Valetudinarian [Chaser9]

Date: 3/25/2001
From: darkslider

"Why don't you guys do the world a favor and try to win the Darwin Award?"

- Chaser9


I suppose that this utterance puts my colleagues and I in our proper places, yes?

Tell me something, Cyrano, did it take the sum total of ninety-six hours to formulate such a scathing retort to our dissertations on your complete lack of creativity?

Such a retort would make ANGELS weep, Old Son. For such poetic prose has not been uttered by such fine literary minds as those in Ms. White's 3rd/4th Grade Class in AT LEAST five minutes. What are you going to do next? Pull Brand_S' hair and stick gum in my pencil box, just to show us who is indeed, the King?

You are to be commended for your stunningly pithy counter to our brazen attacks on your persona and dignity.

Why? For I, in all my RAGE AT YOUR IDIOTIC VERBAL EXCRETINGS could NEVER had damaged your argument in the debate against our statements in such a complete and total manner as you have just done.

Kudos to you, Betty. That is truly outstanding.

What amazes me most is that YOU, Claude, could have avoided all of this had you seen past your own ego, and left well enough alone.

SpaceTime has been keeping Brand_S and myself from ripping your damn virtual throat out for MONTHS NOW.

Why? Because SpaceTime showed compassion and respect for you... for whatever reason he saw fit; mostly, I believe out of the respect and comradery he had for you.

Something I, to be most honest, HAVE NEVER HAD FOR YOU.

I kept my silence, just as Brand_S did, because we were willing to mullify our anger by listening to Space's assurances that you were, indeed, a 'nice guy'...and hell, if he AND BLINKER (who is a GOD in his own right) both say that you are a man of honour, then so be it.

However, now, I see that both were AS WRONG AS YOUR LOVE AFFAIRS WITH ALL WOODLAND CREATURES AND CLOWNS, for you are nothing but a pompous, decomposing, megalomaniacal shell of a poster who has NOTHING MORE GOING FOR HIM THAN THAT GOITER SHAPED LIKE ELVIS PRESLEY and the cavalcade of FUR YOU POSSESS ON YOUR BACK.

You cowardly nebbish...I have seen deaf-mute SCHOOLGIRLS stand up to opposition stronger than you have displayed here...and more creativily too, I might add.

You are a POX on all things that demand thought and you IRRITATE ME TO THE POINT OF STERILIZATION, you walking JABBERMONKEY.

I PRAY daily that mutism strikes you so that the UNENDING AVALANCHE OF BRAINFECES you spew can be stayed AT LEAST FOR ONE DAMN MOMENT so that we, who are able to use more than .05% of their brain, can actually wade through the barrage of NONSENSICAL BABBLE you have poured onto the floor here in the guize of 'literature' and get to those posts which are deserving of our attention.

Hell, HunterD_RAVEN'S post, with less than 20 words in it was 1,000 times more fascinating than ANY OF THE INSANE GURGLINGS YOU have attempted to pass off here as 'The Definitive Season 6'.

Brand_S' reply to you was concise and to the point, and the fact that you DREW THE SUPPORT FROM THE ONE AND ONLY ZOOAPHILE on the PLANET who is married to a Pelican, only furthers my belief that S crushed those fruity pebbles you keep in your pants with every word he spoke above.

So crushed, in fact, that you uttered the ONE THING LEFT WITHIN YOUR PSYCHE.

"Yeah...well YOUR MOM..."

Please spare me another of your RIDICULOUS replies that only further the theory that you are, without a doubt, the most UNCREATIVE AND BORING INDIVIDUAL IN EXISTENCE.


An idea -->

Date: 3/25/2001
From: Tigs

Get over it already.


Date: 3/25/2001
From: darkslider


We have been invovled in many a fascinating conversation, explored many an aspect of an endless cacophony of debates...and discussed matters of our own that can belong only to the dialogues of two individuals who consider themselves dear friends. I have enjoyed your eloquent and vastly superior fiction, and most of all, delighted in having an online bond with a woman of the highest caliber.

I have entrusted you with many a thing that I would NOT freely discuss with others of a lesser quality of person, for I saw in you, a sense of neo-nobility.

I have done all in my power to respect and honor you, not only as a poster, but as an invidual deserving of respect.

And in return, all I have ever asked is that you pay the same respects to someone you called 'friend' at one time.

I have never slandered you, questioned YOUR integrity, or performed any malice in your direction whatsoever.


Because I told you that I would honor our friendship...and by extension, the woman behind it.

