WWYC • Gillian of the Spirits
Date: 01/22/2004
From: Recall317
In Gillian of the Spirits, a lightning bolt hits the vortex and slides Quinn into the astral plane. As fate would have it, the America they arrive in fears technology, and the remaining Sliders are forced to try and repair a fried timer with vacuum tubes. Fortunately, they have Gillian.
What would you change about this story? Play as yourself, a cast or production member, or meddling executive.
Fox Executive: We got all excited about this one when we saw a note about a nudity world. Finally, the producers were playing to our audience! Then we see the final cut and we don't even get an ass shot. What a ripoff!
David Peckinpah: [CENSORED]*
Big Energy Executive: I object to the way Bayside Power and Electric was depicted in this episode. We prefer to make our money by price gauging and corporate welfare, not by petty theft!
*Peckinpah's entire comment was edited out of respect for common decency.
David: Oh! I thought you said "ass"tral plane. . .

Date: 01/22/2004
I know the female fans would hate me for this, but I would alter it so they don't get the timer back, thus leaving Quinn permamently stranded on the astral plane.

Gushie, get me out of here!
Date: 01/23/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT is the Evil Leaper.............
I would have wanted a more 1950s feel... play on the 'Back To the Future' theme or better yet 'Quantum Leap.' Sam always got the chicks except when he was playing a chick. I think this episode needed a hotter looking chick. Get that 'Remote Control' chick! We can make her a relative of Sam Beckett since 'Sliders' is a time travel show too! We should have renamed it also...
Hey, I can't top the "ass"tral plane joke. :-)

Counterpoint to Buckeye's suggestion...
Date: 01/27/2004
I think Quinn *should* have rematerialized... exactly as he was sticking his face into that purse. JOC would be happy (as he'd never have to open his eyes again), Rembrandt would be happy (as the role of treasurer he failed so dismally at in "Invasion" would quickly move to the most qualified Slider), and continuity-minded viewers would be happy (as Wade would finally have a believable place to stash her diary no matter how skimpy the group's clothes get.)
Okay, not *too* believable, but more believable than "Stoker."
Moral of the story: you think it's embarrassing holding onto your wife's handbag for a minute, well just you try walking around with the thing permanently embedded in your cranium.
- Blinker 7:-/

I dunno Blinker...
Date: 01/29/2004
As funny as your scenario would be at first, (Imagine all the stares Quinn would get from people walking by), I bet the other sliders would eventually decide to free him from that portable prison.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067602
Nominated by Blinker
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