux's work appeals to me as well because they
really take deep stabs at what it means to be lost among the dimensions
and the consequences of such.
Stuff I haven't looked at: Anything that picks up after Season 5. Why?
I haven't seen a single episode from Season 5. I know nothing of Mallory
and Diana. I'll check your stuff out after Sci-Fi gets through those
episodes (likely in January.)
What I'm planning:
Basically, I've been really inspired to write my own stuff after reading
all of your stuff. I've completed one episode and it's currently being
checked for continuity. My premise is simple and my objectives limited
for a first try ( I can only go with what I know):
I pick up at SL-316 Lost of Eden and finish the series by SL-324. On
this earth, Fox decides to cancel the show so we go into wrap up mode.
My plan is to pen 8 episodes in script format. They're on the long side,
but no longer than an actual 1 hour show. No regular characters get
killed and they do get home. But there are still some adventures remaining.
The episodes delve deeply into the consequences of sliding. They're
not going to find their home randomly.
I'll let you know where it ends up. The plan calls for a new episode
every two weeks until the 8 are done (2 months- end of January.)
Recall317 (Incidentally, the name of the first episode.)

own reader reactions...
Date: 11/27/2000
From: FogBoy
I figured since other people are doing it, I'd weigh in with my opinions
on the fanfics mentioned here that I've read.
S6, The S Way - Abso-freakin'-lutely hilarious. When Earth 69 seemingly
stopped updating, I despaired at the lack of a funny-as-hell Sliders
series. No longer! Personal favorite is X-Cution. Gambit's speech in
the opening about his leadership abilities still gets me.
Earth 211 - Really cool stuff. It's easy to swallow, and so good that
it'll leave you wanting more, yet somehow works great in just the format
that it is. It actually does feel like a realistic view of what a successful
'Sliders' could've been.
Earth 214 - I'm only a few episodes into this one so far. There's something
really weird, and not in a bad way, about seeing sliding through the
eyes of doubles of some of our originals... but with some genuine originals
too. The concept is actually quite fascinating. What I've seen so far
is well-written and really holds your interest. The episodes also come
in at a length that's not too long and not too short, which is more
than I can say for myself! I'm looking forward to catching up and reading
I think that's all of these that I've read so far. I think Slider8's
season sounds extremely interesting though, going to check that out
before too long.

Date: 11/27/2000
From: sweetone
6'4", works out, yum oh sorry slightly side tracked for a moment.
I really enjoy reading the fanfic. Thanks to all the replies to my 'where
to find it' post I've got a lot of reading to do. I do let the writer
know if I liked it, if not I usually don't mention it. After a question
I asked several months ago, I wrote a fanfic.
title: Love's Flame Rekindled
where to find: JOC Fanatics board
main characters: Quinn, Maggie, Colin, Remmy, Wade,
and Conrad.
It sort of picks up where the Seer left off.
It's serious, I would have liked the series to continue this way.
There is no Diana.
I've only written one.
Working on the follow up "So Far Ahead, So Far Behind"
The sliders land on a world very advanced in the ways of technology,
however women have no rights.
I try very hard to make sure all words are spelled correctly. My grammar
on the other hand, I try to write the
way it would be said by the characters.
I wish I would have written the entire story before I began posting
it, but I didn't.

views on other seasons...
Date: 11/27/2000
From: Slider8_
Well, the only Season Six seasons I've read have been (FogBoy's) Unofficial
Season Six and Slider75's Sixth Season.
The Unofficial Season Six: I loved it! Great job writing FB! It's good
to know that you wrote an episode that might irritate a few people.
Also, I loved the ending!
Slider75's 6th Season: I like some of the ideas. It's good, but the
writing needs a bit of work. Other wise, it's fine.
As for others, I think that Sliders: The New Series is pretty good.
It's an interesting idea.
TO: Fogboy
Thanks! I hope you get around to reading them. Please send me your opinions
on the episodes if you do.
[:::]o]}= = = =(((o)))