However... you have seen fit to slap me in defense of a friend of yours whom has insulted me, and wishes to get away unscathed.

Fine. Such comradery is well respected and deserving of praise...for it is rare.

However then, you do see, that you have shown the ranking of our frienship as opposed to that of yours with Chaser's, and the perception I now have as to the level of truthfulness you uttered to me many a time.

Such an attack weighs heavy upon my heart, because, again, this matter could have been adequately settled without your "destructive to our friendship" two cents. Regardless of who your one sided perceptions dictated to you because of who you are, the matter could have been kept at a low level.

You, my dear Tigs, are not the end all be all to etiquette here. All things that you see are NOT the entire whole that is reality, and the 'justice' you seek to preserve is not always as black and white as you'd have it.

Chaser has openly attacked me. He has made it known to SpaceTime, that he is 'changed' and no longer subject to the laws of friendship to Space(or anyone else for that matter), and has decided to show his lawlessness here, through his schoolchild tactics. He, like a few others here, seek to throw stones at the appointed 'neo-elite' here, until they wither and DIE.

To that I say...Good.

Chaser wants to play without rules? Excellent...I shall show him things he did not think were possible in the level of flame warfare, and crush what remains of his virtual machismo, and make every semblence of DIGNITY HERE DRY UP LIKE THE MAGIC MARKER LINES HE USES TO CREATE AN INEXPENSIVE TOUPEE DOES IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT.

This, however, is not the issue at hand. The issue here is that, in all actuality, this battle does not concern you...

But it CAN AND SHALL if you so desire it to be.

If you wish to enter in the midst of this battle, then by all means, take up sword and challenge me. But be forewarned, I will NOT HOLD BACK AGAINST YOU OR ANYONE ELSE. I will ATTACK ALL WHO ENTER IN THIS ONE ON THE SIDE OF THAT JACKABILLY CLOWN MOLESTOR.

I sought to post this little one sided palaver to you as a means to preserve a friendship I value, before useless blood is spilled. A 'plea', if you will, to stop the road you began with the above atrocity...

But, you can do as you wish...

As long as you understand, that it gives me leave to do the same.

And I will take every liberty to do so, Tigs.



Date: 3/26/2001
From: VirtualDimension

Darkslider, you make me laugh. Not because I find your flames funny, but because you are a hysterical caricature of the typical big, bad villain. You are your own parody, and I find that VERY funny.

Feel free to waste time on me. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.

[VD goes to make popcorn as the tape rewinds]


There's a pencil thin mustache here.

Date: 3/26/2001
From: SL4ever

So which movie villian would he be, VD? Personally, I'm thinking Fu Manchu mixed with Simon Phoenix from "Demolition Man" and a pinch of Kahn.

William Shatner <lip quivering> : "Kahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn!"

It's so nice to see my name in brackets

Date: 3/26/2001
From: Chaser9

You realize this is a never-ending cycle,right? You've gotten bored, all of you Matt,Zach, S. So what better to do than dredge up something that was posted over a week ago (It's nice to know it took you that long to formulate your wonderfully witty response . . .another masterpiece I might add). Meanwhile you all get your jollies from it in that IM box.

Here's how it's going to go:

Step 1: One of the players will post (i.e. Spacetime, Chaser9 or any friends of either.)

Step 2: An alternate member fo the opposite group will respond.

Step 3: Either that response will be backed up by one of Spacetime or Chaser9's friends or challenged by same.

Step 4: The cycle will continue.

Step 5: Chris Deaver gets tired of the bullshit and goes to eat a snack, spend time with his fiance` and enjoy day to day life.

Step 6: A new post/attack will appear and we go back to Step 2.

I had assumed this would happen, but here's how it's going to be so listen carefully. I'll talk slowly so thatyou bastards can understand.

Do what you want to me. Belittle me, insult my work or make fun of my lack of a yak for all I care, but leave my friends alone!

If they want to stand up for me that is their right. Obvioulsy they know me alot better than Matt ever did or else this never would have happened.

The matter can continue or it can end, but mark my words, I will always be here. Everytime a barb is thrown at my friends becasue they don't fit your idea of "sassy" or whatever your b.s. word of the day is I will appear.

I have changed, but not like Matt or any of you thinks.



Date: 3/26/2001
From: darkslider

A villain? Me?

Virtual, do me an unfair compliment to call me the online KAHN, as he is GOD OF ALL VILLIANS...

And to answer the question that arises to my...shall we say, 'evil' tomfoolery...

