more Sliders on SciFi?
Date: 07/19/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
This is too big to get burried as a reply:
August and September marathons
Date: 07/19/2001
From: DoctorFaust
Now the August and September marathons
are gone from the schedule!
Something funky is going on...
My reply:
Any chance they lost the rights?
Date: 07/19/2001
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
I seem to recall that there was some confusion as to when SciFi's rights
to the reruns expires. Could they have scheduled the marathons expecting
the rights to be renewed, then had to pull them when they weren't renewed?

Date: 07/19/2001
From: QBall79
If Sci-Fi's license has expired, now might be the time to start petitioning
other networks to pick up the show.
TNN has been buying up the rights to many canceled shows, including
Star Trek and other Sci-Fi stuff. Sliders would fit right in.
TNT does the same thing with canceled shows like "The Pretender,"
and what's more, they occasionally make telefilms out of them.
Just some food for thought as we await word from someone (probably
TemporalFlux) on what the deal is. I'd call myself if I could make LD
calls during business hours.

would get the rights?
Date: 07/19/2001
From: ThomasMalthus
If Sci-Fi lost them, who would get the rights to show "Sliders"?
Is there any chance that the new owners would make it easier for a feature
film, a TV movie or a new series to be made?

Date: 07/19/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan
I had checked the schedulebot late last night/early this morning and
both the August and September marathons were on there.
If SciFi did lose the rights, don't expect any official news. They
lost the rights to Highlander: The Series last year, pulled it off the
schedule and never informed anyone that they had lost rights to show
it. An email campaign months later by the fans uncovered the truth.

Date: 07/19/2001
From: TemporalFlux
Sci-Fi losing the rights is the only reasoning I can put behind these
abrupt changes. There had been some confusion, but several sources from
Sci-Fi had told me in the past that the rights to Sliders ran out this
June. Several others said they ran out next June. After seeing Sliders
on the schedule beyond June of this year, I readily assumed the cut
off date was next year...
The issue with this, however, is with the production companies. Unlike
Highlander, Sliders is a Universal produced show. Universal holds the
ultimate rights in Sliders. As such, it would end up on Sci-Fi by default
if no one else bought it. Pay close attention to how many Universal
shows are on and have been on Sci-Fi if you don't understand what I
mean. So the larger question would not be if Sci-Fi lost rights, but
instead...who bought them?
If no one had purchased the rights, I have been led to believe it would
just stay on Sci-Fi at least in their reserves. All of these signs,
however, are pointing to the fact that Sci-Fi has completely lost the
rights meaning they can't air it. So someone else would have already
had to buy the rights to Sliders to cause this. With Highlander, the
rights belonged to someone else and Universal didn't have control beyond
a contract expiration date...with Sliders, Universal is the group that
all the rights revert to when the contract runs out. It's two separate
I'll be looking into it further to see what I can find out. All of
the above is just based on my past conversations with people in the
business and my knowledge of how it works. Keep an eye out on other
channels, though...we may see a scheduling notice posted for Sliders
reruns to begin airing. TNN would be a good prospect with Next Gen reruns
already debuting in October...

Date: 07/19/2001
From: MissingSliderRyan

That mean the BBoard gone too?
Date: 07/19/2001
From: Grizzlor
Well, unlike some of you, I feel we may be jumping the gun. Perhaps
Sci-Fi's idiots who run the thing don't want Sliders to air AT ALL.
On the other hand, Tempflux's old June date may in fact BE TRUE! If
so, I would also think that TNN might be a possiblity, or USA itself.
I can't believe SCi-fi won't say anything about what they're doing.
Obviously, I will not speculate on the future of the show until I know
for sure what the hell is going on
If Scifi truly has lost the rights, that means all their internet related
material would be gone also, yes????
That means the old files of those goofy S4 online slide would be gone
(which is the only unique thing of value to this website), and even
the BBOARD!!!!!!! Could it be gone too? Somebody try to find that out

true irony...
Date: 07/19/2001
From: Recall317 that when they're finally getting to the good episodes, they pull
the plug.
I haven't seen the "Guardian" since it originally aired and
yet I've seen "Slide Like an Egyptian" six times...the horror...

