Date: 4/23/97

For the first time in several months, I've been reading some of the postings on Alt.TV.Sliders and felt compelled to address a couple of issues.

I'm sad to say I'm not surprised to see how many people are acutely aware of the lack of quality in virtually every area of the show as it is currently being produced. Most of the things that made the show unique (the interaction of four human, flawed characters, social satire, dark comedy, Rembrandt's music, historical what-ifs, twist endings etc.) have vanished.

I could go on, and will in the future, but for now allow me to apologize to those who've noticed the tepid SLIDERS of Season Three.

Let me digress by clearing up a couple of fictional tangents that seem to run rampant on the net:

John Rhys-Davies did not quit - his departure and the introduction of the new character was a network decision.

For those who continue to promulgate the tiresome, dishonest fiction about the so-called SLIDERS/DOORWAYS "controversy", I could say "get a life" but instead how about a little dose of truth?

Recently, I finally got to see DOORWAYS. To say how awful I thought it was would have been difficult, since the three other people I was viewing it with had all left the room by the middle of the pilot. When it had mercifully ended, I could truly understand why the network that produced it not only didn't buy the series, but deemed the pilot so unwatchable that it never aired, even as summer fill.

I'm amazed to see the same tired names still pushing DOORWAYS as if it were Masterpiece Theater compared to SLIDERS. There is no accounting for taste -- perhaps these people keep expecting Tampa Bay to win the Superbowl -- but I question whether they are the three people who actually liked DOORWAYS, or whether they are simply taking advantage of the fact that no one has seen it, so no one can judge their statements.

The above is a fight that I have avoided for the past several years, despite the never-ending and sickening pack of lies about the "influence" DOORWAYS had on SLIDERS. I can tell you now -- and it's been well-substantiated -- that it had ZERO influence. Zero. Period. Those who continue to imply otherwise are either dishonest, demented, or having finally seen DOORWAYS... perhaps they simply have a strange sense of

The next time you see anything implying that the three seasons of SLIDERS have any connection to the failed pilot mentioned above, understand you are reading bald-faced lies. Secondly, if someone comes on to say how great the DOORWAYS pilot was and what a tragic shame that it never saw the light of day, don't be a drone, go out and see it for yourself (if you can
find it), at which point you will understand the Tampa Bay analogy all too well.

The fact is, I never rooted against, or defamed DOORWAYS in any way, shape or form. To do so would have been petty and unprofessional. Unfortunately, long after DOORWAYS was on the shelf and SLIDERS was emerging, the DOORWAYS creator followed a pattern I'm told is quite usual for him by ranting and raving day after day -- not only at the very successful SLIDERS two-hour movie, but at me personally -- Example: the story that I read DOORWAYS and begged him for a job on his nonexistent
series would be completely libelous if it were not so laughably untrue.

There is so much more I could say about those who spread such disparaging, defaming gossip based on the ravings of someone whose pilot failed miserably and now must bitterly attack a competing show that has just filmed its 48th episode. I've avoided the temptation to enter such a pathetic fray until now -- but truth is truth, and there is some satisfaction in finally allowing it out of the closet.

Finally, I am on to other new and exciting projects which I hope will attract many of the same terrific audience who devoted themselves to SLIDERS. I can also assure you that if we are picked up for a fourth season, I will be making the horror I feel at watching some of this season's episodes well-known to the network, regardless of the price I might have to pay for doing so.

Thanks again for your input, patience and devotion to SLIDERS... a show which still remains very close to my heart.

Tracy Torme'

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