Yes, I KNOW I am an ass...and will be the first to admit it.

I, my dear audience, am the biggest BUFFOON on the planet.

You want PROOF?! I have some RIGHT HERE...

Above, in my little diatribe, I blasted Tigs for standing up for what she believed in...and inadvertently threatened a friend that I hold dear because I was ENRAGED at Chaser9 and his stupidity...

A thoughtless action deserving of a severe flame-slap in the face... a slap that was not delivered…even though I have had word that many a poster here wanted my head for the post above.

I am an IDIOT...and wish to make amends here, by asking Tigs' forgiveness, as I made a mistake.

Tigs, I apologize to you, and have done a great wrong to you...and hope this will not jeopardize our friendship.

I was not online last night…I had left my computer on from the afternoon and did not receive the messages you sent, explaining your point of view...and thus, all I saw was the above post when I accessed my account from home.

It is not an excuse, mind you...just an explanation…

I am truly sorry Tigs...such a mistake will not happen again.


How am I also an ass, like so many other villains in the history of entertainment?

Here's a breakdown:

-I mis-spell HALF of my words when I flame people...
-I have flame-slaughtered innocent bystanders on many an occasion
-I openly use my malformed French, proving my hypocrisy AND mal-education of the language at one time.
-My style of destruction has stagnated past the EXPIRATION DATE tenfold, due to it’s over-use here...and I have failed to design a new one

Here’s some other goodies as to why I am the ultimate in Evil BUMBLING GENIUS

-I use words NO ONE BUT I can understand.
-I attack from the ‘sky’ like a hawk…but hardly ever on a head to head formation
-I like Barbies (okay…I LIED about that one…but it would at least explain my constant need to check myself in the mirror, touching my hair like a prima-donna.
-I have no qualms about displaying a superiority that leaves me vulnerable to attack.

You see, I KNOW that my ‘evil persona’ is more closely related to the ‘Doctor Evil sans Frontal Lobe’ type of mentality than the actual, true villains of the day…ones such as The Emperor Niro and “pre-anti hero” Hannibal Lecter.

Not that I mind really. See,…I don’t care. I think the persona that is darkslider is as funny as the rest of you do. I look back on some of the things I have written and doubled over in laughter...

He is here to entertain…like a monkey in an organ grinder outfit and an oversized brain, set to make people laugh and humiliate others when the need arises.

darkslider is as the rest of you aspect of the whole personality that composes the sum total of ‘us’.

darkslider is…the part of me that is a mixture of Ash (Army of Darkness), Bankey (from Chasing Amy)...and an odd composition of Adam Sandler and Ed Wood. And to be most honest, I would not have it any other way...

Dark is the part of me that tells some FLABBY MANELEPHANT in a Tercel who just cut me off, that even though he proclaims to be a black belt in Karate and clearly out of his damn mind, that I think the .22 under my seat could be the proper counter to ANY MOVE THAT THE KARATE MASTERS HAVE IN THEIR REPETOIRE.(SIDE NOTE...NO I DO NOT HAVE A .22 IN MY CAR) And when he tells me that he can put my head through my windshield if he were so inclined, it is dark who says, “YOU’VE FAILED TO PUT ANYTHING PAST THAT OVERSIZED WELL YOU CALL A MOUTH, STAY-PUFF, WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU COULD START NOW?!.”

Yet, strangely, when said manelephant comes out of his car to deliver the promise of his threats, darkslider is GONE. (SLIPPERY BASTARD) He is my Tyler Durden, if you will.

It matters little to me when people say to me on the bboard ‘darkslider, you’re a JOKE! You are nothing but SpaceTime’s lap dog…and FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST, PLEASE CEASE USING THE ELIPSES, THEY IRRITATE MY VERY SOUL...’

To those I answer...who cares?

Why does it matter so little?


Aaahh...I digress...and babble like an old woman in McDonald’s.

Bottom line is that I (dark) am just as the rest of you are…a mere shadow of the true person behind the screen. I am darkslider and I am NOT darkslider. Just as SpaceTime is Matt, yet all of Matt is not SpaceTime….any more than all that makes up Daniel as an entire person is TemporalFlux, or all that Sallah is makes up Brand_S.

I, Zach, am also a student enrolled in college (12 units), am president of an honors society for psychology students, work a 50+ hour a week job that robs me of any semblance of dignity, even though I have more responsibility and have created databases and procedures that NONE OTHER IN THIS CORPORATE COCKRAOCH COULD FATHOM. I drive a Jetta(yeah…I KNOW) , listen to GOTHIC , INDUSTRIAL, ROCK AND CLASSICAL MUSIC, play video games, draw and paint, write tales, watch Japanese anime and have a girlfriend who I try to make happy...

