What Would You Change The Last of Eden
Date: 03/06/2004
From: SynthIA
PhantomDennis wins a room w/ an ExpressVu satellite hookup!
Recall317 wins a lot of money at the track!
ThomasMalthus wins "Griffine and Sabine: the Enchanted Extrasensory Colouring Book for Mystical Soulmates Aged 3 and Up!"
DieselMickeyDolenz wins nude-JRD-sensitive sunglasses!
sliderules wins the equally improved Adam West version of "Mother and Child"!
Callie21V wins a Slinkyฎ!
Ah, Josef Anderson... we hardly knew the worlds ye came up with, because ye never imbued them with any damn alternate history. Even next to his talking fireballs and wildly inconsistent vampire mythos, though, this one stands out for sheer random strangeness. What did he do, read "The Time Machine," eat twenty pizzas, and write down his dreams?
But we're here to play "What Would You Change?," and my response involves taking advantage of the airdate delay by replacing the ending. Now I realize the whole "flashback" thing was a last-minute fix, but it couldn't have been too hard to film a followup scene where Wade reacts to the revelation that Arturo was already dying. This potentially excellent scene would almost *justify* holding back "Last of Eden"... and it's not like anyone would miss the existing conclusion, which (a) doesn't resolve anything anyway and (b) constitutes a POV error since Wade and Rembrandt couldn't possibly be narrating it to each other.
As it is, both the beginning *and* ending feel pointless. A shame.
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Memories are Made of This
Date: 03/07/2004
I'd have Wade and Rembrandt reminisce that after Azure Gate World, they and Quinnattempted to trip up Arturo with false Diary entries, and were satisfied that he was the right one, thus closing Which Arturo Slid once and for all.

Date: 03/07/2004
'Lo. .
What would I change? Skip the ending and replace it with a scene of Maggie waking up back on the planet where her people were re-located.
Maggie: "Damn, not again."
Maggie's Roommate: "Still dreaming about the Sliders?"
Maggie: "Yeah. Sometimes, I wish I'd gone with them."
Roommate: "Well, I'm glad you honored your commitment to your own people instead of taking off on some sort of revenge spree."
Maggie: "I dunno. If that Professor Arturo had died, too, maybe I would've joined them, but they didn't need a fifth wheel and they weren't interested in seeking Rickman."
Roomate: "Suck it up, Captain. It's your turn to spread the manure to fertilize the crops."
* * * *
<sigh> I can dream, can't I? ;-p
~ JTHeyman
"Wade Wells Lives!"

More elephants
Date: 03/07/2004
From: Recall317
and clowns.
Oops. Wrong circus.
Most of my changes would be cosmetic. Shift some dates around, make Wade's fall below a little safer, remove a few planets from orbit...nothing major.

Actually may not have been Time Machine
Date: 03/07/2004
From: Grizzlor
Spacetime found some book or something that seemed to follow it more closely. However, I think the writers were probably trying to spoof The Time Machine.

Date: 03/08/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Is it too freakin' much to ask for just a little logic to be applied when writing a story? Ugh.
Barring that, I'd just have mentioned that it was, in fact, Microsoft that was responsible for the demise of the 'Janeers'.

The Girl, The Gold Watch and Everything
Date: 03/08/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't like old TV movies.
Increase the time that Remmy and Arturo were eating to save us from the rest of the episode.
BTW was this the eppy with Arturo's watching showing one time then the next time they show it's about 30 minutes later even though it was only a couple of minutes?

Ooooh, I think I know this one ...
Date: 03/08/2004
From: LiquidSunshine
I would get rid of the baby. That was just silly.

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Nominated by Blinker
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