Sick having to answer every newbies question every hour on the hour,
I took it upon myself to write this FAQ.
This will address all the questions both newbies and oldies want answered.
And so on we go...
1.) What is SLIDERS?
Okay...if you don't know what SLIDERS is, why the hell are you posting
here, dumbass?
2.) When is SLIDERS on?
You know, we don't have time to answer stupid questions when the answer
is right in front of you. There's this thing called Schedulebot. S-C-H-E-D-U-L-E-B-O-T.
Sound it out. Good.
3.) How do I use this "Schedulebot"?
Next question.
4.) Is SLIDERS on in my country?
Considering I don't know what country you live in, I can't really tell
you smart guy.
5.) Why is SLIDERS cancelled?
Because assholes like you complained about season 5. Go away before
we pick your eyes out with ball point pens.
6.) What happened to Quinn and Colin?
You see, originally the O'Connell brothers were signed on for the fifth
season. The teaser at the beginning involved rabid spider monkeys.
Unfortunately these monkeys went out of control and attacked the O'Connell
brothers. Jerry was murdered to a bloody pulp on the scene. Charlie
was carted to the hospital. Died two days later. Really, a sad sad story.
7.) d00d, iz i+ kewl +0 b l33+?
LOL /|\@n u sur r 1 k3wl d00d! g0 f\/cK y0\/S3lf.
8.) How do you post at the board.
Well first and formost, find an original name. Here are some ideas:
TemporalFlux Ltd.
9.) Who's the private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
Gary Coleman! Can ya dig?
10.) Who is the coolest poster at the Bboard?
11.) Can I ever be as cool as you?
No. No you cannot.
12.) Can I post fanfic at the Bboard?
Sure, as long as it doesn't better not post Fanfic
at the bboard then.
13.) Can I take polls at the Bboard?
Yes indeed! Make sure you do one on these topics at least twice a week:
What's Your Favourite Episode?
What's Your Least Favourite Episode?
Who's Better: Maggie or Wade?
Do You Like Season 5?
Do I Look Fat in This?
14.) Is the Show Bible real?
Of course. We've got Genesis, all the Prophets (and Loss), Revelations,
Exodus and you know that little snake thingy that represents the devil...well
15.) Are there any good Sliders chat rooms?
No. (Remember, the question was are there any *good* Sliders chat rooms)
16.) Aren't there any Sliders wearables.
Yeah, the Scifi Store had t-shirts, and caps awhile back.
And the T-shirts were magical too. They went from having the Sliders
logo on the chest to becoming a regular black t-shirt in one wash!
17.) Where can I find the Sliders comics?
Well there are usually some up on eBay. You can usually,
I mean, make a good fair business transaction with someone on there.
Well, that's all for now folks. It'll be updated whenever I feel like