(ALL READ) Poll on SpaceTime....
Well, SpaceTime asked for this poll to be conducted at:
So here it is:
Do you like or dis-like the poster known as SpaceTime?
Me? Well, I personally dis-like him a great deal. he constantly harasses
me for no reason, and acuses me of saying things that he fabricates
in his mind. I really wishhe owuld just let me be, and have asked him
repeatedly, yet he still harasses me. So...Do you like him or don't
you? If enough people "voice their hatred of him, he'll leave".
So, SpaceTime, you asked for it and here it is.

I like him.
He's honest (sometimes brutally so),he's intelligent,and
when he flames you,he has a damn good reason for doing it.
Kinda like me.
So I know exactly where he's coming from.
Long Live SpaceTime!!!!
And I have never seen him post something about you or
anybody he fabricated in his mind.I would think you had yourself and
mrbrown confused with SpaceTime when you wrote that bb.

usually he's OK but in regard to you he has been a jerk.
For once me and SOK are disagreeing.

sliderdave 9/5/99
I like him too...
he is just a nice person who is annoyed by people who
use this board to voice opinions of stupidity. Eventually, all the "Where's
Colin and Quinn" and "Sliders Sucks" posts get to even the calmest people.

SOK/EPT/ whatever the hell your name is.
SpaceTime does in fact tell me I say things, when i don't
really say them. He said in one post:
You say you nevr tell people what to think, and never tell them to leave.
he then gave ma an URL to follow. i read the comments
I made to some ignorant s5 basher. I said something like this:
You have no real thoughts to back up your opinion, and therefore it
is worthless to me. Please etiher contribute something positive to the
board, or leave.
Notice how I didn't tell the person what to think. I didn't tell them
leave. I asked them to leave if they couldn't contribute to the board.
he loves to put words into people's mouths. Obviously, he has never
stalked/harassed you, as you support everythig he says/does. Well he
is an ass to me. He never stops telling me things I never said, or doing
something to make my posting experience un-enjoyable. Oh, and BTW, i
am still VERy pissed off at you for making that little sexual favors
comment about me and mrbrown. that was completely unnecassary and only
serves to show what a hateful pervert you are. have a nice day:)

My thoughts
I have no problems with ST...but you (buffyboy) on the
other hand...
I believe my main problem has to be this:
Just a few responses up from this special, separate posting...you
went on and on about how you truly just wished to be left alone. Then
you do this. You are asking for everything you get...
Also, I find it quite humorous how this is playing out.
Not long ago, you profusely backed up elements of this board who were
hounding me with baseless liese. Why? Because *you* thought they were
nice to you...you didn't care what they did to other people. Well, the
shoe's on the other foot now...and it looks like suddenly you don't
think your own policy is very fair. How fitting.
In short...if you act like a little kid, then don't be
shocked and appalled when you are treated like one in return. Personally,
I'm sick of your crap...and if you can't let it go (like you keep preaching
you want to), then my suggestion would be to not let the door hit ya
where the good Lord split ya.

Wow. Temporal Flux...
When did I back up people who were bashing you? Please
show. i really don't remmeber. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, here.
And SpaceTime asked for this poll. I said that already. Now, i really
don't want to be angry with you, as I respect you (although after what
you said...), so please tell what it si I did to you to make you sat
this. You are starting to sound like SpaceTime...Now, its true I did
want this too end. but SpaceTime doesn't. he will NEVER stop harassing
me. So, if you can't beat 'im...
I am tired of being nice to people who are ass holes. And I won't be
any more.

SafariJoe 9/5/99
SpaceTime is great!
I find spacetime to be a important poster and his sliders
site is the best of all in episode guides. Personally i think that you
(buffy) critize people too much, but we already got into this discussion
back about 4 ppages ago so i will stop now SafariJoe Supporting Spacetime

I critisize people too much?....
Have you read what SpaceTime says to ME? He critisizes
every comment I make, and finds some way to prove I'm a neo-Nazi hipocrite
(in his mind anyway). I'm not saying that you shouldn't like him, just
asking that you see what he can do to you if say something to him that
lessens his god-like status. He does it to me, and I for one don't think
its fair. So now i am not gonna sit back and ASK him to stop harassing
me. I'm gonna be mean too. I guess there is something wrong with ME,
though. it seems the majority of the people here think its alright for
ST to constantly harass me for no reason, and its wrong for ME to say
anything about it. I must be very confused if that behavior/attitude
is accepted as the norm. BB=:~)

