Spot the Misinformation!

Date: 04/19/2001
From: Callie21V

Here's the game: how many lies, mistakes and exaggerations can you pick out of this actual September '96 TV Guide article?

Thanks to Slider120 for originally posting it:


Returning Favorites: Sliders

The Big News: The sci-fi series is aiming for a broader - or at least younger - audience in its third season. "I'm committed to making Sliders a true family show," says executive producer David Peckinpah. "There won't be a lot of sexual content or profane language this year." Count on more involved special effects and - with production shifting from Vancouver to Los Angeles - some tropical settings.

Hot Plots: Our involuntary wanderers will find themselves in parallel universes where dreams can be deadly, where tornadoes are ubiquitous, and where the planet spins far more slowly.

Transformations: The roguish recurring character of Logan St. Clair (Zoe McLellan) will be beefed up. As the female counterpart to Quinn (Jerry O'Connell), she is a fellow slider who jumps among the same parallel worlds, stealing natural resources. Professor Maximillian Arturo (John Rhys-Davies) will contract a strange alien affliction that will profoundly alter his personality. And we thought R&B singer Rembrandt Brown (Cleavant Derricks) had all the musical talent here, but computer expert Wade Wells (Sabrina Lloyd) reveals an unexpected gift this year.

Guest Star: Donnie Most (Happy Days) as a game-show host.


I count one lie, four mistakes, and three exaggerations. :-D

>>> C/21

Can I watch those eppys...

Date: 04/19/2001
From: dellyone

from that parallel world? ;-)




Date: 04/19/2001
From: Wrong_Arturo

I've seen this before, but I always laugh (or groan) when I see it. Thanks for posting it again.

Did you really want us to point them all out?

LIE #1: Peckinpah is committed to changing Sliders into a family show.
TRUTH: Sliders was never anti-family to begin with. What sexual content and profane language was Peckinpah referring to? There was a little bit, sure, but it was typical TV-PG level. What Peckinpah really meant was they wouldn't do anything interesting or worthwhile or remotely associated with Sliders anymore. And it was after Torme left and Peckinpah had total control that they started churning out sex-filled nonsense like The Breeder.

LIE #2: The character of Logan St. Clare will be beefed up.
TRUTH: You can't "beef up" the appearance of someone who hasn't appeared at all yet. And when you introduce her once, and then stubbornly refuse to mention her again, that hardly qualifies, either.

LIE/EXAGGERATION #3: Arturo gets a strange alien disease that profoundly affects his personality.
TRUTH: Huh? The disease was never identified on the show, but the original script identifies it as an everyday Earth disease. And Arturo let go and have fun for that episode, but that hardly constitutes a profound personality change. Of course, if Fox had allowed them to continue with this storyline, maybe we would have seen that. And the way TV Guide describes the situation is all wrong. One is led to picture an Arturo turned evil, frothing at the mouth, because of some bizarre disease. (Actually, that would have been kind of cool.) The Guardian was a great episode...too bad the description here has nothing to do with it.

LIE/EXAGGERATION #4: Sabrina gets to sing this year.
TRUTH: two lines of a song we never hear the rest of!

There are a few other things, but I don't have the energy to point them all out. If someone else wants to take a crack at them, they're welcome to. Basically, all this article got right was Donny Most as a guest star.


Not to mention...

Date: 04/20/2001
From: QBall79's WELLES.


"This year" = 1996? 7;-/ |n/t|

Date: 04/20/2001
From: Blinker


Had to make up my own 4th season preview

Date: 04/20/2001
From: The_Seer

Just for fun, I decided to try to spoof the 3rd season T.V. Guide article using the 4th season. Enjoy.

Returning Favorites: Sliders

The Big News: With a move to the Sci-Fi channel, the series is aiming for a wider audience in its fourth season. "I'm committed to making Sliders a quality science fiction show in the vein of 'Star Trek'," says executive producer David Peckinpah. "There will be lots of in-depth character development and exploration of serious social issues." Also count on more sci-fi elements, including top notch special effects and makeup.

Hot Plots: Our heroes will find themselves being chased across parallel universes by a deadly alien race called the Kromaggs as they search for missing slider Wade Wells. Along the way, they will be exploring worlds where religious zealots rule, where people are enslaved by virtual reality, and where drug use is mandatory. And watch for a surprise or two in an exciting season finale.

Transformations: Boy genius Quinn Mallory (Jerry O'Connell) will return to his home world to discover shocking news: he has a brother named Colin (his real life twin brother Charlie O'Connell). R&B singer Rembrandt Brown (Cleavant Derricks) will be brainwashed by the Kromaggs into becoming a traitor. Also, tough military expert Maggie Beckett (Kari Wurher) unveils her musical talent.

Guest Star: David Birney ("Glitter") as a religious leader.

Too funny, Seer! :-) (end)

Date: 04/21/2001
From: Wrong_Arturo


Wade's special gift

Date: 04/21/2001
From: Recall317

Didn't that turn out to be telepathy? ("Desert Storm") Now THAT could have come in handy! What a long, strange season it was...


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Nominated by Blinker


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