drinks his own pee.
Date: 8/16/99
From: darkslider
I really have no great beef with you, junior, but it has come to my attention
that you wouldn't take my profound advice and change your silly ways,
so I am going to point this out one more time: STOP BEING A PHARISEE!!
I really respected you, and I even sided with you at many a battle(though
I did not post it!) I just really feel let down by the really posts you've
left since...well, since about the mid of Season Four. Anyway, just be
true to what you are. Granted that I have not added much, but I know when
to keep my mouth shut, expecially when I will look like a fool later on.
SpaceTime has done that to you many a time. And I had a feeling you'd
be more mature about things, considering you're what...38? You must be
older than most of us due to your knowledge of older shows. Granted, most
are syndicated, but you know a little "too much" if you know
what I mean. Anyway, I am rambling. Just like ou will be in a few years
when the Alzheimer's rolls in. I guess there's not much worry, considering
you're still living with your parents. And hey, the ladies do love an
overwight guy with "Alvin and the Chipmunks" tatooed on his
arm. Mmmm...sexy. Point is, you want some, bring it on. You want me to
respect you, then stop being an ass.

a pathetic little toad,Darkslider
Date: 8/16/99
From: Executive
I'm not going to ramble on, but just get to the point. First
of all I'm 31, not overweight, I've been on my own for 12 years, and my
mental and physical health are better than ever. But if that was your
lame attempt at humor you failed in even that department. So obviously
you DO have a problem with me or else you never would have posted this
topic in the first place!!!
And if my not liking what SLIDERS has become and posting my opinions (more
negative than postive this season) offends you, than that's you're problem.
GET OVER IT!!! By the way, what has Darkslider contributed to this bulletin
board that wasn't the slightest bit insulting???

Date: 8/16/99
From: darkslider
You're not going to ramble? God, I thought that's all you knew how to
do, you necrophiliac. I could really care less about your evaluation of
my "worthiness" on this board. I wait until I have something
worthwhile to say, unlike you who spews out contradictory things at all
times, and claims to be "wise". Yeah it really is wise, and
you really DO have all your hair. 31? Boy, you REALLY showed me, didn't
you Skippy? It amazed me that you've been on your own for 12 minutes,
let alone 12 years. But, then again, how alone can you be? You know, living
in your parents basement, and paying rent does not mean you're alone.
How's the love life? Listen, when Sliders ends, I'm sure there's a few
morgues and hospitals that don't know you. I'm sure you could work something
out. And let's notice something. Strangely, you mentioned nothing of the
tattoo. It seems that I may have run across something, huh????? Bottom
line, you're an idiot, and I am not the first, nor will I be the last
to notice it. Why then do I do this? Executive, you annoy the hell out
of me. You're 31, and you act like a 12 year old. Grow up, quit your job
at McDonald's, shave the back and move on....
(by the way, Darkslider hasn't contributed anything because he doesn't
exist. The name is darkslider, pedaphile.)

guys both suck your own dick.
Date: 8/16/99
You guys both drink your own pee and for lunch you eat your

Date: 8/16/99
From: s_the_great
I_AM_SCIFI censored the word "FU*K!" Is this little
cock-sucking mother-fucking boner-biting bastard going soft? I should
think so.
And what's worse, now he's the fucking pot calling the kettle black!

Date: 8/16/99

little toad?
Date: 8/16/99
From: TemporalFlux
I was expecting to open up a post filled with such words as
"forsooth!" and "verrily!" In any case, I don't have
an exact count on what Darkslider has contributed to this forum...but
even without looking, I know it's more than you, Exec. You the only person
here that I know of who is in a negative column when it comes to contribution...

Date: 8/16/99
From: darkslider
You want some too? It's funny becuase even though Exec mabe
be a hypocrite, your stupid ass is as stagnant and unoriginal as your
genes, you product of moonshine and incest. By the way, crooked dick,
if you want to give a true insult, why not reproduce? We need more monstrosities
that shouldn't have made it past the first trimester walking around. Good
God, it's a damn shame to think of those poor saps that buy into your
"motivational" speaking. Wait, didn't they start ther own town..?
What was it Jonestown?? Let's get one thing straight, stud: you ARE a
moron. Your mom SHOULDN'T be your girlfriend, and a penis that points
in more than one direction at once IS a birth defect.
S_THE_GREAT....now I know why you call yourself that, man. Thanks for
the backup! I totally agree with you too, Arturo was the greatest.

of you
Date: 8/16/99
From: SafariJoe
What is the point of argueing darkslider and Exec. There is
no point. the two of you seem to have grudges against each other. Please
do it without bothering others and do it privately

like another satisfied customer,
Date: 8/16/99
From: The_Cynic
eh, Executive? :)

is a prick!
Date: 8/17/99
From: Third_of_Five
I personally don't mind this season but I don't care if someone
else does! Get a life!

