to lighten-up the bboard (NSR)
Date: 06/03/2000
From: capaqu
Please, oh PLEASE, let there be at least ONE reply to this post. <pretty
You know, with all the light-hearted banter that's been going on here
for the past few days I thought that maybe we should stop and think
about more pressing, in-depth considerations.
We need a serious, and mighty important, issue to be settled. We MUST
determine, once and for all, which is the BEST!
Please answer truthfully, and explain fully the reasons for your answers!
This is a poll; but it is also a test. Who will grade the test answers?
Not me, that's for sure!
So, here goes:
1 - What is your favorite color?
2 - What colors would you like to furnish your home or room in?
3 - What color(s) do you wear the most often?
4 - What color do you hate?
5 - What color is your hair?
6 - What color are you eyes?
Okay, the last two are kinda personal. You're allowed to bypass them
if you must!
My answers:
1 - Red. This varies from time to time, but gotta stick with it. Loved
it since I was a kid. A girl thing, I guess.
2 - Southwest colors: browns, peach, sage, dusty rose, etc. I like the
naturalness and peace they afford.
3 - I wear a lot of red and green (though usually not together, except
in December). But mostly, I frequently wear black. I goes well with
my hair.
4 - I really don't like that greenish-yellow color, whatever it's called.
Chartreuse, maybe? Anyway, I can't wear it; it makes me look sickly.
Maybe cuz the color makes me sick when I look at it!
5 - Blonde (yes, natural); got a little white and grey in there now,
too. Explanation: genes.
6 - Green. Again: genes
Your turn now!

have enough magic to grant one wish.
Date: 06/03/2000
From: Tigs
1. Anything between deep purple and deep blue.
2.Anything rich and deep. Right now blues, deep red, some dark green...and
a little brown.
3. I wear dark greens, browns, black (a lot of black), burgandy etc.
4. Pastel yellow. It's horrid. ;-D
5. Dark red--auburnish.
6. Green, brown and gold.
Peace out...and thanks for the lighter touch

Hunter Answers
Date: 06/03/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
1-i like Black Red and Green, if i have to choose one, Black.
2-Not sure of color, i want a very gothic style home, looking like
something striaght from Interview with a Vampire.
3-Solid color? Black.
Otherwise it's Cammo, i have White&Grey cammo,Blue Cammo,Green Cammo.
I love Cammo.
4-Any color Jerry OConnell likes (HA!) Actually i can't stand the color
of one punker i knows hair, it's like neon pink.
5- Black.
6-VERY Dark Brown. Even my mom says my eyes look like they are colored
Black eyes, and was born with one very long Canine tooth...No wonder
i like Vampire stuff so much!

Date: 06/03/2000
From: SouthernSlider
1) RED -- I'm a UGA Bulldawg, so what other color is there?
2) Usually blue and mauve -- soothing colors
3) RED -- same reason as #1
4) ORANGE -- because I'm a Bulldawg. Sworn enemy of Auburn, Tennessee,
Clemson, and Florida - all orange-wearers. YUUUUUUUUUCK!
5) Blonde - because nature wanted to change the color of my hair, so
I chose the color!
6) Blue - because of my mom.

Date: 06/03/2000
From: TimeFluxEMC2
1. - Black
2. - Black
3. - Black
4. - Yellow and Red
5. - Dark Blonde
6. - Hazel
"Time is now fluctuating, have a nice day."

Date: 06/03/2000
From: Slider_Dee
Hey nice poll .... and you've gotten a few answers already LOL
1. Favorite color: GREEN
2. Colors for house: if it were completely up to me, Greens and Browns,
Forrest colors
3. Colors I wear most often: surprisingly not green :: let's see, i
wear reds and pinks on top, off-set with blacks and navy blues on the
4. Color I hate: Orange
5. My hair color: Brown, specifically, it's a shade of brown too dark
to be considered medium brown, and too light to be considered dark brown,
so its a darkish medium brown
6. My eye color: dark brown (but with enough brown in them that they're
never mistaken for black) So all your geneticists:: how did I wind up
with children with light blue eye color?? (same shade as my husband's
eyes but I thought the brown color was dominant, especially a dark brown
like my eyes)
Later all

a geneticist BUT
Date: 06/04/2000
From: HunterD_Raven
Considering my attention to science i have 2 ideas.
I'm not sure but i think Blue is Dominant but since there are less born
Blues to pass on the gene, the number of blue eyes is less.
The gene for having 6 fingers is dominant too,but since very few have
6 fingers,few pass on the gene.
idea 2- You have the Blue gene somewhere in your backround, you can
have a dormant "Dominant" Gene, rare but possible, Also just
because you have the gene does not mean you pass it on. After all men
are the dominant Gene for being make,but they can pass on the X Chromosone
so they have female children. See what i mean?
Yeah, A scientific,Gothic,Ranting,JOChatein', Sarcastic Southerner.
If nothing else, i am eclectic

Date: 06/04/2000
From: Sabre_Edge
1 - What is your favorite color? SILVER, BLUE
2 - What colors would you like to furnish your home or room in? White
and light Blues.
3 - What color(s) do you wear the most often? Black
4 - What color do you hate? Orange
5 - What color is your hair? Dark, dark Brown
6 - What color are you eyes? Dark, ice blue

