From: Chaser9
It has just come to my attention by way of my amazing
MAYBE machine (which allows me to view parallel universes) of
what the season 5 episodes of that world will be about.
Season Premiere-"You Can Go Home Again"
-Quinn, Colin, Maggie and Rembrandt land on a world identical
to Earth Prime, as a matter of fact it is Earth Prime. Quinn
and Remmy find Wade (who was rescued by a group of Doubles of
Quinn, Wade, Rembrandt and Arturo) at home safe and sound. She
tells them that that other world wsn't Earth Prime, because
her quantum signature didn't match that world's quantum signature.
She tells the others that the Quinn who rescued her was a lot
smarter than our Quinn and figured this out and how to get her
back home. At this revelation Colin reveals himself to actually
be a Kromagg infiltrator and threatens to kill all of the Sliders
if they don't give him this worlds coordinates and the timer.
Maggie attempts to rush him, but he breaks her neck and she
dies. At that exact moment Conrad Bennish comes barreling out
of a wormhole and lands on top of Colin, who realizing he is
defeated and outnumbered grabs the timer (which is about to
open the wormhole) and slides out Conrad Bennish tells the Sliders
that he's been looking for them for years, sliding back and
forth from this world to others. He tells them he found an Arturo
a few months ago on a world where the Golden Gate Bridge was
blue who said he was from another universe and was accidently
left there by his sliders who mistakenly took his double. He
was going to bring him back here but that Arturo refused to
go anywhere with Bennish. The Sliders decide to go in search
of this Arturo thinking that maybe they did leave their Arturo
on Azure gate bridge world, but first they attend to Maggie's
body. They hold a funeral and say their peace. Wade even says
some nice words about Maggie. At the end of the episode Wade
says something about having to find Colin before he gives Earth
Prime's coordinates to the Kromaggs. Quinn responds that the
moment Colin showed his true colors, he erased every coordinate
in the timer. Colin is sliding random, without Earth Prime's
coordinates. Then, Wade, Quinn , Rembrandt and Conrad Bennish
open a portal useing Bennish's timer and go looking for Arturo.
If anyone actually cares, I'll post the other Earth 374 episodes
in the coming days and weeks.
This is actually in response to my last post. Doing this actually
get me excited about the show once again. Thank god for the
MAYBE machine.