Season 6 and Wades Journey
Date: 11/27/2000
From: slider75
Wades Journey:
Regulars: Wades Welles, second half of the season Kelly Welles too
PREMISE: To find and save their lost friends in the multi universe.
What You Should Know: You should be fimiliar with most if not the entire
series of sliders, espically Requiem. Need to read at least the escape,
the tradgiedy back home, and technology.
I'm prodest of Technology. It's an awseme cliffhanger.
Diana isn't in it at all except for a double in Side Affects.
You can find each episode of Wades Journey at www.geocities.com/tizoog75/episodes.html
Now for the conclusion to Wades Journey and The season 5 cliffhanger...
Slider75's Sliders Season 6
Regulars: Rembrant and Wade for all of the season. Mallory, Diana,
and Maggie come in occasionally. Quinn and Arturo are in the second
half of the season.
PREMISE: For Wade and Remmy to find their lost sliding compainions
and to eventually get home.
You should be fimilar with the three Wades Journey episodes I mentioned,
most if not all of the sliders series. You should be fimilar with most
of my season 6.
You can catch each episode at www.geocities.com/tizoog75/Seasons_6_and_7.html
Diana got a lot of attention in episodes 6.8-6.12 and she got a proper
conclusion in The Laws of Physics.
The two episodes I'm produest of are The Reunion and Finding Our Compaions.
Can't wait for you to read! Hope you enjoy! And coming probably January
1, 2001 is the premier of Slider75's Sliders Season 7!