And for the record, Chaser, you BABOON, I have more of a life than you, as I do not focus ANY TIME whatsoever on the perfection of my hideous fanfiction, as you have seen BOOB. And as for talking with your fiancé? GOOD FOR YOU, KNUCKLES! I talk to my girlfriend just as much as you speak with Helga, your fiancé...and I DIDN’T ORDER HER FROM RUSSIAN BRIDES WITH MUSTACHES.COM.

I have friends online as well as off. Matt and I are good friends off the bboard. We see each other more often than most of my friends in San Jose, even though he lives in Los Angeles.

I have also lived on my own for longer than Exec and have paid for my own schooling, demasculating car, rent, and pornography with my own money.

I am an old, old man because of it…but it’s what I do…because I like many others here I have set goals and seek to achieve them by any means necessary.

Enough. I need to stop babbling...What I am attempting to say is that I am a “slapsticky” villian here, and I am comfortable with that. I am an intelligent bafoon, and that is all right with me.

I am enlightened...


***As for you, Chaser...enh...I am sure you didn’t get this far into the post as that many WORDS WITH MORE THAN 3 LETTERS WOULD SURELY MAKE YOUR HEAD EXPLODE BY NOW, so I will not continue with the though.

What the hell…I find it funny though, that you become a hero by going against the ONE THING I AM FIGHTING YOU ON HERE…hypocrite. You defend your friends against a ‘monster’, but when I do the same, I become and elitist pig? GOD, I HAVE SEEN Q-Tips with more intelligence.

A few little things.

Date: 3/26/2001
From: Brand_S

All right. I told someone I wouldn't perpetuate anymore flame wars with Chaser9, and since I consider that someone a relatively close friend (at least as close as one can get online), I'm going to hold myself to it. Apparently there's a new contest in the replies to see who can out-condescend each other, and I refuse to CONDESCEND to that level. Nevertheless, I feel I need to say something, and I'm going to be honest for the sake of being honest, because I should clear a few things up, or at least express my point of view.

• Chaser9, you said, "[L]eave my friends alone! If they want to stand up for me that is their right." So, because Qball79 stood up for you by attacking me, he's the good guy here, but before that happened I went and defended SpaceTime and darkslider (and myself, to a lesser extent) and somehow I'm the BAD GUY? Allow me to remind you of the chain of events (at least, from my own perspective).
· YOU responded to CoolSlider's post with the flame towards Space.
· THEN dark and I defended him by attacking you.
· THEN QBall79 attacked me for standing up for Space.
· THEN Space and dark attacked QBall79 for standing up for you AFTER he attacked ME.
So when did defending become acceptable for QBall79 and unacceptable for me?
Now, I'd never seen Space attack you until you attacked him, so if we're going to talk about cycles, as near as I can tell, you started the first one (in a matter that could probably have been better resolved by e-mail, I might add).
• I'll stand by this as long as it takes: I did not attack you "under orders" from SpaceTime. He had no idea I was going to write that. I was always the one who was warning him about you; he insisted you were a good friend. And what do you do? You attack him WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION, without him knowing you were angry with him, and without even giving a reason for your attack. Why? Because you decided one day that you'd "changed" and you couldn't trust him anymore. If you want to attack someone, then go ahead and aim it all at me, because Space did nothing to provoke you or to deserve that flame, but I will unabashedly admit that I did. Space liked you a lot, but I didn't like you then, and my opinion of you ain't exactly skyrocketing right now. Somehow, Space is being called disloyal while YOU were the one who threw away your friendship with him. If you were so unhappy with him, you could have told him through e-mail instead of starting something here and attacking us for defending ourselves. You treated him and me with a patent lack of respect. I called you on it. No more, no less.
• VD, what the hell happened to you? Now, maybe I got lost in the whole "VirtualDimension/Virtual_Dimension/vortex_slider" confusion, but I thought you were the guy who was trying to be the peacemaker because you liked ALL five seasons of Sliders. Now here you are egging on one of my friends. I'm not going to attack you for it, but if this is the way you want to act, I gotta say I liked the old VD a lot better.

Now, because I've brutally, unapologetically slammed both Mychand and Chaser in the past month, I've been accused of having all the old-timers on a "shit list." I will reiterate this AGAIN. The only three longtime regulars I'm not happy with right now are Mychand, Chaser9, and QBall79. Over the past six months I have been totally up-front with my opinions of the former two. QBall79 chose to attack ME, so if we're going to blame anyone, then take that into account first. (I actually admired the guy during my first year here, but then, that was a long time ago.)

