. . .please don't start
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Chaser9
You haven't caused enough trouble here with me before, and you're not
starting again.
It really is your business if I choose to post out in the open in response
to a reply to a previous post. The one posting the request would SEE
the update of the page.And if I didn't know how the refresh features
worked then it would simply prove I'm a moron.
You're not really backhanded or bossy, and I guess you're trying to
do just what you did before, only in a more covert fashion, as you were
before (and gee that's redundant!).
Just stop it, Chaser9. I meant what I said before. You've been a great
help to a lot of fans who've had questions involving the show. The thing
is, you've also shown yourself to be capable of an ugliness all of us
want to see in ourselves and in our friends. That you as a person, no
matter what else you are. Me lose brain cells, live on square planet!
I said before that I hope you don't change one day, and I do, but please
THINK of starting again with me. I'll gladly put up with it.
Are you upset that I posted some more of my story? That some are interested
in it? Even though it sucks beyond belief and I can't write my way out
of a paper bag?
If so, why? Because I'm an idiot
I wonder WHY you seem to feel the need to blow up at people, and if
you don't get your pound of flesh at one attempt, you'll try again.
I won't pretend to be trained in the area, so no layman's psychoanalysis
here. Since I have been in therapy for 17 years. Still, don't you think
SOME contemplation on your part is called for? Maybe WITH some help?
Because after all, lithium has done wonders for me, especially with
that prozac nightcap i take at night.
People just seem to do the things you do, Chaser9. Please never stop.
You Hak are not only relrel, but the biggest Mook on this board!

one to know one", Chaser?
Date: 05/01/2000
From: hakavonn
The only thing is, if you are one, then you can't see that clearly.
Better be careful, or Ed may threaten to stogie-burn you for stealing
his material.
As for something you said that seemed to suggest my story's lacking,
could you tell me where any Sliders stories (or anything else) you've
written can be read? You were involved in the short-lived PVT effort,
right? And I think you have in the works the site that resembles SciFi's
Sliders page, but is there anything else? Something currently on the
net? I'd like to see anything you've written.
By the way, you really enjoy SLIDERS?

don't get it....
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Fish_Bone
Leonard Maltin and Roger Ebert never made movies. Whats your point?
Are you saying anyone who has never made a fanfic should not discuss
about or put down your writting?
So if you don't like a movie, DON'T TALK?
Fish Bone

Date: 05/01/2000
From: Tigs
Chaser's works can be found at
He's a good writer. I for one think he's got loads of talent. I haven't
read your stuff so I'm not commenting on your quality. I'm sure you
are just fine if someone wants to know where your stuff is.
Have a nice week!
ps. Why are you picking on so many people tonight?

my Fiestyvonn
Date: 05/01/2000
From: TemporalFlux
Oooooohhh...whipped out those fingernails pretty quick there, Hak. Somebody
criticizes your writing and you go for the jugular "So what have
*you* written, Chaser ;-p"
As for Chaser 9's writing...or as you feel "lack thereof".
You once again have obviously not been paying attention, Hakensack.
That doesn't even mention his contributions to other EarthPrime.Com's
Earth 211.
What are you doing reading this, Hak? I thought you were ignoring me.

and Tigs
Date: 05/01/2000
From: hakavonn
My question for Chaser was a real one. No attack on him was intended.
I do suspect, however, that his comments weren't "innocent",
and instead were intended to jab at me (he did say my efforts were poor
and that I can't write my way out of a paper bag). Why would he jab
at me? Oh, I don't know. A little prejudice/favoritism stirred up by
events I won't here mention?
Maybe I just wanted to see what a "real" writer can do, if
my attempts are so lacking.
I guess this just proves for me that what I'd feared would happen DID
happen. Some are so conflict prone that they see viciousness where there
is none. Guess they're so used to it, have it so much a part of THEIR
thinking, that they assume EVERYONE is that way.
As for one other reply, I'll borrow a line from Star Trek. "What
the Klingon says is unimportant. We do not hear his words." (The
meaning of that planetary idiom in the episode might even apply here!)

the way, F B and Tigs...
Date: 05/01/2000
From: hakavonn
I DID know Chaser is a writer. I wasn't saying he hadn't written anything.
I was asking where his stories are.

