Hi, I'm new to the board

Date: 1/13/99
From: Dorky

Hi, I'm new to the board, I hope everyone with like me, but I came here to ask, if anyone knew anything of Timecop, the TV show that was canceled, I hope anyone will help. Bye

welcome and...

Date: 1/13/99
From: Slider_Sarah

...the only thing I know about Timecop is that they used the sets in "Slidecage"



Date: 1/13/99
From: RealRealSlider

Go screw yourself Dorky!!!! I know who you really are you scumbag!!!!!!!

Welcome to the board, Dorky!!! [end]

Date: 1/13/99
From: QBall79


Welcome !

Date: 1/14/99
From: 1013shan

Welcome..you'll find a great group of people here -- someone will be able to answer your questions.As for me, I never really watched Timecop..so maybe the next person will know. Well, I just wanted to welcome you and I hope to see some posts with your name on them..



Welcome and Timecop cancellation

Date: 1/14/99
From: sliderb

Welcome to the board. From what I've heard, Timecop's fate was due to the fact that it's ratings were really low.

Original URL http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/3936
Nominated by Blinker


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