Date: 06/04/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
1) various shades of purple and blue except flourescent.
2) pale blues and purples.
3) Um... blue and black usually. So many shades of blue though.
4) probably orange and 'murky' colours.
5) Natural blonde I'm afraid :-) Not white blonde or dark blonde...
6) sort of greeny-grey dependsing on the light. More green I think
Correction to Hunter's explanation (sorry!):
Blue is actually recessive. Brown is dominant. So in your chromosone
pair that denotes eye colour you would have one blue and one brown.
The brown would take dominance because it is dominant. This would mean
that you carried and and could pass it on to a child if they got that
hald of the pair. Your husband could equally have the same situation
and parents etc. It's not unusual. My mother was green-eyed from a grey-brown
eyed pairing (I have a feeling that green is less recessive than blue,
but I can't quite rememember. Maybe not actually, but possibly.
Blonde is also recessive, which is why you don't usually get brown
eyed blondes.
Wow... it actually sounds like I payed attention in biology! I quit
biology last year after GCSE because I could :-)
And Hunter... I'm not quite sure on how your male doiminant thing works.
The Y chromosone is dominant, but when they split cos sperm and eggs
are the only cells not to have the full 46 chromosones (they have 23)
it splits right down the middle so there is an equal chance of it being
passed on if they are different.
Sarah... the girl who learnt more from her biology revision books than
her lessons.

picks for kipper2222
Date: 06/04/2000
From: kipper2222
1) favorite color: purple
2) room colors: white and purple
3) color I wear most: black (most flattering color!)
4) color I hate: can't think of any.
5) hair: brown
6) eyes: blue
If you throw a cat out the window, is that kitty litter?

play too..
Date: 06/04/2000
From: Mychand
1. Purple (I wanted a purple Jeep but ended up with teal..sigh)
2. My bedroom is purple and white! Everything else is pretty much blue
and gray except my kitchen which is all apples (guess it's the teacher
in me). :o)
3. I like to wear black and blue a lot I guess. It depends on my mood.
Blue or green makes my eye color stand out.
4. I don't really like orange.
5. Hair is blonde. It has gotten darker over the years so yes, I now
have to lighten it to the color I want.
6. My eyes are blue but have specks of gray in them.
My :o)

does my heart good....
Date: 06/04/2000
From: SouthernSlider
to see so many ORANGE-haters in the crowd. How sweet it is!

non-orange-hater for SouthernSlider
Date: 06/04/2000
From: EustiSlider
1. Well, my favorite color is blue without question. But I think blue
goes splendidly with Orange, just for my Florida Gators (and Southern,
if you're not a Gator, you're just gator bait!). Of course, my two years
at Clemson also influences my attitude towards orange. (but Orange and
Purple? What were they thinking?).
2. My house has lots of beige or gray. Neutral colors, really. It's
so much easier to match new furniture with neutrals.
3. I wear mostly blues (with orange on certain Saturdays in the Fall).
4. I hate reds (this includes garnet). It kills me that my wife has
a red car. Oh well, it was a demo model and it was cheap.
5. Brown hair, but I was blonde until puberty.
6. Hazel, but my wife says it depends upon wether I'm wearing blues
or greens.

Date: 06/04/2000
From: Stoker_chick
1 - Green, especially in army motif
2 - Black definitely, maybe a lot of dark brown, too. I could go for
a very antique (again gothic) style.
3 - Black mostly, a lot of [green only] army stuff too.
4 - pink
5 - As of midnight last night, black :) (Naturally brown)
6 - unnaturally light blue, somedays turn light grey.
Not too interesting, but I felt like joining in. That future furnishing
idea really got me thinking, though. I think I'm going to go do some
redecorating. hmmm.
Peace out.

Date: 06/04/2000
From: Stoker_chick
Okay, I didn't mean for it to sound like that.
My hair is naturally relatively dark brown, but for a *huge* change,
I died it jet black last night.
My eyes are NATURALLY blue, I just said unnaturally light blue because
they are an *abnormally* light blue color because of this pigment problem
I was born with (I still think it looks cool. The thing that sucks is
that the internal medical complications are not as cool. My left eye
is not connected to the nerve in my brain at all, meaning that I'm totally
blind in that eye, and my vision sucks in my right eye as a similar
Sorry about the mistake.
Peace out.

me see...
Date: 06/04/2000
From: Beyond2000
Since I have nothing better to do...
Favorite color: Blue.
Colors for room: Never thought about it that much but I guess it would
be in whites and light blues. Maybe. I don't know, I have no fashion
Colors I wear: Again, never thought about too much but it turns out
I usually wear blue jeans and tee-shirts of different colors. Nothing
Color I hate: Pink, hot pink. I hate it.
Hair: Dark Brown, almost black.
Eyes: Brown.
Nothing really exiting, but there you are.

Date: 06/05/2000
From: sweetone
1 favorite color: blue but not blue/purple
2 color of house: navy, beige, with natural wood finished furniture.
well mostly
3 favorite color to wear: red i think it looks good on me
4 color i hate: mustard yellow, and orange
5 hair color: blonde until i was 15 now it's light brown, I've tried
to fix that, but it always turns orange/red, yuck!
6 eye color: blue, mom has green eyes and dad had blue eyes
all of my children have blue.
capaqu your poll was fun. Thanks

at all the pretty colors
Date: 06/05/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
!) Black
@) Black
#) Black
$) Pink
%) Brown
^) Green

It looks like I'm rust colored!!
Date: 06/05/2000
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Ugh . . . I forgot to put TIP in my last post!!!
Bonus TIP:I'm getting rusty :-(!!!!!!

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/21073
Nominated by Blinker
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