Am I going to launch another verbal offensive? No. There are a number of reasons why, but the main one is this: I don't have to. I could get into why, but all of THIS is becoming more and more tiresome with every word that I read or type.

Let me remind you all that there are still a number of old-timers whom I like, respect, consider friends, and don't want involved in ANY flame war that has to do with me, such as Slider_Sarah, Flux, Blinker, SL4ever, CoolSlider, vortex62, MSR, Yeontoo, Sabre_Edge, JorgeCis, JessieMallory, HurriKain, Le_Modus, and a number of others who all know who they are. I'd like to think all of these people can testify to the fact that I've been nothing but nice to them for as long (or ALMOST as long in a few cases) as they've known me. I REALLY don't like the fact that Chaser9 so quickly threw away someone's friendship based on some "change" he went through, and the last thing I'd ever do is betray someone just to get what Chaser9 called my "jollies." On the contrary, because of my offline experiences, I probably place a higher value on friendship than anybody else in this debate, but all of that is another story.

If anyone still has a problem with me, now would be an ideal time to let me know, since I REALLY don't feel like putting up with the malice of someone I didn't even know was pissed at me.



Date: 3/26/2001
From: VirtualDimension

Thanks for finally admitting to what you are... or at least what "darkslider" is.

And because "darkslider" is not fully Zach, it would be unfair to draw any conclusions about Zach or even hold anything "darkslider" does against Zach, right?

Okay, just making sure I understand you (if that is possible).

So by your last reply, assuming you were more serious than you have been in every other post, assuming that was more Zach than darkslider talking (man, I make it sound like you have multiple personalities... no, wait... that was all you.), then nothing you post as "darkslider" is to be taken seriously, since it is essentially coming from Zach's ass, figuratively speaking.

In other words, the biggest mistake any of your flamees ever committed was their failure to consider the source.

I've just got one thing to say: Tigs, what did you ever SEE in this ass?



Date: 3/26/2001
From: QBall79

Just to clarify, I was not defending Chaser -- I was merely pointing out the glaring double-standard in what you were saying. It was a commentary that I felt needed to be made, because it was so hilarious that if anyone else didn't see it, they needed to, if only in order to see what you were really saying.

My point: just because I was picking apart what you said doesn't mean I was defending Chaser -- it just means I was picking apart what you said. Whether or not you choose to admit it, I did have VERY valid points, which is why there was never a serious, sound defense.

Despite what you may think, I don't hate you. I am a friend of Chaser's, though, and it was for that reason that I actually followed what was going on in that thread.

There was more I was going to say, but I've gotta run, and I think I've said enough already.



Date: 3/26/2001
From: QBall79

Just to clarify, I was not defending Chaser -- I was merely pointing out the glaring double-standard in what you were saying. It was a commentary that I felt needed to be made, because it was so hilarious that if anyone else didn't see it, they needed to, if only in order to see what you were really saying.

My point: just because I was picking apart what you said doesn't mean I was defending Chaser -- it just means I was picking apart what you said. Whether or not you choose to admit it, I did have VERY valid points, which is why there was never a serious, sound defense.

Despite what you may think, I don't hate you. I am a friend of Chaser's, though, and it was for that reason that I actually followed what was going on in that thread.

There was more I was going to say, but I've gotta run, and I think I've said enough already.


I do like all 5 seasons

Date: 3/26/2001
From: VirtualDimension

Let's just say I've changed. I rode the fence for too long and I felt like mixing things up a little.



Date: 3/27/2001
From: darkslider

This is a complete waste of time, but since I have a few moments to spare, I shall educate you.

Should nothing I utter be taken seriously?

That is open to each individual here. Every aspect of reality is based upong the value we as individauls and a society as a whole place it respectively. Something you do every time you place higher importance on your Hello Kitty In Bikini Doll over that of oral hygene.

Take this situation for example. You, being the foolish coward that you are, misunderstand the value of what is happening and see now as an opportunity to attack me, as it appears that I am in a "weakened state" having apologized to a friend and shown my thoughts on the posters as well as myself here...and are now able to 'topple me' with such scathing remarks as...'what did you ever see in this ass?'.

Good one. Your intellectual prowess abounds.

