Feedback Please
Date: 8/9/2000
From: dellyone

The Dominion posters gathered in a darkened full house auditorium in response to flyers sent out by the bboard fanfic writers. The auditorium was full of loud conversations while the sound test was being conducted. Finally everything was ready. dellyone walked up to the podium as a hush descended on the gathered crowd.

dellyone: Ladies and gentlemen of the Dominion bboard, it has come to my attention that we fanfic writers are not getting enough feedback from you. I have a request for all of you. If you read any of the fanfics posted on the board to please reply and give your comments, suggestions anything so that the writer knows that someone is reading and enjoying their work.

The audience starts murmuring of agreements.

dellyone: Speaking for me, I'll even take your flames. I just want a response. That last story I posted at the following url:

had only 3 replies posted. I would like to thank those who told me by AIM and posted their replies that they liked my story. I am wondering what you thought happened at the end of that post. Hell, I'll even email you my explanation for what happened, but only if you reply or email me first. I'm not posting anything that won't be read and replied to. I wasn't going to post that story, but I did because others encouraged me to write it. We, writers don't have to post our stories because it takes the guts and courage to put something of ours on public display. We need the feedback or we just write stories that only a few will read if at all. There won't be a push to do anything creative. Feedback is requested.


dellyone left the podium to go and write her fanfic. Yes, Eusti found Inspiration for her and brought it back.


Nicely put.
Date: 8/9/2000
From: Tigs

So, send inspiration my way when you get a chance. LOL muse is just bein slow is all.


Er, uh, glad I could be of service.
Date: 8/9/2000
From: EustiSlider

Does this mean I won't die in the GroupX rewrite? Didn't think so. Oh, and please do e-mail me your explanation, because I was a little confused about how things ended there.


I try...I try...
Date: 8/9/2000
From: DoctorQuinn

I've responded to a lot of fanfic writers lately. And when I give the praise I sincerely mean it.
But I don't respond to HurriKaine...and for a long time I was wondering why that was. I read what he writes and it's excellent, I just barely reply. If you're reading this, HK, please accept my apology. I promise I will from now on.

Thank you for the reminder. I will be more sensitive to all you writers out there.

The good doctor

P.S. dellyone- could you give me an explanation too? Please? Take your time though, I don't want to interupt your story!

<a quiet voice from the back>
Date: 8/9/2000
From: nole9

"Sorry, my bad. We lurkers are not doing our share." "I personaly slacked off there for a few days, and hopefully, it won't happen again." "I going to turn over a new leaf, for fear of being sent to Dellyone's class for remedial repliers. No, that's not second hand pliers, it's people who read and enjoy something, but don't tell the author it brightened their day." "I've read what she does to her advanced classes, and I sure don't want to see her mad."

Seriously thanks for the wake up call.

Oooooooo :-P~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date: 8/10/2000
From: SL4ever

You take flames too??? That is sooo rare! <breaks out flame thrower and starts shining it> Moist excellent.

:-D Seriously now----> Well stated!

I do read your stories...
Date: 8/10/2000
From: sweetone

and they're quite good. The last one I was kind of out of touch with.
Just wanted you to know that I did try to reply to your last one, (mostly to ask for more insight), but my computer did some weird thing and I lost it. Then I was too pissed to try again, took me a long time to get it back up. I will try to post from now on if I read a fanfic, so the writer will know that at least it is being read.


"Our lives are filled with simple joys
and blessings without end
and one of the greatest joys in life
is to have a friend." unknown

<does a happy dance>
Date: 8/10/2000
From: dellyone

Thanks for the responses for my post as well as on the other writers' posts. Yes, I know that TOPR post is confusing. I made it into a mystery that the reader has to solve. I also did this so that story can be a jumping board for anyone to run with. Question #5 below has my fanfic plans for the future. I'll answer a few questions that I have been already asked and leave a spoiler space if you didn't already read it and figured out what happened. Email me if you have any questions or find me on AIM and ask me.























Question #1: How can SpaceTime be dead in the second part and be alive in the third part?

That wasn't ST that was blasted. It was Sabre_Edge's clone that took ST's place. dellyone said "It can’t be unless… a clone." In the beginning of the third part, I outlined the plan to weed out everyone that was out to destroy Group X. The last one was weeded out by that plan of a lovelorn guy who couldn't express his love so the others helped him.

Question #2: What was chatroom post about and why the handles?

The chatroom is the setup for the plan that dellyone had to find the last traitor in her organization. The handles are explained in the files under the code names of the operatives.

Question #3: Who is Cassie and Alex?

Cassie is dellyone's twin sister who impersonated dellyone who is in Gate Haven. Check out the TOP post Round 3: DMD vs. dellyone
That's where I introduced Cassie when DMD had that plot twist. Very well done DMD.:-)

Alex is Krycek from 'The X-Files'. I introduced him in HK's pool party. He's dellyone's husband.

Question #4: How did dellyone's gun end up in Sabre_Edge's hand?

SE was disguised as Alex. When he whispered into dellyone's right ear, he took her gun that was in her shoulder holster.

Question #5: What happened at the end? Who got shot and did anyone die? Is Alex dead? Who's Sober_Edge? How did dellyone get out of mental asylum, Gate Haven?

Well, I left those open so that I could do a fanfic based on Group X that I will start on after I post the Group X's hostage release post that is an alternate ending for Beret War II. I'll ask who wants to be in it, what their dream mission is, their talents, whether they care that their character dies, etc. I'll incorporate their characters into the story. I haven't decided if I'll let the posters decide the path the story takes.

Question #6: dellyone, why are you so damn confusing? Why do you have twisted sense of humor?

Well, I think of it as entertaining the reader. I wanted to give the reader a little mystery to solve. That's the reason I didn't explain much. The ambiguity was on purpose so that someone could pick up the storyline later which I will do later. Hmmm... my twisted humor. Well, I find things funny that some don't. Always had a weird slant of what's humorous and I always will. Guess that comes from an overimaginative mind or something.;-)

Thanks again for reading this post and my others. Got questions email me. Click on my name above.



Date: 8/10/2000
From: ThomasMalthus

...I think that you should write fanfic because you want to and for no other reason. It should be the end to its own means, so to speak. To write is to express yourself creatively and if you don't immediately get praise for it, it's to be expected. Lots of great writers toiled unrecognized for decades before they gained fame and recognition. This is just fanfiction on a fan board. So I'd say three posts of praise is a good deal.

Of course, this is not to say your point isn't valid. If somebody read a story and liked it, it would be much appreciated if they would say so. That's what this board is all about, discussion. And a little positive feedback is always nice :) and negative feedback, while it might not be "nice" per se, is sometimes necessary :(. Although you do seem nice and creative and like you can string three words together without a typing or grammatical error, your fanfiction (sorry, I don't read that much Sliders fanfic, does that make me hypocritical?) is probably pretty good. I'll be sure to read and send you feedback in future. Thanks for getting this out in the open, dellyone!


Original URL
Nominated by dellyone


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