WOW! Sliders season 12!
Date: 04/24/2000
I have an inside line on the 12th season of Sliders . . .
Judge Reinhold as Richie Powers
Kristy Swanson as Vixen
Anthony Jacobs as Thomas Mallory
Cleavant Derricks as Rembrandt Brown
After the timer was incorporated into Vixen's bio-matrix last season, the slides willl be changing! We'll see new worlds, a new vortex and new villians! That's right, with the destruction of the Gatorian Confederation last season, the sliders will have to watchout for the Yamaguchi Brigade and Private Will Tockmen who are hot on the trails of the whereabouts of the amalgameated Diana Beckett!
All this, plus We finally fond out what happened to Mallory's brain (last seen in "Slide Of The Mind") and the true location of Earth-Delta-Epsilon-PRIME!
Intro- What if you could travel the multiverse? What if every world held a new adventure, A new society or a higher existence? What if nothing was as it seems And what if you'll never find home?
