Flux, and everyone else.....
Date: 07/23/1999
From: darkslider
This is it for me ladies and gents, my Exodus if you will. No matter
what happens I will post on this board no more. It appears that this
Bboard is going the way of Captain N: The GameMaster, Sliders,
and intelligence in America so I just wanted to say a few things. First,
I am NOT giving up, and neither should anyone else. This show will go
on. Maybe itll continue as a Next Generation type
of deal, but it WILL continue. While I do not understand WHY SciFi did
what it did, but
hey, they can do it. The saved the show,
and they can destroy it, too. SciFi will get what it deserves, and we
will go on, well go to our girlfriends, boyfriends (alive OR dead,
as the case may be with Exec.), or whatever, and well go on with
our lives. So, we might succeed, but if not-well live.
Finally, a little thank you is in order, for the MAN: SpaceTime. Dude,
Matt, without you, Id still be thinking that the show ended after
the 2nd Season, and everyone was still alive. You brought the inspiration
to get involved with the show, and put up the BEST SITE on the damn
web. You are a GOD, junior. Also, thanks are in order for TemporalFlux.
Your vast knowledge of the show, scripts, and other bits of info were
truly the best bits of info anyone could ask for. But more importantly,
thanks for taking the time to talk to us, and share the knowledge. While
I dont agree with you on which Prof. slid in PTSS, Ill let
it slide.  You made this board Flux, and if anyone deserves
any kind of award its you. Thanks. Finally the F**K A DEAD BUFFALO
AWARD goes to I_AM_SCIFI AND Exec. Or
. maybe your mothers
should get those because theyre the ones who seemed to have
already f***ed a buffalo. Lord knows that the two of you cannot be the
product of complete human DNA. Thanks to the rest for just being fans,
and not giving in. Things dont look good, but you never know.
Im off to find the Professor so that I can get him home. I also
hope anchor Colin, just so I can kill him. God I hate that guy

it easy, DS
Date: 07/23/1999
From: SpaceTime
While my certification as diety is highly dubious, everything else is
true, people.
So, why are you taking off? Flamers getting you down? The "Save
Sliders" fanatics goin' crazy on you? Executive not posting enough
hilarious material to keep you satisfied? Truth be told, I rarely visit
the site anymore, but anyone that believes me to be the MAN can drag
a post out of me.
Take care,