another one
Date: 11/30/2000
From: Wrong_Arturo
Unsolved Mystery
A story started nearly four years ago on the net, this ongoing fanfic
took a long break before being revived by its many writers (including
· What's the premise/status quo?
While the sliders are off somewhere in the multiverse, a group of travellers
fight back the Kromagg threat in their own dimension.
· Who are the regulars and what are they like?
Lexie Richards -- a young woman who escaped back to her own earth after
being abducted by a Kromagg ship. The others on the ship included Wrong
Arturo, Mina Skywalker, Shelbs and Gemmin (the latter two are now "retired"
characters who may make occasional guest appearances). Lexie was one
of the first characters of USM. She told the story of her abduction
to a goverment agent named Spindoctor before deciding he wasn't entirely
trustworthy. She later banded up with a group of other sliders (profiled
below) and helped to drive off a Kromagg invasion of the Earth. An intelligent,
confident young woman, Lexie would do anything for her friends.
Wrong Arturo -- a young man who believes himself to be a double of Prof.
Arturo, even though he looks and acts nothing like him. (For those of
you saying "Huh?" Patience. All will be explained in time.)
He is from a different world than Lexie, but they met while they were
both held captive by the Kromaggs. W.A. and Lexie were an item at one
time. Even though they broke up, they remain close friends and dedicated
Kromagg fighters.
Capt. John Ransom -- a traveller from a world where sliding has been
perfected and armies go to fight against the Kromaggs. Along with Lexie
and W.A., Ransom has a strong Christian faith. Ransom is a part of EarthForce,
a military group that can travel in space, time, and alternate dimensions.
Unfortunately for Ransom, he broke the rules of time travel once to
save his friends, and is now on the run from the army he once served.
Spindoctor -- the government agent first hired to investigate the bodies
that kept getting dropped in Golden Gate Park with their eyes mysteriously
missing. When Ransom was under Spindoctor's care, Spindoctor took an
implant out of Ransom's head to discover what it was, not realizing
that it was Ransom's key to getting home. Though Spindoctor did not
know who to trust in the beginning and has occasionally worked against
Lexie and co., he remains an essentially heroic character at heart.
Still, he suffers from a multiple personality disorder, which occasionally
brings out the villainous side in him. He underwent surgery on a Kromagg
ship once to get rid of this problem. Unfortunately, not only did it
not cure his ailment...it turned him into a Kromagg as well.
Nekka -- Spindoctor's loveably clutzy assistant. For many years, she
believed herself to be a member of the Mallory family. Recently she
discovered that she has been brainwashed and her real past has been
covered up (twice) by the Kromagg Dynasty. Nekka must now come to terms
with who she really is.
Mina Skywalker -- a daughter of Luke Skywalker...from an alternate dimension,
of course. Loves to fight the Kromaggs with her lightsaber. She's about
to have her world shattered.
Justin Warren -- a character from another similar Star Wars-like universe,
except instead of Jedis, they're called Shimbala. He is intensely loyal
to friends and family.
Lisa -- a young lady that was the product of a human-Kromagg marriage.
She has worked for years to promote equality between the humans and
the Kromaggs.
· Is there a major story arc the reader should know about?
After defeating the Kromaggs from invading Earth in the original USM
adventure, this group named themselves the "Rifters" and spent
several years traveling to other dimensions, helping those in need and
driving back the Kromagg threat. During their adventures, Lexie and
W.A. were seperated from the original group and had many sliding experiences
on their own. Eventually the Rifters disbanded and it seemed as though
their adventures had come to an end...until now, of course!
· If someone starts reading starting in your NEXT episode, what
should they know?
If someone starts reading with the first two installments of USM 2000,
what they need to know is this: Lexie and W.A., who have not seen their
companions in three years, were successful at destroying Earth 113 and
the emperor of all the Kromaggs along with it. While this was a major
blow to the Dynasty, a remnant still remains, strongly dedicated to
the destruction of humans in general...and W.A. and Lexie in particular.
Mina, Justin and Lisa have all either returned to their home worlds
or gone sliding on their own. Meanwhile, in a crossover story with Doctor
Who, Ransom traveled back in time to save Nekka and the Doctor aboard
the TARDIS. As a result, Ransom is now in big trouble with EarthForce.
Nekka learned the truth about her past and, the last we saw her, was
still reeling from the news. In spite of the trouble he's in, Ransom
would very much like to return home to his wife and kids. Ransom sought
out the help of Spindoctor (who still looks like a Kromagg, though the
benevolent side of his personality is currently manifest). He wanted
to see if Spindoctor could re-install his brain implant so he could
return home. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful. Unable to go where
he most wanted, Ransom took his computer (which enables him to slide)
and went sliding off into the multiverse. Before leaving, he gave Spindoctor
a cure for his Kromagg appearance...but Spindoctor was left with the
choice of using it on himself or a couple of others who also needed
· Which past episode(s) are you proudest of?
I'm proud of many of the stories we did, including (but not limited
to) a world where the Rifters were trapped inside the memories of their
own pre-sliding pasts, the Spindoctor-as-Kromagg arc, the "episode"
where Nekka found out about her true identity, and "Into the Rift,"
a full-length "movie" that wrapped up the first incarnation
of USM. Several of those have not been online for a while, though. I'm
working to get the rest up. Reader feedback helps! (Into the Rift is
· Are you giving Diana the attention she sorely deserves?
Since our series deals mostly with new characters, rather than the
classic or newer ones from the show, Diana is not getting any attention
at all. If enough people ask, though, I'm not above a cameo. :-)
· Is your series facetious or serious?
While it has a healthy dose of tongue-in-cheek humor, USM is essentially
a straightforward sci-fi adventure story.
· Where can we catch the newest episode(s).
As noted before, USM 2000 can be read online at: http://www.geocities.com/usmcast
· Where can we catch older episodes?
The "classic" episode archives can be found at the same URL.
The first four seasons of USM (there were 8 total) are now online, and
I'm working to get the rest of them up. Into the Rift is also online,
as noted earlier.
Thanks for doing this, S! It was a great idea. I'd like to comment
on the rest of the posts, but it's late. It'll have to wait for another
Take care,

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/23987
Nominated by Recall317
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