How Jeffrey Dean Morgan got a career...
Date: 12/09/2002
From: Callie21V
On what may be the world's only Jeffrey Dean "El Sid" Morgan fansite, you can read the following excerpt...
INT: "All that seems unbelievably easy!"
JDM: "I am the first actor of television who admits to having lied on his resume. Before I arrived in Los Angeles, I hadn't done anything of value. I thus said that I had played in some musicals on Broadway such as Grease and West Side Story. Jest to let you know, I am unable to sing!"
You can also read the following JDM biography, by the SAME WEBMASTER who transcribed the above interview from the original French:
"Jeffrey Dean Morgan was born 22 April, 1966 and he grew up in Seattle.He started his acting career on stage, appearing in shows such as "Little Boy Goes to Hell", a rock musical run by the Really Big Production Company in Seattle. Other theater work includes Exception to the Rule, Grease and West Side Story."
I'm not sure which party in this equation I should feel sorrier for...
>>> C/21
"In my opinion, Jeffrey is one of the most moving actors I have ever seen. It is an actors job to really make you feel whatever their character is feeling. He does this so well. As Sid in the episode of Sliders 'El Sid' you really dispise him, he is truly formidable and frightening. His mannerisms, his menace send cold shivers through you."
TBH: Well, he got the 'despise' part down.
HTWD: No he didn't... it's spelled wrong.
TBH: Oh yeah. Damn.

I'm frightened!
Date: 12/09/2002
Qu'est-ce que BT fait ici? Laissez-moi tranquille, BT!
Now JDM speaks with a French accent in my head! Somehow it makes his elocution even worse!
So the old lying on his resume trick, huh? I knew there had to be tomfoolery of some sort involved, although secretly I suspected someone's immortal soul was given up. Not Jeffrey's though; my guess is that he traded it in at an early age, maybe for a chicken salad sandwich.
JDM: Mmm...sandwich.
JDM (in TM's head): Mmm... le sandwich.

J'ai peur aussi!
Date: 12/11/2002
From: Recall317
Qu'est-ce que cet 'Crying Virologist'?
Je pense que le maître d'enchaînement n'est pas c'observateur. Eh bien...
C'est amusant, Callie! Bonne trouvaille!
Le Sid: Ceci non plus d'entre nous...
Le Quinn: [gulp!]

Esqueceu-se quase de um título. Oops
Date: 12/11/2002
From: Tigs
Vous peuplez avez trop d'heure sur vos mains si vous dactylographiez des Français au sujet de ce type.
Algunos de nosotros tuvieron que colocar para el español. No hay nada mal con español. Es la lengua del futuro de América.
Was war der Punkt von wieder antworten? Ich bedeute außer Spaß mit babelfish.
La Reine

Zut alors!
Date: 12/11/2002
From: Recall317
Je préfère Le Sid, pas El Sid
Espagnol? La langue de la future Amérique? Elle m'incite à vouloir obstruer sur un croissant! Heureusement, la communauté internationale identifie toujours un langauge supérieur quand elle entend un.
Ne pas être confondu avec le R5, une automobile magnifique. De combien d'automobiles espagnoles savez-vous? Zéro? J'ai pensé autant.

¡Español de largo vivo... la lengua del
Date: 12/11/2002
From: Tigs
El EL Sid era una puñalada triste en nuestras fronteras meridionales.
Peor uniforme, vino de nuestras fronteras norteñas. Ehn. ¿Cuál es una muchacha a hacer? ¿Siéntese en la esquina y mire bastante?
[ pausa larga ]
que era divertido. Apruebe... sí, yo no consiguió nada. Excepto, ese español es totalmente la lengua del futuro.
La Reina
Le EL Sid était un coup triste à nos frontières méridionales.
Plus mauvais encore, il est venu de nos frontières nordiques. Ehn. Quelle est une fille à faire? Reposez-vous dans le coin et regardez assez?
[ longue pause ]
qui était drôle. Approuvez... ouais, je n'a obtenu rien. Excepté, cet Espagnol est totalement la langue du futur.
La Reine
Eine Schlußbemerkung für die Sprachenelitären, die Franzosen und das Spanischen sind das quie, das in den Ähnlichkeitabteilungen freundlich ist.
Die Königin

Quid est tibi nomen?
Date: 12/12/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
Mihi nomen est BT.
Trying to post this for the tenth time. >:-#
De Filiola Medicamentarioque
Olim erat puella pulcherrima, quae amicum suum bene amabat. Cum pater et mater sui ab opido abfuturos erant, filiola pulchra amico suo ad domum invitavit et illo ludos Veneris dilectissimos suavissimosque post cenam pollicetur.
Iuvencus ille autem nihil de rebus amatoriis sciebat ideoque ad medicamentarium fuit ut integumentos venerios--qui Anglice "condoms" nuncupati sunt-- emere, et, fortasse, aliquid de rebus Veneriis discere potuisset.
Cum medicamentarius vidisset quam paulo iuvenis de rationibus delectamenta voluptatesque mulieribus in toro dandi noverit illo omnia de his rebus dixit et prorsus instruxit. Demum medicamentarius juvenem rogavit utrum tria, decem aut viginti quinque integumenta emere voluit. Ille, quia jam se optimum amatorem putabat non vigintiquinque sed quinquaginta integumenta cepit dicens,"Haec nox cum iam in toro iaceam et meam puellam amplectar sicut leo fervidus ero." Medicamentarius illo bonam fortunam .
Advenit hac nocte juvenis ad domum amicae suae et eam et matrem eius salutavit. Cum iam sedebant et cenam edere incipiebant advenit pater qui semper sero laborabat. Subito juvenis orationem gratias Deo agendi se dicere obtulit.
Quinque minuta degunt et iuvenis adhuc orat. Decem minuta degunt et iuvenis semper capite abjecto amplius orat. Demum iuvenis amica eo in aurem susurrat: "eheu, mellitus meus! Nesciebam te tam religiosum esse." Et ille respondet: "Neque patrem ego tuum medicamentarium esse!!"
BTW I watched Burning Zone before watching El Sid. Yeah, I though his character of Dr. Marcase was hot. Interesting storylines. I stopped watching it when they dropped both him and Tamlyn Tomita.
Oh, I see. You want to know the translation above. Here's the quick and dirty version. For a more formal one go here. Too bad you have to look it up like a dictionary.
BTW in Latin, verbs are at the end of sentences. For example
amo - I love
amas - you love
amat he, she, it loves
Rough translation....
Once upon a time, there was a beatiful girl that a young man loved. They were best friends. Her parents were always thinking of her future and invited this young man to dinner. Since he was poor, we wanted to give her something to gain her love. So he sought out a doctor to give him a love potion something that was called a condom. The doctor told him that with just a little of this, you'll be able to go not ten times but twenty. Then the young lady will say to you, "At night, I'll be lying in our bridal bed waiting for you hotblooded lion." The young man went off to the young woman's house and greeted her mother, but her father was working late. It was getting late, but the he gave an eloquent speech and was able to stay longer. Five minutes went by after his speech. Ten minutes went by and he was getting dejected by the lack of his amorous advances. He whispered in her ear, "My dear, I'm ignorant are you religious?" She replied, "No, my father is a doctor."

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