What Would You Change • State of the ART
Date: 02/23/2004
From: SynthIA
• PhantomDennis wins a blue collar sweater! As in an article of clothing, not a construction worker!
• Recall317 wins David Bowie's duet with Snoop Doggy Dogg, "Bowie Wowie!"
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins a "Real Ghostbusters" pair of rubber boots! "DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!™"
• ThomasMalthus wins Freddie "BoomBoom Pit" Fredricks' autograph!
• Callie21V (RG: Prince of Slides) wins the keys to the General Lee! ...HEY! No one said you could drive it.
So what would YOU change about "State of the ART?"
I'd have Remmy take Quinn up on his invitation to hold the wires together. He doesn't get electrocuted *nearly* often enough this season.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

State of the HEART
Date: 02/23/2004
Beginning Text must be DESTROYED!
I would make DEREC a Ryan-like legitimate love interest for Wade, complete with accompanying the sliders to the next world. Because there also weren't enough off the wall things happening to our Miss Welles in this season.
Wade: DEREC just left. He couldn't accept that I didn't want to be with him. <silent beat> I probably should have told him that they lynch robots here.

Domo Arigoto
Date: 02/23/2004
Have Rembrandt teach the Robot's rhythym and lead them in a rounsing version, of Styx "Mr. Roboto", because he doesn't nearly sing enough this season.
And continuing the theme have one of the Robots resemble an old flame, because that hasn't happen enough this season.

State of the A.R.T.: Unplugged!
Date: 02/23/2004
From: Grizzlor
Had this been season 1 or 2, Deric and Erica/Shauna would have been played by people who could act, and not just look good. These two were so bad......And Robert Englund, a very underappreciated fantasy actor, was given a miserably bad character. State of the ART was part of the new Peckinpah Sliders, where EVERY episode had a good friend of the Sliders, and a really nasty villain. How childish!
I would have made Englund the good guy. He is the lone human scientist amongst a world overrun by Robots. He was able to reprogram some robots, Deric and Erica. They are good, the others are bad. His problem? It takes too long to reprogram the robots for a more human personality. He needs the Sliders' personalities in order to keep his work alive. They oblige. Wade has her moments with Deric. Erica is killed. Realizing they are almost out of time, Quinn, Arturo and Aldohn devise a virus that will knock out the robots. Doesn't this sound like the Matrix? In the end, Aldohn says that now the robots have been neutralized enough for him to have more time. He and Deric and the new Erica, Shauna, can now round up the bad robots and help them. Also, Aldohn is NOT a robot!

I wouldn't change ERICA
Date: 02/23/2004
From: Recall317
You can't mess with perfection.
I'd have added more robots. Lots and lots of robots. It wouldn't even cost all that much more, because they'd be robots acting like humans. We could hire humans to play robots playing humans. Genius!
Seriously, this world is just way too empty. What are the robots doing? Playing pictionary?

A different Idea
Date: 02/24/2004
While I like Robert Englund, I think this episode could be improved by replacing him. With whom?
Well keep in mind, in the show's first season, they sometimes relied on one of the regulars to play the villain of the week.
If the Professor could be a Soviet Commandant or the Sherrif of Nottingham. Why not a Robot Bullder.
Then we could call the episode "State of the Arturo".
In fact, why not end with the Sliders jumping through the portal and we see the Arturo double yelling "Oh my God!" leaving a 1 in 3 chance that Golden Gate Arturo is alive.

Here's a change...
Date: 02/24/2004
From: sliderules
...even BT would approve of! Well, sort of.
I would change the color of the sky to red, in order to give that world the fresh apocolyptic glow only red can achieve.

o/`Make that change o/`
Date: 03/12/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT do you like Freddy Kruger?
MULDER: Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? (falsetto) Shaft! Can you dig it? They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother ... (falsetto) Shut your mouth! Talkin' 'bout Shaft.
~~~ 'Bad Blood'
How about Quinn singing something else? Better yet, not sing. Unfortunately, we hear him sing once again as Brit Rocker Quinn.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067724
Nominated by Blinker
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