and site will not be gone
Date: 07/19/2001
From: TemporalFlux
I really get tired of going over this and over this and over this. It
has been brought up multiple times in the past, and I am quite sure
Griz is one of the ones who brought it up at least one of those past
times. Each time it has been explained...but apparently the explanation
is not worth reading or either it's more fun to immediately jump to
thoughts of doom and gloom. I don't know.
Sci-Fi does not delete things just because they lose the rights. From
what I've seen, Sci-Fi just doesn't delete *anything* in the area of
websites for shows. The Sci-Fi Beauty and the Beast site is still up:
Even though Sci-Fi lost the rights to the Odyssey Channel a few years
The Deep Water Black (Mission: Genesis) site is still up:
Even though it has not aired since 1998. *Even* that Bboard is still
The Welcome to Paradox site is still up...even though *that* hasn't
aired since 1998:
And even *that* bulletin board is still safely on the web:
In the past, the policy has been that boards do disappear if they haven't
had activity for 6 months (I think that's the time - but Sci-Fi hasn't
even been deleting stuff from the boards for regular maintaince in probably
close to a year). So as long as someone is posting here, we should be
in absolutely no danger.
I really hope this is the last time I have to explain this...but I
feel quite certain it won't be.
Still working on information for what has happened...

don't believe in goodbyes"
Date: 07/19/2001
From: The_Seer

don't believe in goodbyes" (repost)
Date: 07/19/2001
From: The_Seer

previous 2 posts
Date: 07/19/2001
From: The_Seer

Its starting ALREADY!
Date: 07/20/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Theyre deleting The_Seers post!!!!!!!
Bonus TIP:If you dont see this post then the TIP has become just
another victim!!!!!!!
Double Bonus TIP:Of course, the TIP is using the new invisible font
- it will only appear when you open your eyes - isnt that amazing!!!!!!!!
Mirror TIP:Objects in post may not appear!!!!!!!!
Bumper sticker TIP:If you can read this post you are too far away!!!!!

TF, Ive got a question
Date: 07/20/2001
From: TheIrrelevantPoster
TIP:Will this BBoard and site be gone when SciFi loses the rights to
Sliders???????????????? :)

NOW I'm mad!
Date: 07/20/2001
From: TimeFluxEMC2
I dont even get to watch Sliders very often because I dont have the
SFC. And now they are getting rid of the entire show? Therefore resulting
in me having to buy episodes recorded by fans on eBay? That is just
Thanks for the #, TF. I'm gonna call and raise Hell. I'm not one of
those insane SciFi fans... I'm much worse. I have been dealing with
people like SFC for years. First it was Power Rangers (Yes, I actually
liked the show). They took what was once a good show and ruined it.
Then Sliders. Same thing. Now they're moving BTVS to UPN. And now, I
found out that 7 Days isnt on UPNs fall schedual. And finally, I find
out that reruns of Sliders wont be on the SFC for at least a month.
Maybe longer, depending on if its really gone. The SFC has gotten away
with way too much over the past few years. That must end now and they
must pay for their mistakes.
My advise is that when and if any of you call the SFC, dont put on an
act and act all nice. Let them know what you really think of them. The
worst that will happen is that they might hang up on you. If that happens,
just call again. And again, and again, and again. Until they break and
give in to what thier viewers want. Everyone has a breaking point. And
I'm pretty good at annoying someone so much that they will give me what
I want just so I'll shut up. But of course, thats with just one person.
I'm good at what I do, but not that good. I cant fight an entire company
by myself.
If you've read this far, then your either bored out of your mind or
you are also tired of SFC's crap and want to do something about it.

Date: 07/20/2001
From: SlidersRocks
I was wondering if anyone here knew if Sliders has indeed expired its
contract for sure. And if it has we need to write to Universal for them
to think about doing a movie. If they renew with scifi again were gonna
have a longer wait if a movie is ever to be done. Any one else have
any other ideas.

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