A little treat from The MAYBE Machine
Date: 02/25/2000
Well, ThomasMalthus return got me thinking. So I've fired up the MAYBE Machine and decided to do something a little different.
Welcome to Earth 345 . . .An Earth where the great Board separation never occurred. There is no JOC board on this Earth, no massive amounts of spin-off boards, no EP board, no USA board, just the main board.
We join this board on February 25, 2000, just one short week after Executive was finally chased away from the board in shame following his unmasking as daniel_275.
A few brief days since "Jerry Is A Jerk Day" where the fans spend the entire day posting their utter disgust with the man who lied to them and abandoned them.
A few hours since Blinker posted E69 episode 3.3 "Strippers And Comrades" and Mychand's latest interactive fanfic "The Sound of Sliding" came to a conclusion.
A few minutes since TemporalFlux revealed the latest on the Sliders movie, since Thomas Malthus posted the latest part in his ongoing alt-fanfic "Maggie:The Vampire Slayer", since the beginning of Beret Wars 3: The Wrath of The Doo Rags.
Which brings us to the present, and the return of an old friend to this board . . . a poster by the name of Chaser9.
Article Title: There's No Place Like Home!
WOW! Has it really been over 4 months since I bid goodbye to all of you? Hard to believe. Nice to see the place is still intact. I see My's still doing her polls, gosh I 've missed those! And the fanfic! Wow! Wonderful work SL4ever, SouthernSlider and Dorky, that Fourth Season Machine is classic stuff man!
I see we've come quite a ways on Story Games. WOW SG-137! I've missed so much. I see Blinker's still churning out his top ten lists and Earth 69 . . .gotta love that stuff.
Nice to see Cryin' around still. I mean after kaythia and RealRealSlider I figured he'd have hit the road. Nice to see you're still around C.
So much I've missed. I see consensus on "The Seer" was pretty much normal, saw some great commentaries on it that expressed waht the episode really represented.
I see you guys got rid of Exec. One question? What took so long?
Man, I've missed this place, it was always like a second home to me, you folks were like a family and I've coem back and I'm not alone, the future Mrs. 9 and has decided to join me and we're in it for the long haul.
So we've got a movie in the future? SWEEEEET!
One more thing, I wanna give a shout out to all my pals, just so I don't feel like I'm forgetting everyone.
Sliding_Through, spaz, Ann_Fredricks, Qball79, Blinker, TemproalFlux, SL4ever, Hurrikain, Sarah, Brit, SS, St, sleepingtiger, Informant, TM, Thunder_Girl, Cryin, Mychand, Jericho_Y2J and all the rest of you kids! I love ya and I'm back, here's to a hell of alot more fun to come out of this board!
Oh, and BTW,
See ya on Earth 374!
<We now return you to your Earth, MAYBE Machine shutting down>
sad isn't it?

Am I f'n INVISIBLE or something?
Date: 02/25/2000
I mean, really, Hunter's my friend and all, but he DID register the handle "Jericho_Y2J" AFTER I joined!

Welcome back Chaser9 and Brand_S!!!
Date: 02/25/2000
Good to see you all back. The board is about the same as it was when you left, but boy do you have some catching up to do! Newbies aren't all that prominent; they got tired and left. We're still a pretty tight group here.
P.S. Boof, your turn on the STORY GAME!!!

Date: 02/25/2000
Boy, is it ever good to see you two back!! Looking forward to more fanfic, debates and all-around sweet BBoard lovin'. Oh, if you missed "The Unstung Man" or "Alternate Cross" they're a few pages back, right after TWIW 2-18... just look for the posts with 40 replies!
- Blinker 7:-P !!!!!!!!!
P.S. to SlidingThrough -- We'll get a doo rag on ya yet!!

Hey Chaseboy!!!!
Date: 02/25/2000
From: SL4ever
Sling that ink!!!!!! :-)

ban crying from the maybe macheen! end
Date: 02/25/2000
From: TemporalFlux1
tf1 over an out

Date: 02/25/2000
From: Mychand
We luv ya man!
My :o)

Just 'maybe', y'all.
Date: 02/25/2000
From: SouthernSlider
This is beginning to feel like old times. An Old-timers Sliders Reunion. Gotta love it.

Nice to see the master of alternates
Date: 02/26/2000
From: sleepingtiger
back home. The Missus??? Do share the details boy. What took you so long?
Oh and on another note, like what's with the rumors of you being the newest weapon in the doorag arsenal? Cause you need to step back and remember the past. Where the Beret's kicked a little. Twice.
BFL baby.
ps. Where's that collaboration you keep promising me on Infinites?

That was beautiful...
Date: 02/26/2000
And SG#137?!?!?!!
I wish! it took three months to get the last one done. But maybe, in a perfect dimension...
welcome back Chase,

I may be new, but it's good 2 see u back
Date: 02/26/2000
From: sliderules
For those of you from a parrallel world, which is all of us, my name is Ian aka sliderules. I'm a little silent but I read more than I post. I'm glad to see an old family back together and hope a new member can be accepted. If not, well, then I'll be the second cousin twice removed. K?

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2326/18039
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