= The_Cynic??
Date: 8/17/99
From: Executive
I wouldn't be at all surprised, given Cynic's multiple personality
disorder (to say nothing of his propensity to get into arguments)!

you moron
Date: 8/18/99
From: The_Cynic
I'm not Darkslider. I was merely making a humorous comment
based on all the people
who have gotten angry at you lately. Let's see your proof for me having
multiple personalities
here just to harass you.

if that is the case, Cynic....
Date: 8/19/99
From: Executive
Then are you supporting the childish remarks that Darkslider
has made against me -- even though I said nothing to provoke him into
making such a post? In a prior thread several days earlier "Darkslider"
claimed he lost respect for me based on (according to him) that I once
stated that Colin was good in the show, and that I did a "180"
by more recently claiming he is a horrible actor. I corrected him in that
topic by pointing out that he lied: I NEVER liked Charlie O' Connell as
an actor. Either Darkslider invented that to start a flame war or he had
my comments on Charlie mixed
up with somebody else's.
Just because you hate me doesn't mean that you can't be objective. I'm
sure you are aware that the majority of flame wars here I had nothing
to do with, yet you stayed out of other people's entirely. I also made
no comments about your recent "discussion" on evolution (in
which you got into an argument with your opponent).

we go again
Date: 8/19/99
From: The_Cynic
I only write two sentences and STILL you avoided answering my question!
Where is your evidence that I am posting here as other people? WHERE?
> Then are you supporting the childish remarks that Darkslider >has
made against me -- even though I said nothing to provoke him >into
making such a post?
Not my fault he is smart enough to see what you are. I made no assertion
one way or the other by joking about your increasingly long list of adversaries.
Leave it to you to take a two sentence post and make a two paragraph reply
to it about nothing (and still avoid answering my question). My statement
is no different from your line about TF being an alien (except that TF
didn't get all insulted and accuse you of being someone else, like Daniel_2,
for instance - an assertion supported by more evidence than your darkslider=Cynic
claim). I didn't call you any names in my first post to thos thread .
Then you pop out with yet another unfounded (and unsupported) claim that
I am someone else here just because they were "a meanie" to
My support or nonsupport is a non-issue and this sad smokescreen to avoid
admitting you have no evidence that I am posting as other people would
be laughable if you weren't so persistent in making such claims and not
supporting them with evidence.
[SNIPPED - lengthy diatribe pointlessly recounting darkslider's past
conversation with Executive, which has nothing to do with me posting "Another
satisfied customer, eh Executive? :)".
Geez, you do this so much, you should be working on EARTH:FINAL CONFLICT
doing the recaps at the beginning of each episode. I can hear it now:
(deep voice) "Last time, on EXECUTIVE: MOST RECENT CONFLICT..."]
> Just because you hate me doesn't mean that you can't be >objective.
I made a one line joke! Lighten up already. I exercised more objectivity
than you have on those rare occasions when someone attacks TF and you
jump in on their side.
It was objectivity that lead me to hating you. I feel the way I do because
I've seen what you're like. I've supported this many times. Now there
are many legions of others who feel the same way about you.
You can't deny that and you can't write it off as a "small minority
of troublemakers" without accusing most of the people on this board.
I trust it will not be necessary to start listing all the people who've
had problems with you and said worse things of you
than I ever did...
> I'm sure you are aware that the majority of flame wars here I had
> nothing to do with, yet you stayed out of other people's entirely.
The majority of flames on this board have involved you.
> I also made no comments about your recent "discussion"
on >evolution (in which you got into an argument with your opponent).
Because you lack any significant knowledge of evolution obviously. I've
seen your "expertise" in that field and it isn't very impressive.
It should be noted that while YOU have been in a number of flame wars
with a number of people, the evolution "discussion" was far
from being a flame war, though I was just waiting for you to claim otherwise.
I knew you'd make more of it than there was.
And even IF it had been a flame war (it wasn't), that would have been
1 vs the countless ones YOU'VE been in.
BTW, darkslider, welcome to the exclusive "You-are-The_Cynic-in-disguise"
club. Executive doesn't accuse just anybody of being me, he just accuses
everybody of being me. :)
Now I'm asking you again, Executive: WHERE IS YOUR PROOF OF YOUR CLAIMS?

eats ass on First Wave BB!<end
Date: 8/20/99
From: Plaat

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/10662
Nominated by Fish_Bone
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