I can't find the exact post I was referring to at this
time, but I did find this post made not long after what I was referring
to that should tell the tale:
You made another post as a response before that where
you backed up your "nice" person and sold me down the river.
I would continue looking for it...but the true point of the problem
is evidently clear.
The fact of the matter is that you have provided more
than ample proof with your recent debacle. You have no interest in posting
here...all you want to do is fight. Please, list off a contribution
of late. You have been bickering with SpaceTime for the past few days...before
that you were slamming any and everyone you can find one small problem
I'll be frank, we just finally got this board back to
a semi usable state and you (yes, *you* singularly) are doing alot to
ruin that. You can blame and point the finger as much as you want...but
NO ONE made you make this post...just as NO ONE made you make all the
separate postings to fight with SpaceTime that have kept this going
so long. You would like to blame him fully, but *you* have drug this
out. And I personally wouldn't even be upset about that, if you hadn't
been talking out of both sides of your mouth the whole time..."leave
me alone...you're a bastard for responding...leave me alone...you're
a bastard for responding". There will be no end to it, and you
don't want an end. Just look here...you are attacking any and everyone
who doesn't fully agree with you. You *only* want to be here to fight.
I won't be responding to you anymore on this...but if
you can't let it go and just ignore your problem (as I have done lately
with my problem you thought was so "mature"), then I want
you to know my feeling very clearly...I don't want you here. The price
for your crap is just too high...mainly because we don't get *anything*
in return for it...except more crap.

That post I made (the one about Exec...) was when I had
just returned here. I knew nothing of the events that transpired between
you too. I was not bashing you in any way. Once I found out sonme of
the things Exec has done, I didn't like him. I'm sorry you can't see
that I always supported you, and tried to be your friend. And you talk
about me dragging this thing on with SpaceTime...What about you and
Executive? SpaceTime has only been harassing me for a few days. i have
only been correcting his ill-informed statements for days. You have
been fighting with Exec for months. I have a lost a great deal of respect
for you. the truth is, i never came here to fight. But people just attacked
for no reason, even when i tried to help them. Excuse me for saying
something back.
And you don't want me here? Fine. I don't want to BE here. Its was tolerable
when the s5 bashers didn't like me...but now when people I used to call
"friend" and supported are attacking me, its time to say good

Damn TF...
Way to show some teeth. I'll be looking foward to the
ratings whenever you post them.

It's his actions that disgust me.
His harassment of Buffyboy, and then of anyone who stepped
in to defend Buffyboy, was completely uncalled-for.
Buffyboy is not "another Executive" as ST claims.
Buffyboy is a 13-year-old boy who did nothing more than ask the mindless
S5 bashers to leave. If you ask me, that's *far* preferable to ST's
method of getting into protracted flame wars with them.
He's never, say, impersonated someone else or disseminated
false information.
Yes, he defended Exec once. So did I, before I bothered
to look into the truth of the matter.
SpaceTime also went *far* beyond attacking supposed "hypocrisy."
In MrBrown's case, he mocked everything from the poor guy's web-design
skills to his looks.
Then he shut down *his* site, one of the most popular
Sliders pages in the world, just because a few people on this bulletin
board told him to stop being rude. To think he calls *us* "thin-skinned."
Being highly intelligent, or annoyed by clueless newbie
posts, is no excuse for this sort of behaviour.
- Blinker 7:-I

Ahh yes another one of SpaceTime's accounts, most likely

mrbrown,you are an idiot...
You think I am spacetime...fool. I have two other identities...electricPeterTork,and
SexualChocolate69. I am not spaceTime,you insignificant little prick.
So,before you go around slinging baseless accusations,get your fucking
facts straight. Idiot.Ugly idiot at that.

This needs to stop.
I swear to God, every time I'm here I see "ALL READ
SpaceTime" this or "BB and Exec sittin in a tree" that.
My opinions of SpaceTime and Buffyboy are available upon request, but
my main opinion is that this whole discussion is a bunch of bullshit.
Everytime someone posts about SpaceTime, said post turns into a battlefield
of replies. I've seen more about SpaceTime since his last site update
than I've seen about Sliders in my three months here.
I think this got ridiculous when I found out SpaceTime is leaving. It
doesn't even matter anymore! It's like being in a doctor/dentist's waiting
room and slamming the guy who just left for his appointment. He's not
going to hear you, and he has other things on his mind.
I admit that by being here I am only adding to the replies, so I'm going
to try not to say much more on this. If you want my opinions of the
above people, just say so, and I'll post something.
And I don't want any flames at all. I'm on everyone's side here!
By the way, in response to a previous feud, I don't give
a flying fuck what Mr. Brown looks like (Hey, I'm ugly and I'll admit
it in a second!), and I happen to like comics.

Oh my, look what I've done....
S, don't waste your time. These children will NEVER stop.
They come here for the sole purpose of bashing someone. Even TemporalFlux,
the almighty slioders deity. He is tired of MY crap. Has he seen how
SpaceTime belitles me? I'm sorry for saying something other than, :Leave
me alone for the 9th timr, please". If TF doesn't like this, why
didn't he take it up with SpaceTime, who has said again and again he
will NOT stop harassing me? I don't know. And to think I respected him
once....Well, anyway, I just had to get my "feelings" through
to you people, so now that i have, I'll leave you to war with your selves.

Lipschitz_Live 9/6/99
New, but SpaceTime is fine!<end>

mars2003 9/6/99
I'm Neutral

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/11635
Nominated by SpaceTime