Hak, I'm really TF
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Chaser9
And if you believe that, I've got some beachfront property in Arizonia
I'll sell you.
I see, just because I poke fun at your post, since you are harrassing
one of my friends, then I guess I must be the person you are harrassing
under another handle . . . .right, whatever.

btw hak,
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Chaser9
The bit about the writing (as is the whole post, except for that last
sentence) is directed to Chaser9 and is a throwback to a post by some
nobody who said I couldn't write my way out of a paper bag, but believe
what you want to.

by the way Chase,
Date: 05/01/2000
From: sliderules
YOU DA MAN! Don't let hakavonn get you pissed off You're one of the
few people who are trying to keep this board alive and I think you rule
because of that. As for hakavoon, I never knew you had this side to
you! You never seemed this out there before, so hopefully this is just
a one time deal. if not, then hakavonn, chill, enjoy the board like
I do!
P.S. Chase, around when can we expect the next part of Homecoming?

is right about Temporal Flux
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Executive
He was merely doing something that some of us have done in the past
-- prove what an arrogant, self-serving jerk Flux is. It doesn't matter
what you may think he has contributed to this SLIDERS forum. The fact
is that he has a bad attitude, and feels that he is superior to everyone
who doesn't agree with his views. Hakovann's re-posting TF's e-mails
bashing the man a week or two ago demonstrated that, and as usual Flux's
"friends" post in his defense.
Anybody who thinks Temporal Flux didn't start this fight with Havokann
is either lying, blind, or "lying blind"!
It's always nice to come back to this board to see what a train wreck
it's continues to be (to say nothing of 3 invididuals who insulted or
made fun of me, when I haven't even posted here in over a month aside
from a brief, unrelated comment on the Elian Gonzalez case). ;-)
With SLIDERS having been cancelled and the movie still a longshot at
actually being produced (in spite of actor Cleavant Derrick's enthusiasm
about the project), it's still a wonder why this forum continues to
get more posts in a day than the more civil First Wave, Star Trek, and
the "Good Vs. Evil" Dominion boards combined!
At least the off-topic Buffy & Angel discussions are lively, so
that's a good sign that not all is lost on the SLIDERS board...

look it's Execie!
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
Looks like you can't stay away from a Flux bash! Oh come on, you didn't
need to get involved. But you always will, won't you.
Tf and I share differences of some opinions, we're still good friends?
Why because neither of us want to spat with each other! and if we do,
it's strictly off board!
"Friends" is in inverted commas huh? Why? do you not believe
that people can be friends over the net? Becasue I tell you you're sadly
I don't care whether Tf started the fight or hak did! I just want everyone
to give over already!!! It's starting to bug me!
And I know I'm playing right into your hands here, but you did NOT
need to get involved, Executive. or is that something alien to you?
Can everyone just LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE!!!!!!

on, Sarah...
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Executive
You would say that about me, but not even comment on how badly Hakovann
is being treated? I put friends in quotation marks because Flux is lucky
to have any given the way he treats people. Well, I don't have time
to dwell on this. I shouldn't be targeted for merely presenting my side.
If it was more important I would have started a new topic for it. My
advice to Hakovann, Temporal Flux, and any other people who might tangle
with Flux in the future is this: If you guys want to fight, I suggest
you guys take it to E-mail and ** leave ** it there instead of continuing
to subject the good people (well, most of them here anyway) on this
board to this crap day after day!

Date: 05/01/2000
From: JorgeCis
Forgive for getting annoyed last week over the TF/Hakavonn issue. But
let me just say one thing:
"Hakovann's re-posting TF's e-mails bashing the man a week or
two ago demonstrated that, and as usual Flux's "friends" post
in his defense."
I was one of the people who went after Hakavonn when he posted what
you're talking about. This wasn't a defense of TF inasmuch as a display
of my annoyance. I understand that not everyone on this board gets along;
I have my own share of enemies, as well. What I got upset about was
that Hakavonn decided on answering back TF in his original post, making
another one stating the exact same thing, and then putting up a third
with TF's e-mails. Couldn't it be left in one thread, or in the inbox?
And he kept answering in both of them.
Hakavonn also said that he was standing up to life's bullies. But what
was he doing by posting it up on the bulletin board? Couldn't he "stand
up" via e-mail? All I'm saying is that the argument should be contained
to one place. There's no need for everyone to see it in so many different
places. That only succeeds in annoying people.

agree with you, Jorge
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Executive
But you posted your message in this topic at the exact same time I replied
to Slider_Sarah, in which I basically said that from this point on the
opponents should start containing their E-mail arguments to E-mail instead
of making it public. Well, we can always hope!