Know this, I am to be feared, not for what I can do to you, but the image I could create of you to the others here. I can make you into anything I wish, and the minute someone laughs at it, the image becomes true, and no matter what you really are, you are reduced to whatever I have dictated you to be.

I, darkslider, am nothing but an idea. If some think and chose the path that leads to the idea that I am, then my power becomes whole. If forgotten, or never thought of at all, then I fade. Just like your chances of ever passing 2nd Grade.

Now, I know the response...'well, then I'll IGNORE YOU and then all is well'. Not have already indulged in the idea, and cannot 'unthink' it. Mainly because that is an impossibility, and since coherent cognitive creations in that crushed bon-bon you call a head are so few and far between, I doubt that you will be able to bury the idea of darkslider under another thought for some time.

Is darkslider Zach Kimble? Damn straight. But not all of Zach Kimble is darkslider. Some of Zach is darker than ever shown here, and some of Zach is lighter and more caring than darkslider.

But do not THINK FOR ONE SECOND that darkslider is an imaginary creation with no basis in my personality. It is a one part of what my personality is ultimately comrpised of, amongst other things. Make no mistake VirtualDimension, if we were to meet, I'd still beat your ass if you were so inclined to challenge me(I, unlike the manelephant in my above post HAVE taken years of a martial art and actually CAN break your arm if I needed to)...just as easily as I'd buy you a beer and converse on many things with you for being a person who is interesting and friendly to me.

Do I have a split personality? Nope. Ask SpaceTime, I say the things I speak here to others in 'reality' who are just as STUPID AND MALFORMED as anyone here, and have been in more than one confrontation for it.

I do and say as I wish...and am not too proud to apologize when I have done wrong. Something I have never seen you do, pin-nuts...

Do not start a war with me, Virtual. You are inexperienced and clearly not very good at this sort of medium. It would be a much better option to keep to doing those ridiculous postings you spread here, OR speak to me on a level that is deserving of my intellect.

Do NOT bother me again with your silly infantile remarks, unless you wish to test me patience to breaking...and see how far I can take your image here and twist it, sending those jujubees you call nuts into your overweight stomach.

THAT is why I am feared...and why you should remain silent.

Could the same be done to me, then? Of course! But, I must say, that you'd have to beat my own attacks on myself and SpaceTime's eloquent pictures of me first. And since most coloring book plots still allude you, I doubt that you will be able to.


What did Tigs see in me?

A white cat.

Re: Virtual

Date: 3/27/2001
From: VirtualDimension

"This is a complete waste of time, but since I have a few moments to spare, I shall educate you."

Thanks. That alone tells me I have accomplished what I set out to do.

"You, being the foolish coward that you are, misunderstand the value of what is happening and see now as an opportunity to attack me, as it appears that I am in a 'weakened state' having apologized to a friend and shown my thoughts on the posters as well as myself here...and are now able to 'topple me' with such scathing remarks as...'what did you ever see in this ass?'."

From the King of Kickin' 'em when they're down. How smug.

"Good one. Your intellectual prowess abounds."

Recognition is a wonderful reward, especially when it is uncalled for. Thank you!

"Know this, I am to be feared, not for what I can do to you, but the image I could create of you to the others here. I can make you into anything I wish, and the minute someone laughs at it, the image becomes true, and no matter what you really are, you are reduced to whatever I have dictated you to be."

Perhaps in your own mind - but no matter what you say, I will always be Bea Arthur's booty-lovin' sex slave whose prized piece of Sliders memorabilia is an autographed pair of Will Sasso's underwear, which I proudly have hanging on my bedroom wall. I'd tell you more, but this IS the internet, and I wouldn't want some psycho finding out too much about me.

"I, darkslider, am nothing but an idea."

Alright, whose idea was this?!

"Do I have a split personality? Nope. Ask SpaceTime"

I think I'll ask Twizzler instead.

"Do NOT bother me again with your silly infantile remarks, unless you wish to test me patience to breaking..."

I'm goin' for the car, Bob!



Date: 3/27/2001
From: Twizzler



Congrats, C9 :)

Date: 3/28/2001
From: SpaceTime

Hey Chaser,

Just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement. I'm glad you found the one for you. :)

Take care,


Date: 3/28/2001
From: darkslider


Thanks ST <END>

Date: 3/28/2001
From: Chaser9


[pokes darkslider]

Date: 3/28/2001
From: VirtualDimension

No napping, mister!



Date: 3/29/2001
From: MuleSlide

What was all that about?? NSR?


btw: Anyone read my fic yet?

Original URL
Nominated by VirtualDimension


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