is everything, Exec! [end]
Date: 05/01/2000
From: JorgeCis

chose not to comment for a reason
Date: 05/01/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
I didn't pay a huge amount of attention to the original fight. I chose
not to get involved in that one. I did ask them privately to leave it
off the board, but I didn't get involved ON the board.
There was no need for you to present your side though. We always know
what your side will be... that against Tf.
To my mind, arguments should always be private. If they're too public,
people get dragged in. and that is never nice whether it be online or
Forgive me if I seem overly blunt. YOU try writing a history essay
on Palmerston that you don't even think is worthy of the title essay
becasue it's too perspective ANd a piece of chemistry coursework you
don't even understand. Plus the fact it's 1am

few points
Date: 05/01/2000
From: TemporalFlux
The first and major one...the subject of this post and subsequent replies
has been Chaser 9, not me. Yet out of all the other more relevant topics...Exec
chooses to go after me here? What...was there not enough Tf bashing
in this thread for your taste, Exec? Had to get the quota up?
Second, I always love when someone when makes three posts on the public
board arguing with others how arguments should be taken to e-mail. Hey
And lastly, I hate to be the one to break this to you...but the First
Wave board's traffic in comparison to this board is not a mind boggler.
The show is television trash...and except for a very small group of
people just like you (Exec), people just don't have anything to say
about it.
My yourself an ulser, Exec. You obviously don't like
it repeatedly bash this board and its members over at First
Wave for no reason (I guess so you can feel superior). If you hate it
here so much...if there is so little worth it...why not just move on?
I'm not telling you to do's just a very sad commentary
on your person that you forcibly torture yourself to come to this "train
wreck". Nothing better in life, eh?
P.S. - Why don't you address Hakavonn, Exec? I took it e-mail...and
he immediately brought it right back here. I'm not at fault...but you'll
never admit that, will you?

TF, you have proven my point!
Date: 05/02/2000
From: Executive
You can't keep your differences in E-mail, so out of your insecurity
that's why you felt you had to respond to me here. You've known my E-mail
address for a long time and have chosen not to use it (which is fine
because you would probably just harass me there the way you often have
I would have let it gone if nobody replied to me in this thread. No
surprise that you would chime in sooner or later!
As for the 3 prior posts, I was extending Sarah and Jorge the curtosy
of replying to them. That's exactly what I'm doing with you here as
Did I have to get my two cents in? No. Do I have to point out directly
to Havovann that it was wrong for him to publicly post your insulting
E-mails to him? No, others have done that already. And besides he did
prove what a child you are, so some good came out of what he did.
Yet did I keep quiet the last time you publicly fought with Havovann?
Yes. I don't spend that much time on this bulletin board as you just
falsely claimed, although I drop in to see what's going on. I certainly
use this forum much less than the regulars here. But what do I find
whenever I do? Temporal Flux fighting with somebody!
And finally to correct your lie: I do not continually put down the
SLIDERS board on the First Wave forum. On a few occasions I have when
it was relevant (like the time you decided to cause trouble for me)
or when there was somebody causing trouble for everyone on both forums
-- CopyCat).
If you have any other complaints, Flux, this isn't the place to present

game gets old
Date: 05/02/2000
From: TemporalFlux
Executive, you have no intention of every using e-mail for anything.
You never have used e-mail for never will use e-mail
for anything. Yet you place that standard on everyone else. You are
a base hypocrite. Everyone in this thread knows it. Do you think you
have won something here? I give my e-mail address in EVERY post I
you? Why haven't you e-mailed me? Because it won't do any good? That
argument works just as well on my end.
I get tired of being called high and mighty when the only person acting
that way is you. I don't sit up on a pedestal telling you something
is wrong when I don't do it myself. You want it taken to e-mail? Take
it there. I've proven time and again that I do...but pieces of human
trash such as yourself won't leave it there. Then you get this smirk
and say how "better" you are...but how do you do it? BY A
Take the hint Exec...point out one person here who said what you just
did was warranted. No one did. No one will. You opened the can of worms
here...don't put it off on other people to close it you spineless wonder.
Clean up your own messes...or would you like me to come back to the
First Wave board and give you a taste of your own medicine? It's up
to you.

you make it old, Flux
Date: 05/03/2000
From: Executive
Well, I usually only post my E-mail on a board when it's for something
important. But most people can remember To
correct another in your long list of lies from the previous post, I
have E-mailed with several people -- friends, family, and associates.
One other annoying thing about you is that you have to keep posting
your E-mail in EVERY message you write. If that alone isn't overkill,
I don't know what is! I'll let you in on a secret: Try clicking on the
"Include my e-mail address" box instead -- it's a key feature
here on the Dominion!
You have to admit you have a serious attitude problem, or else we wouldn't
still be arguing something so silly like this! Do you really need to
keep replying, continuing to make an ass of yourself as you keep this
"can of worms" open? I suggest you do yourself, the board,
and I a favor and drop it.

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